Calls for suspension of the constitution was an 'assault on our human dignity'– Hon Walwyn

Hon Walwyn's remarks come as the unelected Governor, John J. Rankin, CMG, is calling for more powers to execute CoI Recommendations in the VI.
“What is important is it's not necessary to look at what he does if those powers are granted. I think the interference with our constitutional rights is, in fact, the issue, and particularly in the 21st century,” he said during a January 9, 2024 Opposition press conference.
So far, Opposition Members have indicated they stand in solidarity with Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and his Government against the UK giving the governor more powers in the VI, after Governor Rankin, in his Fifth Quarterly Review published on January 5, 2024, reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered.
“And I recall saying this even before I was elected; for the Commissioner to even suggest suspension of our constitution, to me, was an assault on our human dignity,” Hon Walwyn added.
No colonial measures in modern partnership - Hon Walwyn
“I mentioned that the preamble of the Constitution speaks about a modern partnership and, within the modern partnership, you don't take these types of colonial measures," the Opposition Member reasoned.
He said regardless of the reasoning or what the intention is, one is to move very slowly to interfere with the constitutional rights of the VI people and it is only done in the cases of a national emergency or some sort of major crisis, "none of which exist.”
“At this time and I've also said, and other members have said the reasoning or the rationale given by the Governor for asking for those additional powers, to me, does not meet the threshold.
Hon Walwyn reminded that the Governor through the Constitution or the normal functioning of government, already has the authority to perform certain functions to ensure transparency and accountability even without needing a CoI.

37 Responses to “Calls for suspension of the constitution was an 'assault on our human dignity'– Hon Walwyn”
1) Take over Immigration: He wants to immediately give over 4000 of his kind status so they can out number the people of the BVI and then allow them to have a secondary take over plan.
2) Pass the new police act on his own: He wants to give the police unlimited powers to do many anti-democratic things such as but not limited to searching anyone's home without a warrant and do so on mere suspicion. Talk about making the BVI a police state where people will have no basic human nor democratic rights.
3) He wants to pass the Jury Act: Here is where he wants the cases to proceed without any jury to decided the cases but rather have the Judge themselves decide if you are guilty. Not only is this anti democratic but it represents dictatorship as all the UK will do next is flood the position of Judges with persons from the UK who have like minds as them against the locals and Caribbean people. It is another tier of their take over plan.
4) Powers to pass laws by himself without HOA: Here is where he wants to legalize same sex marriage. Here is where he wants to redefine who is a Virgin Islander.
I will stop there for now but people of the BVI these people have no good intention for us. They have no respect for our democracy and democratic rights. It is time to wake up and stand up for what is right and represents true democracy and not sit back and allow a wicked agenda by the Brits to get through.
I swear THIS is WHY the constitution need to be suspended. Just like most locals the government is OVERWHELMINGLY unqualified to run a country.
#1 a nd #2 would benefit these VI in a big b pig way,
Fingers crossed!
To Take a survey, cart yu sambo, @%$ kissing, dependency liking, prideless, browsing, sickening, r@$$, crawling back under the blue b*tch rock and stay there with the other old dinosaurs,etc. you living in a time warp. Get out of it; this the 21st Century, not the 16th Century.
It is noteworthy that many of our leaders are beginning to standand be counted to fight against the multiple wrongs that the UK has been and is planning to execute against us the people of the VI.
Hence,wemust perpare tofight tooth and nail to ensure that our Constitutional, human and economic rights arenot usurped by the colonialist and greedy UK nation and its people.
Really hope they suspend the constitution and reform this pebble in the ocean.