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COVID-19: 'This is the new regular'- Premier Andrew A. Fahie

- says the Territory needs to adapt to the new order brought on by COVID-19
As the Virgin Islands transitions into yet another curfew period beginning Monday, April 27, 2020, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says if it wasn't for the strict lockdown measures, VI's 6 confirmed COVID-19 cases would have been much higher figure, with businesses now charged with a key role in prevent the spread of the virus. Photo: GIS/File
Earlier projections by the Epidemiology Unit in the Virgin Islands had said that some 89.8% of VI could be infected 'if COVID-19 goes unchecked,
Earlier projections by the Epidemiology Unit in the Virgin Islands had said that some 89.8% of VI could be infected 'if COVID-19 goes unchecked," according to Health Minister Carvin Malone. Photo: Facebook/File
Premier Fahie made the announcement is his new manifest called 'The New Regular' at the Government's latest April 24, 2020, COVID-19 address to the territory alongside Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone and Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) His Excellency Mr Augustus J. U. Jaspert. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Premier Fahie made the announcement is his new manifest called 'The New Regular' at the Government's latest April 24, 2020, COVID-19 address to the territory alongside Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone and Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) His Excellency Mr Augustus J. U. Jaspert. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - As the Virgin Islands (VI) transitions into yet another curfew period beginning Monday, April 27, 2020, from 6:01 am to 1:00 pm daily for the next 14 days, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says if it wasn't for the current strict lockdown measures, VI's confirmed COVID-19 cases would have been much higher.

The Territory has registered 6 confirmed cases, with 3 persons recovered, 1 death and 2 actives cases.

Issuing new mandates to businesses he said, "May I remind us all that if we had not implemented preventative measures, the then scientific data that was projected over this Territory to have just over 3,700 confirmed cases of COVID-19 would have now been our reality."

COVID-19 measures paying off 

Premier Fahie made the announcement under the theme 'The New Regular' during a COVID-19 update to the Territory on April 24, 2020, alongside Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) and Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI) His Excellency Mr Augustus J. U. Jaspert.

"Thanks be to God today this is not our reality. Why you may ask? Well for the simple reason that as a people we have been obeying the measures that are being communicated to us daily for all of our safety," the Premier said. 

Earlier projections by the  Epidemiology Unit in the Virgin Islands had said that some 89.8% of VI could be infected 'if COVID-19 goes unchecked," according to Health Minister Malone.

Premier Fahie affirmed that for the Territory to escape any projected realities, more will have to be done for the Virgin Islands to survive COVID-19, even as global economies are suffering an onslaught from the virus.

Businesses given new mandate 

Delving into his new COVID-19 manifesto, Hon Fahie said the 'The New Regular' is one where life will no longer be the same and said that if citizens are unwilling to follow the new rules to be part of society, then they must stay at home.

"This is a term that came in my spirit... and when we go out, we must be mindful that if we do not practice the new regular such as putting on a mask, standing 6 feet apart, we may take this virus back home to our loved ones."

For businesses, however, "The New Regular' will mean adhering to strict government guidelines to be able to serve customers. "They must be inspected, approved and certified in order to open on Monday. Regulations are being worked on to be approved and implemented," he said. 

According to the Premier, Businesses will now also be obligated to keep the staff and customers safe as much as possible by providing handwashing stations, hand sanitisers on the entrance, and cash passing must be sanitised (sprayed with Alcohol or similar agent) to ensure the health and safety of all.

"Business will not be the same unless we get a vaccine or cure. Simply put, this is the new regular," Premier Fahie noted. 

Economy boosting businesses only will operate 

He said over the next 14 days, only business activities that support the internal rebooting of our Territory’s economy will be allowed to operate and assured the public that the Government is not implementing such measures to make business activity difficult.

"We are doing these things to make it possible for necessary businesses to be able to operate in the new regular. Without these precautions, if we try to do things the old way, the risks will be very high."

As the Territory recorded yet another case of the dreaded COVID-19; marking 6 total infections to date, Premier Fahie said that the 'The New Regular' is one where strict measures will allow the Territory to mitigate and manage virus risks while allowing persons to conduct business in a safe environment.

He said, "businesses will operate between the hours of 6:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m. daily...This also means that businesses should ensure that their opening hours give allowance for their staff to report and leave work within the hours of the imposed curfew."

46 Responses to “COVID-19: 'This is the new regular'- Premier Andrew A. Fahie”

  • THANK U (25/04/2020, 07:47) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mr Premier under the present circumstance u are really trying.. I know u want to open up...I know their are lots of people who are anxious to go out to work and provide for their families...." But..."Situation dictate changes ". This is one of those situations... I will tell the people be patient a little longer, Stay safe, ...Normalcy will soon return..
    • @thank you (25/04/2020, 09:38) Like (124) Dislike (2) Reply
      Lol normalcy ? Lmao you better join the sheep’s in welcoming this new world order buh normalcy, the man just tell you this is your new regular
  • huh (25/04/2020, 07:55) Like (17) Dislike (45) Reply
    Keep the 24 hour lockdown until all of the confirmed cases are fully recovered. This new 7 hour policy is just asking for trouble.
    • ReX FeRal (25/04/2020, 14:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not of the dam police do what they have to do and people including you , respect themselves and the law of the land.
  • The Reaper (25/04/2020, 07:55) Like (60) Dislike (10) Reply
    The New World Order....The New BVI Order
    • The Reaper (25/04/2020, 09:23) Like (70) Dislike (2) Reply
      The new world order from a local, somebody had to sell us out smdh
    • @reaper (25/04/2020, 11:07) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      “We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent” - Paul Warburg

      Well they’ve achieved it, it’s just the first phase gonna get worst
    • @reaper (25/04/2020, 11:15) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      Most of our people refuse to wake up
    • @@Reaper (25/04/2020, 11:18) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      When you get brainwashed with the news everyday it’s hard to reach people because they’ll believe anyone else over you or common sense, our best bet is to just START smacking people who believe the news
    • @reaper (25/04/2020, 11:23) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is our future if we keep allowing this happen we gotta stand up, stop talking about it, and do something people. Don’t accept this NWO system
  • Lord o (25/04/2020, 08:13) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    We cant lockdown everytime we get a case.. Then if we ger a case every month we be lock down forever...We have 30 plus thousands people 4 cases... we have an economy to protect, we have our daily bread the financial industry to monitor , over look and grow, before they take it from us... Time to wise up, be courageous, be brave...
    • wow (25/04/2020, 09:51) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      You here worried about money instead of life. How backwards is that? There is no money to make or spend if you're in the grave. LIFE comes first.
      • BVI tourist (25/04/2020, 13:36) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
        People need to eat. People need to work. It's not life vs. money. It's life vs life. If you cripple your economy you will destroy more lives than you save from the virus. 98% of people recover from Covid. Is your government telling you this, or do you all believe Covid is a death sentence?
    • I'm in Agreement (25/04/2020, 18:46) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Lord you are spot on. Leadership is about accessing the situation and taking a stand. Closing the border early on was a good move. The tourist season was light so there wasn't many tourist on island, and possibly not from the crowded areas where there are many cases. Luckily the few cases we are aware of might be the only ones. At this fairly late stage of the game, given we have twice completed the usual 14-day incubation time Locked down, we would have had several more cases if there were more infected persons among us. We have a country to run and yes; lives to protect; but we cannot, given a mere trickle of infected and quarantined individuals among us, close down the country at the revelation of another person becoming ill. We are in a war as some describes it; but in a war it doesn't stop because a few soldiers lost their lives; the fight continues because of an overriding principle. First of all we need to realize our size and population and not compare ourselves to countries with much larger populations and densities; lexample New York, Italy and others. It is a mathematical fact that the larger the population, the greater greater the possibilities; like rolling Dice (~/\~). sooner or later you'll roll your point. Notice the patterns the Greater Antilles, (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Jamaica) with populations in the millions. Then notice the islands in the Lesser Antilles (Anguilla, Dominica, Grenada, St. Martin, Antigua, St. Vincent, Montserrat, Saba, St. Eustasia, Binaire +++). So its fair to say that BVIs won't be swarmed with hundreds of cases or numbers in the 30s, 40s 50s etc. Therefore while we need to be proactive, there isn't any need to panic. In New York, there are trains carrying as many persons as the population of Road Town, thus more persons in close proximity to each other; unlike the tiny numbers around here. Disclosure time: I supported the current government in the recent elections. Knowing the nature of politics and the fact that politicians are sometimes in "Campaign mode" and on alert for opportunities to shine, (like Jesus did feeding the thousands) and further tossing some "mullah" around, would this experience be remembered in an election or elections to come? Wondering minds like knowing. (~/\~)
  • Jergens (25/04/2020, 08:13) Like (39) Dislike (0) Reply
    I’m indeed happy to be partially free come Monday but wondering why not open from 6am-6pm? What will someone do within the seven hours to stop the community spread that they cannot do if the country opens for 12hrs?
    • NICK (25/04/2020, 09:11) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
      Our economy is already f....d for a while , so lets just beat this thing by being safe.
  • o (25/04/2020, 08:18) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    I Agree
  • Hate to say (25/04/2020, 08:22) Like (16) Dislike (7) Reply
    This is when the virus is going to spike.
  • Rick (25/04/2020, 08:24) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    Brainwashing starts! Telling us this is the new regular. Remember after Irma how many people died. STRESSED!
  • Leader Ship matters (25/04/2020, 08:25) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just dont listen to those people who benefit from the lock downs.. Think of the rest of us who r suffering.. who the lock down is imposing hard ship on...... ...Leadership does matter!!!
  • Leader Ship matters (25/04/2020, 08:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just dont listen to those people who benefit from the lock downs.. Think of the rest of us who r suffering.. who the lock down is imposing hard ship on...... ...Leadership does matter!!!
  • face it (25/04/2020, 08:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I personally 6 am to 1 pm kinda hard people will suffer how much can be done most people living pay check to pay check been months people out of job let be real yes there is a virus out there we all know that but you cant let people suffer open the curfew hours abit more so people can earn a decent day pay people already stressing with the 7% for money transfer but we cant have a raise of pay please look into this stuff we expect play a big part on the island dnt pressure us we have a home to go back to think about it hand dnt clap
  • Windy (25/04/2020, 09:18) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    “Economy boosting businesses only will operate” Don’t all businesses contribute to the economy ? I’ll even include drug running
  • Not All Businesses (25/04/2020, 09:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the Premier mentions businesses, it doesn't mean all businesses since he's referring to the Curfew Order:

    1. supermarkets which shall be open for the sole purpose of serving deliveries;

    2. pharmacies for the purpose of deliveries as approved; 

    3. water production and delivery services as approved; 

    4. gas stations, as may be authorised by the Governor, which shall be opened between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 12 noon, for the sole purpose of serving persons or class of persons specified in the Schedule to this Order, who are traveling to or from duty;

    5. persons employed as freight, courier and cargo distribution, who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    6. persons engaged to provide apostille and related statutory services, who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    7. persons employed in laundry services, who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    8. persons employed as media and broadcast providers, who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    9. persons engaged in bona fide farming agriculture or fisheries with urgent need to care for animals and persons offering veterinary services who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    10. persons engaged in commercial fishing between the hours of 6:00a.m and 12 noon, who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    11. persons employed in transportation services (providing transportation for essential and critical operations), who are on duty, when driving to or from duty;

    12. persons employed in supermarkets providing services to and for essential and critical operations, who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    13. persons employed at the health and emergency operations centre who are on duty, when traveling to or from duty;

    14. persons employed in the legal and financial services sector approved by the Governor to undertake specific and urgent legal and financial services transactions that cannot be carried out remotely or by electronic means, who are on duty, when travelling to or from duty; and 

    15. persons who are traveling en route to a port or airport as approved by Cabinet under the Immigration and Passport(Authorised Ports of Entry) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020, (without a detour) for the purpose of leaving the Territory. 

  • Why ? (25/04/2020, 09:22) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is it that every time a change is made in our house arrest an extra day or two gets added to our sentencing. ?
  • hmm (25/04/2020, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    I was enjoying the lockdown still getting paid by the Government. Lock the place back down
  • Hmm (25/04/2020, 09:29) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
    Them island people want it open to send them money down island
  • Yup (25/04/2020, 09:30) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    we can’t keep locking down everytime a new case comes out now if this continues to December or next year you expected us to remain in lockdown? We have our life’s to go on with but we just have to do it the right way. Practice social distancing etc. Once the borders remain close!!
  • NWO (25/04/2020, 09:32) Like (57) Dislike (7) Reply
    This guy let me down mehson I never thought one of our own would be pushing this New World Order agenda ! Boss if you think I going be follow the public with mask and gloves yuh lie and you ain’t one a we no more, you is officially a sellout, idc bout ayo likes and dislikes a lot of we know this is the new world order system same thing they did in 1914, trying to push an anti social agenda on the people with this fraud y’all call a virus, o rather die than follow ayo satanic system... got a special place for you in the fire pit
  • Conscious Society (25/04/2020, 09:35) Like (64) Dislike (5) Reply
    "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"
    -Thomas Jefferson

    I will not abide by your new world order tactics
    • dissapointed (25/04/2020, 12:04) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      Can any of the other Cabinets members stand up to Andrew Fahie and tell him what he is doing is wrong? So far far whatever he put in place is a big Red F ailure
      • TAKE A STAND! (25/04/2020, 19:55) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        @disappointed, Some consultancies don't come cheap. I couldn't believe how in this unusually critical time with "More questions than answers" every one in cabinet agreed to and succumbed to the "perceived" pressure and voted on the Decision to nail our fellow Caribbean brothers and sisters with the 7% Tax on the moneys being sent home to their families; at this time. I recall during Hon. Malone time in office (2007-2011) he often stood up to the big man at the time on the principle that he was elected to represent the people and not be a rubber stamp. If politicians on the same team are spineless they will operate mainly as "Place holders" and not be able to serve their constituents and country. God forbid it!
  • New Age Noah (25/04/2020, 09:41) Like (56) Dislike (5) Reply
    Lol crazy how people still commenting with their blindfolds on, y’all really can’t see what he’s doing or y’all just ignoring it ? This is your new regular, he fooled y’all off and set the stage for the new world order, damn I could see the stress Noah had convincing the people of the flood now because y’all the same type of blind and ignorant
  • Satanic Leadership (25/04/2020, 09:47) Like (54) Dislike (6) Reply
    Come on premier, you got the same script, same speech, same everything as these other governments, never thought you would be the one to push the new world order on your own people, buh this is gonna be our new regular, I know you have access to internet like the rest of us and there’s doctors calling this a fraud and waking people up but you rather push this satanic system on us.... will not abide never cared about people opinions and especially now that the BVI has reached this stage I definitely now will not abide by your satanic rules, tell the guys who really pulling the string to KISS My Aaasss
  • It’s a setup NWO (25/04/2020, 09:54) Like (53) Dislike (9) Reply
    Welcome to the New world order, the police state where they now program the people into normalizing martial tactics, what you think social distancing is really about ? Or you just doing it because a doctor, scientist, government told you too ? Don’t be a sheep same tactics over and over again they did it in the 1900’s but because no one reads they pulled it off again

    “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they rebel they cannot become conscious” - George Orwell
  • end game (25/04/2020, 10:00) Like (58) Dislike (2) Reply
    New regular - New world order, who y’all really think running the show ? You think it’s your local man still ? You think he running the show with the navy ships out at sea ? Helicopters flying over head, y’all got a rude awakening ahead, welcome to the new age and don’t forget to practice your social distancing country full a sheep’s can’t wake up for ntn teaching you martial law tactics and you don’t even know it, just willing accepting the new world order, people so dumbed down but as the great book said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” don’t be one of those people, read between the lines
  • ABC (25/04/2020, 11:17) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
    Andrew you are doing your best and we support you
  • Chrome- (25/04/2020, 11:23) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The NEW REGULAR! NEW REGULAR! Why don't these guys have a press conference? Why does the Premier think what he's doing is right? NEW REGULAR!
    • @ Chrome- (25/04/2020, 11:49) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      He got a boss to answer to and an agenda to push
    • hide & seek (25/04/2020, 16:13) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      It’s press conference time. We have questions VIP government. You can’t hide behind these Lives forever. And if is unacceptable for the Premier to be on a St Thomas radio show this past Monday being accessible to the St Thomians only. In his BVI, the people have real questions and concerns that require answers. Was the VIP elected by the St Thomians alone? Just asking.
  • Stuck visitor (25/04/2020, 12:08) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Well then if this is a new norm as soon as I can get out I’m gone, never to return. Bye bye tourism. All this has brought out the true “Nature’s Little Secret “ it isn’t pretty. A Banana Republic.
  • A Concern (25/04/2020, 12:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those of us who have graciously stepped aside and allowed who we hope are the needy to apply for and receive care packages from the government, are now at a serious disadvantage.

    Having scraped our cupboards clean, and now hearing that we will be let out from Monday to shop, will the shopping be rolled out in a controlled and orderly manner? The essential workers have already been allowed three days to shop; the needy and the greedy have already received plenty of food and basic supplies from multiple sources. Now, will we have to be like a pack of crazy ants crawling out of an angry anthill, having to face the multitude to stock up?

    If not properly addressed, even with face masks, this will be an invitation for mass infection. I ask the authorities to please look into this concern urgently. Thank you.
  • Stalin (25/04/2020, 14:18) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    All this amounts to is a communist style takeover. A new norm as the Premier puts it
  • S.sammy (25/04/2020, 21:31) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    First of all like it or not Ain't No Damn Virus. It was all a plan to start this new agenda. Every single year a virus circulate the world nothing new . But what's new would be the laws they implement upon us. From last week I said we are far down a chain of following commands it's only a matter of time befor they lay it out to us. Fahie coming like CNN and msnbc and all the other big dog media house. They put your favorite artist or actor or athletes to make it seem real so much of yall have idols and what y'all idols say y'all do , blind dumb down people
  • willie t (26/04/2020, 14:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I partially agree with some of this conspiracy talk. I'm certain this was a ploy by the Chinese possibly to destroy the booming economy President Trump and the American economy has bee enjoying for over three years. They tried Trumping up charges for impeachment and failed miserably. They cannot pitch up a viable (nor coherent) Democrat candidate to even give President Trump a race in 2020. This was all a ploy to destroy the U. S. economy (and President Trump) that exploded. And we in the Virgin Islands are just collateral damage. Great job managing Premier. But please let's be sensible and not jump through our a$$e$ everytime somebody gets sick.
  • willie t (26/04/2020, 20:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Masks? Isn't that what criminals wear to hide their identity? Are you sure that's such a great idea?

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