‘Elevator Hill’ got a bush cutting face lift!

Many residents have continued to complain about the poor state of the Territory’s roads and added to that is the lack of landscaping. Many legislators have gone from praising the Registration Apprenticeship Training Employment and Development (RATED) programme, the brainchild of Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), to criticising it.
Many agree it’s the only ‘game in town’ to provide residents with jobs, training, and apprenticeship, since the one-man Commission of Inquiry (CoI) imposed by the UK has set back the Territory for decades and made the people worse off.
Facelift for one small area
In the meantime, over the last two days, August 1 to 2, 2024, the area going up the steep hill going west before Nanny Cay has been cut and bush and debris taken away. Many residents in the area have praised the work and said there are still many secondary roads where the bush is higher than the cars or even pedestrians.
The Elevator Hill is located in District Three represented by Opposition Member and veteran legislator Hon Julian Fraser RA. The ruling Virgin Islands Party regime; however, has promised no district would be left behind and has moved swiftly in keeping that promise.
The cutting of the bushes in the area now means greater visibility for drivers and a sense of pride for the many residents who live in the immediate area and others who drive on the area’s roadway.
The RATED government-run programme was started in 2022 to provide jobs for residents, training and apprenticeship and to help clean up the Territory. Jobs do not only include cutting bush but work in offices and other community projects on a short-term basis.
The CoI has recommended against giving out petty contracts, claiming it was corrupt, and has now left many residents in near poverty.

21 Responses to “‘Elevator Hill’ got a bush cutting face lift!”
How can you improve the 'design' of that hill any better? Its the nature of the terrain. I cant think of what can be added or removed that can improve the hill. There is/was no "designing" involved in the hill. They worked with the terrain they found.
Anyway, on another note, its shameful that what should be part of basic road maintainance makes the headlines
Why the %$^& is this news? A couple feet of bush has been cut that the impact is invisible. Come on w on every %#$$ thing that is done in this place is done on a mediocre level. We need to do things with pride so we can admire it and feel good about the accompñishment. Can we look back and be proud of the road paving, of the bush cutting? NO. Nothing look finished.We are a set of prideless people. I say We are a set of prideless people because we don't hold the government accountable. And the government is mediocre at best and we let them do what they want, how they want without consequences. When are we going to get some balls and speak out and speak up????
They enjoying full accommodations health care and entertainment and is not required or requested to lift a finger.
We have come this far by faith leaning on the lord?