CCT and ‘De Crew’ donate to FSN

The donation was made on Friday, April 20, 2018, to the President of Family Support Network (FSN), Mrs Judith M. Charles.
CCT’s Marketing Manager, Mr Recaldo E. Richardson said, “The donation was done as part of our ongoing campaign for CCT Cares. We also partnered with ‘De Crew’ in March for a special event and now a portion of the proceeds are being donated to FSN in an effort to give back to the community.”
Mrs Charles followed by expressing “extreme” gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the organisation.
CCT Cares initiative
CCT launched its ‘CCT Cares’ initiative in January 2018 with a donation of a GOFASTLTE Modem with complimentary internet service to the Ebenezer Thomas Primary School in Sea Cows Bay.
Support for the Network
FSN is a non-profit organization whose aim is to provide support to families affected by various issues throughout the community.
Following the hurricanes of September 2017, the group’s Road Town office was severely destroyed and all work is now being done out of a tiny shared space in a Main Street building that also houses Aeropost and Harney’s.
In addition, the non-profit organization have assisted numerous families after the hurricane of last year and still continues to assist persons during the rebuilding process.
Many organisations and individuals that have continued to support the work of the Family Support Network. The government, Mrs BVI World Organisation and recently Leader of the Opposition Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and First District residents have all contributed. Persons wishing to donate cash or kind can do so by contacting Ms Charles on 544-9988.

9 Responses to “CCT and ‘De Crew’ donate to FSN”
Do you really honestly know why people like you get upset about things like that?
Answer: Simply because either way humans like your are sad people who’s living a gray life. It’s like a coloring book will only uses gray. Try adding some bright colors and bit of humor to it. Don’t blame other people cause you CAN’T do what we’ve been doing. Give and shut up or give and make known. That’s you’re personal choice. Sign Gumption. Official
Ps Keep keep up the good work CCT. The businesses that’s going to survive are the ones who have a positive purpose beyond profits. The FSN needs all the support they can get.