‘Cancer has increased! We need to go out & do our tests’- Gloria A. Fahie

This is according to President of the BVI Cancer Society Ms Gloria A. Fahie last night, October 6, 2020, while a guest on JTV's The Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards.
The discussion was at the time about the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month being observed worldwide; however, emphasis was also placed on other forms of cancers prevalent in the Virgin Islands (VI).
"Among the growing population, cancer has increased, it has doubled, and it has increased by forty percent and that is a big percent and that means that we need to be proactive, we need to go out and do our tests."
According to Ms Fahie, among the tests that persons should ensure they get done are mammograms, sonograms, CEA blood test, tumor markers tests, colonoscopy, "Whatever tests are out there we need to check ourselves," the cancer survivor stressed.
‘Heightened conversations needed’- Sarai O. Smith
One of the young members of the BVI Cancer Society, Ms Sarai O. Smith said she strong feels there's a need for heightened conversations among her peers.
"It’s important to get those conversations going educating us on early detection, doing our tests at home or going out at getting our appointment to ensure we get those tests done."
‘Older men don’t like to go to the doctor’- Sylvia C. Moses
While the number of new cases of various cancers continue to spiral among the young population, Treasurer of the BVI Cancer Society, Ms Sylvia C. Moses spoke to the challenges of getting the older men to improve their health seeking behaviours as they too are among a growing population of emerging cancer cases in the territory, "Even our older generation, older men in particular we need to ensure that they do their colonoscopy very early on, as early as possible, 50 [years old]."
Speaking about the experience of her own father who was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 77, Ms Moses said, "What we have come to realise is that the older men, for whatever reason, they don’t like to go to the doctor."
"We need to bring that awareness, we need to bring that information to them that they must get their medicals done and keep their medical appointments," Moses said.

15 Responses to “‘Cancer has increased! We need to go out & do our tests’- Gloria A. Fahie”
Not because someone may ask for finical assistance means you have to be 100% up in their medical treatment or situations and we have to learn to respect that aspect of things I am making this statement because of 1 family members I know for a fact that went thought this when asked for assistance to protect their privacy I would not call name.
It starts with lifestyle decisions. Do you want an increased chance of cancer or do you chose a healthy (high vegetable/low meat/low fat/ no fast food). Do you want to be a cancer developing couch potato or do you actively try to avoid cancer by being in shape?
The cancer society should know better than to advocate only for early detection.
i know you cant put a price on health...bit in reality.....if you dont have the money spare, what can you do.?
i think there should be a big drive by government to encourage people to us the hospital facilities rather than go to the private cinics......this would cut the nhi spending down because the cllnics take full advantage of every cent they can get their hands on
Moreover, one of the main factors contributing to the BVI poor health and national health insecurity is diet. The territory imports over 70% of its food and most of the food is not highly nutritious. It is highly processed and high in calories, sugar, sodium and fat. It is highly believed that these highly processed and low nutritious food may be contributing to the diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular issues..........etc. Government has a key role to play in the nation’s wellness.
Truly an indictment on the constant stress our bodies have been made to suffer due to "stay-at-home" policies thay kept many of us from moving actively!
The shut down has caused many, who would have gone to other locales for checkups,to be qurantined at home.
Can our people achieve competent health care here, in the same manner as they would, say, in America?
This is the lingering concern that has kept many from accessing and receiving competent care!
Truly Sad!