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Drive-thru vaccination continues all week; 887 total jabs @ inaugural weekend

- Premier lauds success of initiative as 'encouraging' to warrant more days
Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has indicated that as a result of the success of the ‘Operation Protect Each Other’ Drive-Through vaccination initiative over the weekend, it will continue for the rest of the week. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Premier Andrew A. Fahie has laud the success of initiative, specifically day two of vaccinations as as 'encouraging' to warrant more days. Photo: Team of Reporters
Premier Andrew A. Fahie has laud the success of initiative, specifically day two of vaccinations as as 'encouraging' to warrant more days. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has indicated that as a result of the success of the ‘Operation Protect Each Other’ Drive-Through vaccination initiative at Festival Grounds over the weekend, it will continue for the rest of the week.

Originally planned for just July 17 and 18, 2021, that drive garnered some 887 total vaccinations for the two days, with a full breakdown of stats made available on the progress.

According to Premier Fahie, for day 1, July 17, 2021, of the initiative, some 357 persons received their first dose, while 75 persons received their second dose for a total of 432 total doses on Saturday.

Drive set for all week from 9:00am-5:00pm

Then on Sunday, July 18, 2021, Premier Fahie said more progress had been made and that it was 'encouraging' to have recorded 396 first dose vaccinations and 59 second doses for an overall total of 432 jabs on Sunday.

The total number of vaccinations on Saturday and  Sunday at Festival Grounds was 753 first doses and 134 second doses.

As the territory has recorded another 3 deaths, taking the toll to 17 deaths as of July 18, 2021, authorities may be forecasting increased demand for vaccinations from those who were either undecided or previously planned to not take the vaccine at all.

“Operation Protect Each Other continues on the Festival Grounds all this week, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily,” Premier Fahie said in a statement while acknowledging the hard work of all who made the initiative a possibility.  

On Friday, July 16, 2021, Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronald E. Georges warned that that the majority of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 and those who have died while infected with coronavirus are people who have underlying medical conditions such as obesity and chronic diseases.

Unvaccinated persons have also reportedly made up the majority of the COVID-19 hospitalisations and subsequent deaths.

Photo ID required to vaccinate 

According to information released on the initiative, to get vaccinated, persons must be over the age of 18 and must have a valid photo identification such as a driver’s license or NHI card.

Persons are being encouraged to wear short sleeve tops and to not get out of their vehicles while at the venue. The project is being executed as part of a collaboration between the Government of the VI, Unicef, Rotary, BVI Red Cross, and the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) and other service volunteers.

After the jab, persons would have to park and wait for 15 minutes for observations. Provisions have also been made for walk-in vaccinations for persons without vehicles.

19 Responses to “Drive-thru vaccination continues all week; 887 total jabs @ inaugural weekend”

  • H*********** (19/07/2021, 08:08) Like (15) Dislike (53) Reply
    Still stupid people. People live and breathe to take foreign poisons in their body. Yet they fail to understand that cabal of the deep state has implanted whacky technology into the poison to keep us in servitude to them. While jah jah people is conscious to this, the masses has been like lemmings off a cliff. We will watch in meditation. Ras Tafari!
    • Rubber Duck (19/07/2021, 08:39) Like (28) Dislike (3) Reply
      Were you dropped on your head as a child?
      • hmm (19/07/2021, 21:49) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
        No, he wasnt dropped as a baby, the weed and other illegal drugs fried his/her brain as an adult
    • Ghost (19/07/2021, 08:55) Like (24) Dislike (8) Reply
      AMEN! AMEN!.. THANK YOU LORD.. People PLEASE IGNORE the ranting of this person speaking stupidness.. it’s persons like you with your foolish rhetoric that want to keep our country in this state and our people dying daily.. I REBUKE you and others in the Mighty Name of Jesus that’s trying to deter persons from receiving the gifts of the vaccines that God Has Given us to Help us in this pandemic. God is With All of when you take the 1st dose still be very vigilant as you’re not yet fully immunized and make sure keep your appt for your second dose.. remember it takes 2 weeks after the 2nd dose to be fully immunized .. (though fully immunized, don’t drop the ball-we keep doing the safety measures and we keep our Trust in God for our overall protection.)we’re all in this together and God Have Us!…
    • Ras Abeng (19/07/2021, 09:32) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      Blessed morning to everyone over on that side of the world. Reading from Ethiopia
    • A stupid person (19/07/2021, 09:43) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      So which option is the wisest: Live normally, play herbalist/self-doctor, contract + spread covid then possibly die because of how deadly covid is? If more people get vaccinated, then your theory can be proven in time as time reveals all things. However, it would be nice to join other countries around the world who are back in school, back in business, and have little to no covid. Yes, not everything the government says is moral. Yes, not everything the government says is true, but not everything we as man say is valid either since none of us are God. So at the end of the day, both vaccinated as well as unvaccinated have consequences. There are many ways for technology to enter our bodies or for world leaders to depopulate black nations. A vaccine would not be the last and would not be the only, So I don't see how not getting vaccinated stops the cycle of enslavement. We have not even dipped our feet in the water. Global vaccination is a mosquito bite compared to the prophecies that will unfold. Better hope we won't be the generation to pass through such things if we are this worked up about a shot!
      • Obserer (19/07/2021, 11:58) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
        I wonder why all of those who said that the vaccines were aimed at harming blacks, have not noticed that almost all the whites here have been vaxxed, and none have died. Same thing worldwide....the countries with the highest vaxx rates are the ones with the most resources, which happen to be primarily white, and their infection rates and death rates have plummeted. Open your eyes and discard disproved notions!
    • @H********* (19/07/2021, 10:54) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      Ok look like u end in ICU soon
    • wow (19/07/2021, 11:28) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
      Don’t mind the noise they’ll learn soon. Seems all good now cause they done instill fear in these people bout death and not telling the truth, how much have died since this vaccine give the ppl the real truth, paralysis, bleeding issues? Smh they all fall for this mess in their body and will most likely have to take booster shoots after.
      • Common Sense Ain't Common (19/07/2021, 21:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Show us the list of BVI people paralysed or with bleeding issues from the vaccine or shut up. We can all see the growing list of those dead from the virus. People like you and that crazy Burnett boy have blood on your hands.
    • FEO GOMEZ (20/07/2021, 08:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The real HBH don't even blog. This dude has made it! When you got powerful people mad and butt hurt until the need to create fake blogs. Means HBH is a massive success lol i love how his platform eats you miserable phks souls out!LOL
  • hmm (19/07/2021, 08:47) Like (9) Dislike (20) Reply
    Can’t wait till they tell the public that you’ll have to get monthly boosters shots. Wonder how the vaxxx will take it when they realize this will never end and it’s just the beginning
  • Critical Thinker (19/07/2021, 08:50) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Silent weapons for quiet wars
  • To the unvaccinated, please for yours and our own good, I urge you to exercise good judgment, Get vaccinate against covid-19 without delay. (19/07/2021, 09:07) Like (7) Dislike (12) Reply
    Thanks to those that have made a good choice, and got vaccinated, but the number is far to low
    Anti-covid vaccines will not kill you, thought a small percent have experienced side effects. Resist death by choosen continue. Relying on Luck, chance, and feelings have no life sustaning power against this deadly virus, covid-19. Wise action couple with the anti-covid vaccine jabs do. Please, don't delay any longer. Exercise faith, but faith working wisdom is dead. Time is precious. Make good use of it, if possible, this day. The choice is yours. Blesssing or cursing. Life or death. Chose life and blessing.
    God loves you with great ompassion, and I love you with His compassionate love.

  • To:Hbh Da Don (19/07/2021, 09:14) Like (22) Dislike (6) Reply

    Boy Hush Yuh Stupid @$$. Since you were small where you had no bomboclot say you were injected with a few vaccines and yuh been living a life thanks to your parents and the vaccines.. Stop promoting Bulls*** on these news page and social medias and on your BS radio platform like you some certified medical practitioner when you probably ain't self obtain a High School Diploma STOP IT!! The vaccines is a personal choice END OF STORY PERIOD!!

  • Children vaccine (19/07/2021, 10:42) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Would we be getting the children vaccines this week? Some of us not only want to be protected but want our children to be too.

    Waiting for an update please.

  • BREAKING NEWS (19/07/2021, 17:25) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Covid-19 kills Stupid
    • Wayne DEAD (20/07/2021, 08:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Breaking News is some breaking news for you dummy it doesn't. Your unhealthy lifestyle and preexisting conditions kill you. FOH B

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