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CoP finally answers leaked email on request to conceal & destroy evidence

A leaked email circulating on social media over the past two months written by Commissioner of Police (CoP) Mark Collins in 2021 to Deputy Commissioner St Clair Amory was addressed by the CoP today, October 12, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
It was in June 2022, when Mr Mark Collins, right, came under fire from the public after he released what many described as a racist and disturbing video of the Territory where it was depicted as a crime infested jurisdiction and a narco state. He claimed the video was a recruiting tool; however, he faced no sanctions, as he was pardoned by Governor John J. Rankin, left. Photo: Facebook
It was in June 2022, when Mr Mark Collins, right, came under fire from the public after he released what many described as a racist and disturbing video of the Territory where it was depicted as a crime infested jurisdiction and a narco state. He claimed the video was a recruiting tool; however, he faced no sanctions, as he was pardoned by Governor John J. Rankin, left. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A leaked email circulating on social media over the past two months written by Commissioner of Police (CoP) Mark Collins in 2021 to Deputy Commissioner St Clair Amory has been addressed.

Destroy evidence- Mark Collins

The email by the Commissioner concerned the arrest and charging of an Inspector and Mr Collins was updating Mr Amory on the case. The CoP said that he had a discussion with the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) and the arrest matter had been discontinued.

In his email, he noted that there were “some issues with the arrest and process” and there “maybe video footage of the incident which would not have been used in evidence and should be destroyed”.

According to law, it’s a crime to destroy evidence.

However, it’s our newsroom’s understanding that the case has not been discontinued and the officer, now retired, was in court this month.

Mr Collins in his email stated that “to date this footage has not been in the public domain and it should not be disclosed”.

He also noted that if the video footage was released in the public domain, “there will be a PSD [Professional Standards Department] investigation.” Mr Collins stated in the same email that, “I am not aware who is in possession of such material but as Acting Dep and Officer in the case at the time I am seeking your support.”

Internal matter- Collins

Today, Thursday, October 12, 2023, at a press conference with his boss Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and Premier and Minister of Finance  Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Mr Collins claimed that it was “an internal matter” and that he has “nothing to hide.” He said it was a matter between "two officers and I am aware of the leaked email."

"I will be very clear, it was not evidence related to a particular case. It was between two individual officers, one who threatened to release something about another officer, and I told him not to do it and if he did do it there would be an investigation."

The public; however, still remains confused about Collins' answer today and whether a police commissioner was advocating the concealing and destroying of evidence, even if this evidence will not be used in a court matter.

It was in June 2022, when Mr Collins came under fire from the public after he released what many described as a racist and disturbing video of the Territory where it was depicted as a crime-infested jurisdiction and a narco-state. He claimed the video was a recruiting tool; however, he faced no sanctions as his pal Governor Rankin told the media he pardoned him and accepted his apology.

28 Responses to “CoP finally answers leaked email on request to conceal & destroy evidence”

  • Hmmmm (12/10/2023, 16:07) Like (33) Dislike (10) Reply
    This Commissioner of Police has challenges with the truth so belive nothing he says.
    • @hmmmm (12/10/2023, 19:31) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
      Them police telling the DPP who to send jail and who to not
      • @hmmmm (13/10/2023, 04:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Stail news, de elite group, de having discussions at village cay, with de now dpp, deciding who to lock up, n who to do get bail r not, d same cop dem, did get charge to corruption.
  • Nothing new (12/10/2023, 16:08) Like (23) Dislike (16) Reply
    Once you're white you're right and once you're UK you're OK. We will never see the real truth as he is always allowed to investigate himself.
    • drop (12/10/2023, 19:35) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      He say drop a note under his door or u can come talk to him. I want he don't want to see me he and them duty island police
    • Ha Ha Ha (13/10/2023, 03:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This comment too funny lol lol lol lol lol
  • Kermit the Frog (12/10/2023, 16:11) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
    Ah hear more and more white UK Officers in the BVI saying they to don't trust this guy and concern about his competence and vindictivness. Ah gon bac to sip meh tea.
  • Hmmmm (12/10/2023, 16:13) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    need some pictures of that inspector
  • NDP supporter (12/10/2023, 16:14) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    I will never believe or trust anything these Governors and their Commissioner of Police say. They ignored the public and called us liars when we told them the out post police stations are closed most of the times. They said it is not true. Now the lady with the bakery in East End who got robbed said she called the East End police station and could not get anyone because the station was closed with no officer at the station. I guess they will say she is a liar also and it was not how she is claiming. These people cannot be trusted.
  • Words of advice (12/10/2023, 16:17) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    Be weary of any man who repeatedly says "he has nothing to hide". This means he has plenty to hide but hoping no one ever looks too hard or be allowed to look at all.
  • Oh Please (12/10/2023, 16:18) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is the same man who said the COI was only giving recommendations and they will be discussed with the people so an agreement could be reached together on which ones are feasible to implement. However when he received his "so called" independent report he then dictated that all 48 "pre-authored" recommendations MUST BE implemented without any debate or discussions. This is not man whose words and actions should be trusted.
  • imagine (12/10/2023, 16:23) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Most police officers are afraid to let the evil minded UK Commissioner of Police know their growing converns about how poor he is running the force. They are saying to persons this is the most divided the force has ever been. They are saying so hoping it does not get back to in the ears of the evil minded UK Commissioner of Police because he will come at them with force as he always have the backing of the Governor no matter what.
  • DOUBLE STANDARDS (12/10/2023, 16:41) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crime is up yet the public is quiet do you think Vernon and Frazer would have had it so easy
    • Mary (12/10/2023, 21:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Writer you are so correct. Vernon Malone was trampled marched on by his own ungrateful people. Every second they run Government house. Commissioner needs to go they would say. At this time mum is the word.
    • @DOUBLE STANDARDS (12/10/2023, 21:50) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well said. Some of our people only know how to put down their own and afraid to touch these UK Governor & Commissioner when it is clear they are failing and lying to the people.
    • Sambo (13/10/2023, 08:18) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Double Standards and Mary, that is how Sambos roll. They behave like crabs in bucket, they hate done another, they self-discriminate, they behave as lackeys, they step and fetch, they bring cum, carry, etc to the White man, looking for meritorious manumission., looking for a pat on the head, not realizing they are being used like toilet paper or other disposable items. Then they up in your face pretending as if they do disgusted about what is going on. They are double sgents, spies. Be vigilant, vigilant. The slave masters employed the same practices during slavery ; it worked and they are using it again. Stay woke.
      • @Sambo (14/10/2023, 07:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Sambo, “step and fetch.” Ouch , that is a piercing dagger, a deep chest wound, pricking the fragile existence we want to control and hide, hoping no one notices our shameful, pride-less, behavior. But we see you. Used up, you will be back to your reality before long. Then….
  • Just 4 the sake of love (12/10/2023, 19:33) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well it didn't take me Long to understand what is really gong on in this Country in these recently times.A real cool Friend of mine, once wrote a Song that had widened / broardened my knowledge with what we really been contending with for a very Long time, and these young "want-to-be- leaders" are so caught up in filling their Pockets that they would never realize that is what they are effortlessly making posible yet overlooking that there Still be only one Ruler here with his Ruler way up in our"Donkeys, ( needless to say our Asses, for they Still want understand)
    But we need to ask this question; why was Ezekiel chárter THIRTY THREE, read for this Country some years back ? Aren't we Still feeling and falling to the effect? Answer me Wheatley answer me Wheatley! Yuh de licking the Governor (better don't give a damn 'bout we.,yet all you don't Swear nunca allegiance to we. Will you answer me me? Yuh likeY LIKE he , not we.. we goin' soon know WHO IS FOOLING WHO.,because BARRY DONE TELL US WE WOULD HEAR.

  • Crazy old me (12/10/2023, 19:41) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Might that video be part of the puzzle that is missing from the mystery of the police officers being found dead in the car in that part of the ocean that no one can figure out how or why or what was he doing in order to get to where he ended up dead that needs to be investigated.
  • Something smells (12/10/2023, 21:48) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Something smells about the death of the UK officer. They should start to look for the scent around some of his fellow mates right up to the head. This is not as simple as they are trying to make it seem.
  • It is time (12/10/2023, 21:52) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is time to try a new Commissioner of Police. This one is a horrific failure. He knows how to do sweet looking and sounding public relations and speeches but he is a failure and a liar.
  • big joke (13/10/2023, 06:54) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Police here are a joke. FM boat accident Oct 2021. Police arrest passenger and let two captains stay free. How does this happen?
    • @Big Joke (13/10/2023, 10:50) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      because one of the captains is known to have been a captain for Head Coach that is why (and why he was never interviewed or cautioned by the police)
  • Jounalist (13/10/2023, 09:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lies, Lies and more lies. Why don't you journalists show us some good investigative journalism? If was the Premier you guys would have been all over him. Just a little effort and you will see all he does is lie.
    Where is the investigation
  • tom (13/10/2023, 10:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This commissioner and his goons need to pack up and demit office with immediate effect.
  • No hg (14/10/2023, 16:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Trust no one mankind faulty

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