Caller: 'The landlord don't want hear nothing about COVID-19'
She was at the time calling in on a special edition of 'Honestly Speaking', aired on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 on ZBVI 780AM radio and streamed on social media, over how she would get finances to pay her bills during the Cabinet-sanctioned 14-day curfew in effect until April 16, 2020.
Landlords want their $$$ - Caller
"I'm a person who would go with my basket and sell my stuff... due to the COVID-19, I cannot do so. I have bills to pay like rent and stuff like that," the unidentified caller said.
"The landlord don't want to hear nothing about COVID-19, they just want their rent money... so how I suppose to go about there?" she asked.
According to Premier Fahie, his government is aware many Virgin Islanders will face financial hardship and it will be putting measures in place to handle it.
'We have some packages that [are] coming, to try to help persons who are laid off and those who have certain financial hardships... so you will have to wait until that time comes to get to hear what those will be," he urged the caller.
Landlords should work with tenants
In a direct plea to landlords, Hon Fahie begged for leniency with tenants given that the COVID-19 pandemic is one that is global and has created financial hardships.
"What I would ask the landlords in general... please find how to work with the people, and it can't be just a regular help, it has to be an extraordinary help."
"The entire world is in an economic strain right now, not only the COVID-19 but it is a major social issue around the world and we have to find out how to help," he said.
The Premier said he is also aware that some landlords would owe the banks, and as such, Government has engaged those institutions on behalf of landlords.
Banks must give landlords 'a break' - Premier
"That's why we've been speaking with the banks to give landlords with their loans a break. They have certain things in place but we asking them to stretch it a litter further than where it is because all of us have to take a loss somehow or the other with this."
Premier Fahie said more information will be coming on the initiatives but the first priority of the government remains to keep everyone alive and prevent the spread of the virus.
40 Responses to “Caller: 'The landlord don't want hear nothing about COVID-19'”
Staying and not paying wont work.
Evidently your name is not on the rental agreement.
Your " living" boy friend has no financial obligation for you.
Suggest you find another trading partner for your financial needs while he is away,
Your poverty wont be ending any time soon.
Land lords eat too and have expenses not met with trade.
First,the landlord has to secure a loan from the bank..
Second,the landlord has to spend the money to build an apartment.
The landlord has to pay that loan monthly..
So to say that a landlord is wicked and greedy,in situations like this, I disagree..
Some time in life,we have to save for a rainy day..
Some people would squander their money on all kind of things,instead of saving for if things turn bad.
Unless the bank decided to work something out with the landlord,the landlord cant accept no rent payment.
One love BVI
They sold us out
Customers were taken for a jolly ride in hurricanes despite previous premier announcement in 2017
Don't let this happen again it must get better not bitter.
Thanks for saying all of that!!!
Most likely, the banks will be doing the same thing as afternoon the hurricane...I am sure that the landlords will be willing to assist..However, I want tenants to understand that when landlords sign up for this deal with these banks, the Banks are the ones who will gain. The interest on these loans/mortgages are still being calculated daily and must be paid in full before any money can be applied to the outstanding principal balance. Also, the months that landlords are unable to pay because tenants could not pay the rent will result in it being pushed back, and the maturity date changed to 3 -6 months later. So the landlords are the ones who will be feeling the pain in all this by paying additional interest to the banks and having the maturity date on their mortgage changed to assist the tenants. And the tenants rent remains the same.
These people go Chuch sing praise and pay tithe . They belong to this and that organization for their country and pay dues b want me to be their charitable chupid Tolian. No way Jose..So far I have no problem...The rules are set sealed and signed. Business is just that. A roof over your head is nothing to be playing games about and neither is my investment for the future.
ut want