Fake or imitation? pick your choice
They may try, but reality can never be replaced: We are still in a hole, and still digging deeper, but these are facts that you already realize. However, getting 'Truth to the Youth' is harder when leaders appear so comfortable as they head in the wrong direction... Nonetheless, we have a sacred obligation to deliver the Message, because, using ignorance & denial as ladders, they will never free us, and if you doubt this, just close your eyes, and start walking.
I am neither saint nor prophet, and you may dislike the fact that my warnings come to pass, whether it’s about here, there, Trump, US, UK, High Courts, or whatsoever... There is no pleasure in knowing that our Country & World are in crisis, and Leaders may be Crooks, Hypocrites, & Criminals... I do not speak to make things happen, but with the hope that by being forewarned, we would prepare & prevent them.
Furthermore, the only reason we were born is to preserve the human race by helping one another, and when we fail to do so, we fail ourselves and humanity. Unfortunately, mankind is the only creature that kills for malice & pleasure, and not just for food or self-defense. We spend more on games of war than the practice of peace, so rather than plant food & provide shelter, we mass produce bombs & bullets.
Some may think that I am too harsh in calling a spade a spade, or calling out corruption as corruption, but we are not all that blind... We are seeing the UK break her own laws in trying to defend the War Crimes of Israel, and we are seeing US Courts, that we regarded as being sacred, fair & just, betray the public’s trust, and prove no more than seats of corruption in mishandling the Donald Trump's cases.
This progressive-oppressive mentality is manifested in the Middle East wars & trickledown conflicts all across the world. Furthermore, we know this, but we are conditioned to manufacture excuses & blame others for our failures, so, with a World in crisis, we distract the yyouth with doctrines of fantasy, as we program them to live in fear, on promises of dying in hope; meanwhile, progress zooms by without them.
We Name our Children before we know their Character:
Our people are being fooled at home & abroad, and no one really cares about fairness or justice, as long as their own greed is met. In this ‘New Information Generation’, old folks talk of young folks being the future, but they don’t really mean it... If they did, they would ensure that our children are fed truth, rather than being force-fed outdated laws & religions, like flat earth theories & talking snakes.
Somehow, we fail to recognize or realize that our protests against UK’s decisions mean nothing, since in Colonialism, Masters can make promises & threats, without caring about the results or solutions... UK sees no benefit in listening to us, about pushing Labour, Immigration, or any of her Civil Servants, into doing better... She seems to accept the reshuffling of department heads as her best stop-gap measure.
Guess she knows that the majority of our resident Workers & Consumers are Non-BV-Islanders, and they may already feel threatened, so if they carry a grudge, they will certainly not defend the BVI or its People... She also knows that Politicians lead from behind, and while they talk a good talk, they neither listen to, nor care about the needs of the People, since their real focus is just on being re-elected.
If by chance we get a crumb or bone in the process, they expect us to treat it like a royal feast, and if we fail to kiss-up, then, they call us ungrateful, and move on to find the next batch of Suckers... However, they do have some fear, because they are unsure whether COI Managers are Toothless Dogs, Raging Lions, or Slave Masters, and or, when they may decide to have a Politician or Department Head arrested.
Real Leaders know that what I am saying is true, and some are terrified because the paint is wearing off... Brexit and Windrush exposed UK’s underbelly, and without free or cheap Colonial Labour, their economy is crashing... That is why they were unable to deliver the Pre-election Tax Cut they promised, and they are reduced to following in the footsteps of America, as the Parent has now become the Child.
Sheep still call their Butcher, Friend & Master:
The things that I say, are real and doable, but we are programmed to be handicapped before & beyond our time... They condition us to cling to dreams of fantasy, rather than acquiring leaders who are willing & able to secure the proper policies & practices, via capable Staff within the relevant Departments and Ministries … None of this is Brain Surgery, but too many are trying their best to render it as impossible.
Meanwhile, we stand to lose our Properties, and our Freedom, and our History, until finally, we lose our Identity… US, African-Americans are already seeing their History being erased, and our Leaders are playing their part by destroying local Businesses, and alienating local ownership of Lands, including the Wickhams Cay Plots... Next will be our Identity, and a People without Identity, will simply cease to exist.
While we play retarded, there is that renewed mission to move us backwards to their ‘good old days’ of Slavery, and we conveniently ignore the warning signs... Thus, Israel & Allies are pushing us back into Biblical Tribal Wars, the UK is dragging us back into Colonialism with Brexit & Rwanda, and the US is pushing us back to Slavery with Trump, DeSantis, & Anti-Women Rights Laws... We are mere followers.
We are now so entrenched in conspiracies & confusion, that we accept evident lies... They convinced us that United Nations care so much about us, that they will confront the UK in our defense, when in fact, we are witnessing the impotence of the UN as regards Ukraine and the Middle East… We watch as Nations Veto of Block one another from even bringing important matters to the floor for consideration.
Think about it... Why should we believe that the UK is obliged to finance our Follies? – Just consider the example of 15-year-old Thomas, who earned his own money and supported himself... However, due to an indiscretion, he racked up a Bill that was far beyond his financial capability, and as a Dependent, his Parents were legally accountable and obliged to pay his bill… Such a situation, is what UK fears most.
Fool them & Rule them – Divide & Conquer:
Some say I should stop calling their Government ‘fake’, because they like us to think positively, and they believe in ‘forgiving & forgetting’... They are quite comfortable with us making the same mistakes over & over as if we are unable to learn from past experiences... They conveniently forgave & forgot the fact that UK threatened to pull the Constitution & cancel Elections unless crucial terms of the COI were met.
These were never met, but she tricked them by scaling back threats to the Constitution, on the excuse that they had made a Unity Government, from Salt & Pepper, and they were making the right Puppet sounds she liked to hear... Later, she flexed her muscles by calling their Government back in session, and letting them hang us with fake Elections that she knew would shatter their Prefab-government.
Today she’s back with the threats, and it’s painful to acknowledge, that even with all our Doctorates & Degrees, we never learnt Massa’s basic Trick of ‘Divide & Conquer’… Even as we freefall from bad to worse - with nothing being done for the People - we watch our Leaders focus on collecting more Money from us by any means necessary, rather than try to deliver Goods & Services... So, is this fake or what?
If we truly believe, ‘Monkey see & Monkey do’, then do we really believe that this increased Crime Rate for the past 20+ years is merely accidental?... Good Question... Maybe so; maybe no; just think about it.
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programs
11 Responses to “Fake or imitation? pick your choice”
are feeding at the trough with the spigot on, they are deliberately blind to everything going on around them, witnessing wrong, underperformance, nepotism, cronyism, preferential treatment, etc and choosing to look the other way. Nonetheless, when the spigot is turned off and the trough is empty, the same people find the road to Damascus, suddenly conveniently seeing the light. Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites!!, who are not true patriots. You cannot be a patriot only when you are reaping the sweets, for the you got to roll with punches, ie, good, bad, ugly. . Lessness, lessness, lessness.
are feeding at the trough with the spigot on, they are deliberately blind to everything going on around them, witnessing wrong, underperformance, nepotism, cronyism, preferential treatment, etc and choosing to look the other way. Nonetheless, when the spigot is turned off and the trough is empty, the same people find the road to Damascus, suddenly conveniently seeing the light. Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites!!, who are not true patriots. You cannot be a patriot only when you are reaping the sweets, for the you got to roll with punches, ie, good, bad, ugly. . Lessness, lessness, lessness.
Moreover, the VI suffers from lack of group effort. It seems as if each man or woman is for themselves. The Ant colony does better job at group effort than us..A single ant may find an item of food which may be too large for it to move. To move it,,it get the help of other members of the colony to work cooperatively, collaboratively, and collectively in moving the item. That is team work; we can learn from the Ants.