Drive-thru vaccination continues all week; 887 total jabs @ inaugural weekend

Originally planned for just July 17 and 18, 2021, that drive garnered some 887 total vaccinations for the two days, with a full breakdown of stats made available on the progress.
According to Premier Fahie, for day 1, July 17, 2021, of the initiative, some 357 persons received their first dose, while 75 persons received their second dose for a total of 432 total doses on Saturday.
Drive set for all week from 9:00am-5:00pm
Then on Sunday, July 18, 2021, Premier Fahie said more progress had been made and that it was 'encouraging' to have recorded 396 first dose vaccinations and 59 second doses for an overall total of 432 jabs on Sunday.
The total number of vaccinations on Saturday and Sunday at Festival Grounds was 753 first doses and 134 second doses.
As the territory has recorded another 3 deaths, taking the toll to 17 deaths as of July 18, 2021, authorities may be forecasting increased demand for vaccinations from those who were either undecided or previously planned to not take the vaccine at all.
“Operation Protect Each Other continues on the Festival Grounds all this week, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily,” Premier Fahie said in a statement while acknowledging the hard work of all who made the initiative a possibility.
On Friday, July 16, 2021, Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronald E. Georges warned that that the majority of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 and those who have died while infected with coronavirus are people who have underlying medical conditions such as obesity and chronic diseases.
Unvaccinated persons have also reportedly made up the majority of the COVID-19 hospitalisations and subsequent deaths.
Photo ID required to vaccinate
According to information released on the initiative, to get vaccinated, persons must be over the age of 18 and must have a valid photo identification such as a driver’s license or NHI card.
Persons are being encouraged to wear short sleeve tops and to not get out of their vehicles while at the venue. The project is being executed as part of a collaboration between the Government of the VI, Unicef, Rotary, BVI Red Cross, and the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) and other service volunteers.
After the jab, persons would have to park and wait for 15 minutes for observations. Provisions have also been made for walk-in vaccinations for persons without vehicles.

19 Responses to “Drive-thru vaccination continues all week; 887 total jabs @ inaugural weekend”
Anti-covid vaccines will not kill you, thought a small percent have experienced side effects. Resist death by choosen continue. Relying on Luck, chance, and feelings have no life sustaning power against this deadly virus, covid-19. Wise action couple with the anti-covid vaccine jabs do. Please, don't delay any longer. Exercise faith, but faith working wisdom is dead. Time is precious. Make good use of it, if possible, this day. The choice is yours. Blesssing or cursing. Life or death. Chose life and blessing.
God loves you with great ompassion, and I love you with His compassionate love.
Boy Hush Yuh Stupid @$$. Since you were small where you had no bomboclot say you were injected with a few vaccines and yuh been living a life thanks to your parents and the vaccines.. Stop promoting Bulls*** on these news page and social medias and on your BS radio platform like you some certified medical practitioner when you probably ain't self obtain a High School Diploma STOP IT!! The vaccines is a personal choice END OF STORY PERIOD!!
Waiting for an update please.