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Gov. McCleary appoints David Morris as Commissioner of Police

In a move that does not come as any surprise, the controversial United Kingdom appointed Governor William B. McCleary has appointed David Morris (in picture) as the Commissioner of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF). Photo: VINO/File
The then acting Police Commissioner Morris always had the strong support of Governor William B. McCleary (in picture) and was expected to be appointed Commissioner of Police even while there are locals who can hold the post, according to many in the community. Photo: VINO/File
The then acting Police Commissioner Morris always had the strong support of Governor William B. McCleary (in picture) and was expected to be appointed Commissioner of Police even while there are locals who can hold the post, according to many in the community. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In a move that does not come as any surprise, the controversial United Kingdom appointed Governor William B. McCleary has appointed David Morris as the Commissioner of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

This information was made public via a press release issued by Government Information Service (GIS) today, July 26, 2013.

“Governor Boyd McCleary CMG CVO, acting in accordance with Sections 97(1) and 97(2) of the Virgin Islands Constitution, has appointed Mr. David Morris as Commissioner of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.  The appointment will take effect on 1 September 2013,” the press release stated.

According to the same release, Premier, Dr the Honourable D Orlando Smith has welcomed the appointment, noting that “it has the full support of the National Security Council, on which I and the Deputy Premier sit.”

It also quoted the Premier as saying that “the National Security Council commended Mr Morris’ role as Deputy Commissioner and Acting Commissioner in developing a new strategic direction for the RVIPF and in building public trust and confidence in the police.”  

Both Morris & McCleary are controversial figures in the VI

Since taking office as Deputy Commissioner of Police and then Acting Commissioner, Mr Morris came under fire for many unpopular decisions he made. He instituted a controversial exam, which is the subject of speculation about its motives. His claim is to test officers for promotion. It is unknown if he, as the then Deputy Commissioner, had to take an exam before taking up his own job in the Virgin Islands.

Both UK nationals, Governor McCleary and Ag. Commissioner Morris, have caused much controversy as Governor and Acting Police Commissioner. The Governor has been consistently accused of not been committed to good governance, law, and order for his alleged blatant violation of the Virgin Islands Constitution.

Both Morris and McCleary are facing many court cases brought on by fellow police officers, ordinary citizens, and civil servants, ranging from alleged rights violation, violation of the constitution, challenge of decisions made by them under their powers, and unfair dismissals.

Mr Morris always had the strong support of Governor McCleary and was expected to be appointed Commissioner of Police even while there are locals who can hold the post, according to many in the community.

Many have said race may have been a big factor in both their decision making. The UK appointed Governor McCleary told a radio show that he is not a racist while Morris told a TV talk show on CBN channel 51 that he is “not white”.

28 Responses to “Gov. McCleary appoints David Morris as Commissioner of Police”

  • kkk (26/07/2013, 17:58) Like (7) Dislike (19) Reply
    no surprise here these jobs are for the UK w men
    • chad (26/07/2013, 18:27) Like (6) Dislike (23) Reply
      Yes, while in other jobs, locals are either being sent home or frustrated. Great nation building guys!!!
  • student (26/07/2013, 18:24) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr Premier it should "on which the Deputy Premier and I sit" and we are trying to get educatino moving higher. Proper english boss.
  • Disinterested (26/07/2013, 18:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    It is not surprising that Morris is the new Comish. His promotion was in the offing since no one at the time in neither the RVIVF nor indeed the region was qualified to for selection to Dep Comish. How insulting! But it was a plan that locals were led off the cliff as blind sheep on. It was simple. If one was not qualified for Dep Comish, one could not by any stretch of the imagination be qualified for Comish.

    Look no further than Vere Brown, current Comish of Antigua and Barbuda and a former member of the RVIPF, for evidence of the scheme. He was not qualified to be Dep Comish. Please!
    It was an insulting, disrespecting and belittling, and self-hating scheme that locals was an accomplice to. Locals are responsible for this comical and embarrassing turn of events. They have bought in hook, line and sinker to the old, tired an disproved notion that locals cannot lead and others must be brought in to save them from themselves. The more things change the more they stay the same. Locals were conditioned that they were inferior to others and they are still acting the part.

    Locals are the only group that hate on its own and prefers anyone else over promoting locals; they deserve the embarrassing treatment. Every other group embraces their own and promotes them. Which local popo could go to Wales and leap frog over qualified Welsh officers? None.

    Former local Comishers Malone and Frazier are partially responsible for this situation. In my view, they failed miserably to recruit, train and retain “local” officers for the top job. The Governor run things; the Premier and his army are only figure heads. The Premier lacks the juice to influence any action. He is neither respected nor feared. He is treated similarly to how the Republicans treat Prez Obama.
    • Missing Link (27/07/2013, 10:33) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply

      You know full well if Mr Brown was appointed in BVI you would hear all kinda sh!t about island man this and that as he's from Antigua. You all will always find an angle to disagree and bitch about something. Myron is always labelled as an Antiguan even know people know full well he was born right here in BVI. They still push it as something bad, but they would accept Vere an Antiguan to lead their force? He did the right thing and head back to his home town where they appreciate him. BVI know nothing about appreciating anyone that's why they'll continue to suffer. Complaining and always wanting something for themselves and nobody else is their mantra. Straight hell in a mashup hand basket!

      • Shara Parlin (27/07/2013, 17:46) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
        This dude Morris is either brain dead or still living in the sixties, why do you think so many policemen are leaving the force and retiring? His appointment is yet another step backwards, people you need to work hard to rid the BVI of this government and these UK police officers.
  • ... (26/07/2013, 18:48) Like (12) Dislike (26) Reply
    This appointment smells of wrongdoing, when in fact there were locals and Caribbean nationals who could have done this job…UK corrupt racist system
  • great (26/07/2013, 19:30) Like (9) Dislike (15) Reply
    Hooray, that's a good move. Who vex stay vex.
  • True (26/07/2013, 19:38) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
    Fantastic appointment, best person got the job!
    • @ True (27/07/2013, 23:39) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      What a waste of the taxpayer's money once again by McCleary just appointing his unqualified pal
  • an opinion (26/07/2013, 19:43) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    In terms of law and order, it is essential to have an external, not related to anyone here, to have an unbiased,but professional person in that position. It is not an overseer, but someone who can see, without affiliations......
  • All the best (26/07/2013, 19:48) Like (10) Dislike (21) Reply
    Congratulations, you have and will continue to do a great job.
  • Locally made (26/07/2013, 20:02) Like (25) Dislike (11) Reply
    Best Choice as far as I am concern. Some of you only prefer to have people who you are affilliated or related to in the position to fulfill your corrupt needs.
    • An observer (27/07/2013, 06:38) Like (2) Dislike (19) Reply
      Now that can go both ways Locally made...("Some of you only prefer to have people who you are affiliated or related to in the position to fulfill your corrupt needs.")
  • what a pity (26/07/2013, 20:50) Like (8) Dislike (23) Reply
    Very bad news. He has not serve the BVI well and has harrass locals. His background in law enforcement is weak and he will not bring us balance!!!
  • Jolly Englishman (27/07/2013, 00:03) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well, we all know that merry olde England has always been a champion of human rights, stood up for the
    weak and defenseless, stood behind the 'little guy'....maybe that's why they kidnapped people for slavery,
    looked the other way for torture (if it helped their quarterly bank statement) and even established the US
    to superceed them in hypocrisy. Lock 'em up for even getting an iota of pleasure out of being alive - and
    protect the people who tend to bully other people. Jolly good show. Europeans are so cool....
  • too hot (27/07/2013, 08:27) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we need to bring in some expats to fix our roads, they are disgrace, before we consider an airport expansion we need to fix the roads, sewer , hospital, crime etc, etc.
  • Young professional (27/07/2013, 11:15) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply

    I am looking forward to when I retire to get a top job. The Government is a fool - forward never. Hope Smith and his bandwagon never get back in power. They are deceived by the cunning gov. M.... is only here for the money and perks that go with the job. Enjoy your retirement M.... - in parasite!!!

  • Hmmmm (27/07/2013, 17:02) Like (4) Dislike (14) Reply
    Whomever hate this decision, put it in your pipes and smoke it. That's the best decision that the Governor made. Why would you try to find another COP to fulfill the post when Morris has been doing the job for so many months in the absence of Fraser? Morris has been criticized for actions and decisions that he may have made, but show me one "legal" ruling that have gone against him? If there is any then show me as I stand corrected. Only the court of public opinion want to chastise him.
  • XOXO (27/07/2013, 18:17) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Two things will increase now crime and Morris salary!!
  • ABC (27/07/2013, 20:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    How come we are hearing about Olando Smith and Pickering and nothing about the Police Commission. They must have fallen asleep.
  • taxi (27/07/2013, 23:07) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is a wicked and wrong appointment
  • south africa (27/07/2013, 23:16) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    black police officers yu all better run for your life
  • I smell a rat (28/07/2013, 10:16) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hope this governor investigate why Morris getting an travel allowance and still has a government vehicle...This governor needs to be fair and transparent in his dealing in the BVI
  • Scene (20/02/2014, 17:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I've been watching scene after scene of this scenario and will now begin to comment....
  • Gladiator (26/10/2014, 02:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dave Morris is a top man. Let him do the job.

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