Confronting conspiracies & Fantasies with basic reality
Being Held Accountable for our own Responsibilities: Best Wishes & a Merry Christmas to All!. Whether or not we accept it as the Birthday of our Imaginary Friend, it has become our Traditional ‘Family Day’ for the making of Memories, and we should grasp the opportunity to care & share, even if there is not much to share & care about… Maybe I’ll make this a short one in order to give you time to eat Ham & Tart, drink some Guava-berry, and do a little Caroling.
As we approach another Christmas and New Year, we should be planning, hoping, and expecting the very best… That would be wonderful... However, with so much unrest across the World, it is difficult to tell the difference between Conspiracies, Fantasies, and Realities... As a result, we should spare no time & efforts in making sure that our Children can access the Real Facts, and recognize Basic Truths.
This is crucial, for as Slave Descendants, we are a special People who have always been targeted and deemed expendable, and whenever we deny Truth to our Youth, we effectively deliver them into the hands of the Enemy... We are pre-programmed in the mode & manner of selfishness, so we have grown too afraid to endure their short-term victimization, in the quest & reward of our own long-term liberation.
From birth, we were obliged to make things better than we met them, so as to benefit ourselves and our Children, but we have so distorted values, and joined in the practice of greed & over-indulgence, that we will not plant a tree, simply because we fear someone else may reap the fruits... However, we are quick to reap, eat, and enjoy the fruits of trees that were planted decades ago, by persons we will never know.
A glimpse of the Future through Optical Prisms of the Past:
Our Country & People are in trouble, Time is running out, and we must act now or risk losing it all... My Messages of Fairness, Justice & Survival, are meant to enlighten this & future generations, so it’s sad that many still hate themselves so much, that they will attack what is being done to save them... Still, I will press on, for while I may not win them all, we will surely lose it all, by standing still & doing nothing.
There is no doubt that many who oppose my Messages, are aware of the Truth they provide, and that’s why they wish you not to know, since their own success depends on the sum of our ignorance… If they can’t fool us, then they can’t rule us, so it’s no surprise that they would try to harm & hinder me in order to block you from Knowledge… Nonetheless, I will still try to deliver the Messages for as long as I can.
It is no secret that most of the World’s problems originate from Bad Leaders who have no real interest in knowing or doing better… Just like our Ancestors in the days of Slavery, we are being pawned, traded & sold in one form or another... They use Politics as a Trap, and we are the Fish that will see nothing but the Bait, until we finally taste the Hook… By then, it’s all over, and what’s done cannot be undone.
Oppressors’ objectives remain the same, and finding solutions is no simple matter… Church and Crown were the same, Missionaries were Mercenaries, and with Religion and Politics as Bed Buddies, Land became their Offspring... They always believed that who owned the Lands, owned the People, so they establish the tradition of laying claim to the Lands of Natives & Locals in the name of God & the Crown.
These still remain in possession of large Swaths of Land, but while Africa is large enough to absorb the atrocities of Colonialism and Slavery, the BVI is just a tiny speck… However, when Traders are unable to sell the People, they simply sell their Lands, and Today, it is up to us to preserve the ownership of local Lands... This is never easy when Leaders force us to accept their Land Pirates as our Investors.
With their access to huge piles of Money, they can outbid BV-Islanders, and convince our Leaders to act as ‘Front Men’ or Business Representatives against their own local People… In this way our Lands are lost forever, and our Children & their Children become Strangers in their own Homes... Decades from now they may look back & ask us why? – All because we failed to look forward, and saw why not.
Making and Breaking their own Laws:
Bad Leaders have placed the World in crisis, and with so much to be done, we can only hope that this too shall pass… Fake Representation breeds Corruption & Inefficiency, so nothing will ever be achieved until & unless, they cease abusing the Rights of others while putting themselves above the Laws, and Stop squandering Monies they do not possess, and start Honouring their Financial Obligations.
Other Solutions include, but are not limited to, putting our Youth in Schools rather than Prisons, Fixing Labour & Immigration Systems to better serve the People, Giving Lessees back their Properties & Rights, and the fixing of our Roads Systems and other Infrastructures… Bad Leaders may think that wise-cracks and blocking the Message will prove their Might as Right, but they are grossly mistaken.
We have reached that point where going Forward seems to be moving Backward, and we even see this within the Family Structure… Life expectancy is on the decline, Children are having fewer Children than their Parents, more Parents are burying their Children, and Children are poorer & less advanced than their Parents… Artificial Intelligence is now a real threat, and we must prepare to act, or face extinction.
Internationally, the US, UK, Russia, Israel, and others, are spreading their hypocrisy & aggression all across the World - even as far as Venezuela and Guyana… These Manmade Disasters of Conflicts and Pandemics, thrive on destroying Lives & Infrastructure, on a promise of building back... However, Lives once lost are lost forever, and there is no real intent to ever build back these damaged Homes & Cities.
Maybe we should appreciate the real value in the saying, that, ‘A cup of Prevention is worth a Truck load of Cure’… You may recall that instead of Prison breaking Mandela, it made him stronger… All their unjust Bombings will bring no Peace, and depriving Innocent Families of their Homes and Businesses, will never defeat their Spirit, but it will turn Lambs into Lions & create generations of Freedom Fighters.
The Karma of Reaping what we Sew:
Even Oppressors come to an end... The Golden Rule tells us, to ‘Do unto others as we would like done to ourselves’... However, we have seen Powerful Persons in High Positions choose to abuse & ignore the People... Sometimes, these Leaders fall from grace, and, with all their prestige lost, they become mere Men and Women… As their value shrinks to nothingness, and mighty King becomes a Beggar.
The UK created Brexit and Rwanda Refugee Laws to satisfy their own Agenda, so, when Masters feel their Puppets are no longer useful, they find ways & means for their disposal… Some may face Prison, and just when they need help & support from the Persons they abused, these Persons remember, and all their Pleas are rejected… Perhaps, we should be very careful whenever we do whatever we do.
2024, is a New Year, a Leap Year, and hopefully, a year of decisions... There will be many New Year Resolutions, with not as many being kept... Excuses are not Solutions, and it’s always up to us in determining whether or not this will be a Good Beginning, or simply, a continuation of the smoke & mirrors… Will we be the New Decision Makers of 2024, of just the Old Puppets of the Puppets??
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programs

15 Responses to “Confronting conspiracies & Fantasies with basic reality ”
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