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'Call a meeting with all bikers'- Skelton-Cline urges Gov’t

- Three-week scooter ban receiving mixed reactions
Host of Honestly Speaking, Mr Claude O. Skelton Cline, who has long spoken out against the recklessness of bikers, addressed the issue on ZBVI 780 AM last night, June 4, 2020, saying he supports the Andrew A. Fahie-led regime on the temporary ban on bikes. Photo: Facebook/File
A motor scooter involved in the accident on James Walter Francis Drive on January 23, 2020. Mr Claude O. Skelton Cline has long spoken out against the recklessness of bikers. Photo: team of Reporters/File
A motor scooter involved in the accident on James Walter Francis Drive on January 23, 2020. Mr Claude O. Skelton Cline has long spoken out against the recklessness of bikers. Photo: team of Reporters/File
Minister for Transportation Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) is being urged to call a meeting with bikers to address the issues concerning them. Photo: VINO/File
Minister for Transportation Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) is being urged to call a meeting with bikers to address the issues concerning them. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Government’s three week-ban of three-wheel or less vehicles, which includes motorbikes and scooters, from 5:00 pm to 5:00 am, has been receiving mixed reactions from members of the public.

Host of Honestly Speaking, Mr Claude O. Skelton Cline, who has long spoken out against the recklessness of bikers, addressed the issue on ZBVI 780 AM last night, June 4, 2020, saying he supports the Andrew A. Fahie-led regime on this ban.

Ban or ‘bike park’

“I know some of you are going to get mad at me- for those of you who ain't mad already- [but] I am in full support of these scooters being highly regulated.”

He added: “remember I told you a few weeks ago, its either we ban these things or we are going to keep burying our young people.”

Skelton Cline said, his other suggestion was to construct a ‘bike park’ somewhere where youngsters can do whatever they please in that designated area on their scooters, bikes, and other similar vehicles.

He said this could be done for those riders who are seen daily riding without helmets and performing all manner of stunts on the highway, putting their lives, and the lives of others at risk.

He said while it may not be welcomed in all quarters, his suggestion is simple.

Hold a meeting with bikers

Mr Skelton-Cline also said, in light of the number of these types of vehicles that are illegal in the Territory, without licence and insurance, and users of these machines not following the traffic laws, an opportunity should be created for them to be fully legalised.

“What I want to suggest to the Minister for the subject is you call a big meeting over the next 13 days and ask all the bikers to show up and tell them to bring their bikes and have the Department of Motor Vehicles right down there in the festival grounds.”

He pointed out that during that time bikers would be given the opportunity to meet with insurance companies to insure their vehicles, and with DMV to license them.

“If you want to ride your bike, if you want the curfew lifted off from you, legalise yourself!”


On the opposite side of the spectrum, vocal resident Rosemary R. Rosan-Jones aka 'Cindy' wrote on her Facebook page on Thursday, June 4, 2020, that the entire matter was discriminatory.

She said: “The ease in which the cabinet of the BVI continues to infringe on the rights of the citizens and residents of these Virgin Islands is frightening. Every resident should be alarmed at this point in time.”

She added: “I don’t care if it is for a day. You cannot continue to use COVID-19 as a cover to infringe on our rights. The innocent should not suffer for your inability to put proper legislation, guidelines and policing in place to manage a few lawbreakers.”

When Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) made the announcement of the ban earlier this week; he said it was in accordance with the Road Traffic Act, (CAP. 218), Section 56 and it was “for the safety and convenience of the public," including bikers.

Exemptions to bike ban

In a Statutory Instrument (Regulations) signed June 4, 2020, by the Minister for Transportation Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), the ban, which expires on June 25, 2020, “does not apply to residents travelling to or from work”.

The ban also does not apply to any resident who works in the essential services areas, along with security guards employed by a private security service provider, Customs and Immigration officers among others.

33 Responses to “'Call a meeting with all bikers'- Skelton-Cline urges Gov’t”

  • Stop It (05/06/2020, 10:52) Like (39) Dislike (8) Reply
    Why? For what? The rule is only in place for 3 weeks. The minister already came on and explained that this rule will not affect persons that use their bike for work snd otherr essential business....Stop sterring up the confussion pot..
    • Detroit ways (05/06/2020, 11:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

      The b*z* want the government to give them an area to kill themselves LMAO....Well this is it! 

    • Read and understand (05/06/2020, 12:52) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
      "Mr Skelton-Cline also said, in light of the number of these types of vehicles that are illegal in the Territory, without licence and insurance, and users of these machines not following the traffic laws, an opportunity should be created for them to be fully legalised.

      “What I want to suggest to the Minister for the subject is you call a big meeting over the next 13 days and ask all the bikers to show up and tell them to bring their bikes and have the Department of Motor Vehicles right down there in the festival grounds.”

      He pointed out that during that time bikers would be given the opportunity to meet with insurance companies to insure their vehicles, and with DMV to license them.

      “If you want to ride your bike, if you want the curfew lifted off from you, legalise yourself!”
      • @read and understand (08/06/2020, 08:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I understand where you were going with this but follow your own advice. Read and understand

        “What I want to suggest to the Minister for the subject is you call a big meeting over the next 13 days and ask all the bikers to show up and tell them to bring their bikes and have the Department of Motor Vehicles right down there in the festival

        That's a suggestion to the minister. Suggest means to offer advice on an issue or advise an alternative way to resolve a matter.

        If the minister takes the suggestion, then it will happen. If he doesn't then it's not happening. As it stands, the only thing in place is 5:00PM-5:00AM scooter ban except for whom it doesn't apply.
  • ? (05/06/2020, 11:03) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    CLINE SHUT UP NAH GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!
    • for real (05/06/2020, 11:57) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
      Call a meeting and then what... Cline you really need to shut up on this one. It’s simple, gov need to inforce the ban of loud mufflers. Crack down on those with. That’s all!
    • Me (05/06/2020, 17:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      don't need to call no meeting that's UR job.Then u refer to GOVT

  • British Citizen (05/06/2020, 11:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    Cline why you don't keep out of what don't concerned you.

  • Intel Analysis (05/06/2020, 11:46) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    This should not be whether you like a person or not. Anyone has the right to voice his or her opinion. What bothers me though is when people criticized any suggestion that is being put forward without having a solution. I do not always agree with Mr. Cline but he did and that's acceptable. However, this was done before. These scooter owners/riders were given the opportunity to regularise their bikes before but never did. Here are some of the problems No proof of ownership, no driver's license, underage riders, some scooters are made up of different parts and are suspected to be stolen. Those riders who did not f, all into the stated categories had another issue and that is the Insurance Agencies' reluctance to insure these vehicles given the high rate of accidents with injuries and deaths. In respect of the A.T.V.S, there is no legislation that categorizes them so there is an issue of registration and license. Furthermore, even if all of the requirements to fix these vexing problem is met and it leaves a lingering question and that is How can we change the attitude of the persons who use these vehicles? That is the problem. Until our youths take responsibility for and value their lives and those of other road users, we will continue to bury them. Parents, friends, and other concerned will continue to mourn.
  • ???MIND!! (05/06/2020, 11:50) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Isn't she more than just a resident?
    • Rooster head (05/06/2020, 13:13) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      The bikers should go by her house and ride around her yard
      • @Rooster Head (05/06/2020, 15:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        She also need to watch her filthy language while commenting on Facebook.

        This person is a representative of tourism, the
        VI, and now her talk show.

    • wow (07/06/2020, 10:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, an annoying one
  • go sit (05/06/2020, 12:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Although I love some of the issues put forward I beg you to please take a seat on this on. Dont let the blood of these youngsters be on your shoulder. You know better please do so. Many are not listening to no one you think the will listen to you. Please go rest your self.
  • 600cc (05/06/2020, 13:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need them 600cc and just leave them quiet, make tickets $500 minimum for bike related offenses to detour the ignorant ones
  • Buzzy Bee (05/06/2020, 14:08) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    AKA "Cindy" is absolutely wrong in her statement: "The ease in which the cabinet of the BVI continues to infringe on the rights of the citizens and residents of these Virgin Islands is frightening. Every resident should be alarmed at this point in time.”
    The ability to operate a motor vehicle legally is NOT enshrined anywhere. It is decidedly NOT a right. By definition, it is a privilege. If it were a "right", no licence could be required, no age limitations could apply, the government wouldn't be able to require insurance.
  • there are better ways (05/06/2020, 14:09) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have a problem understanding why we are the only ones having these issues with Scooters. Bring in the same regulations as EVERY other country. Mandatory drivers license, mandatory insurance etc. When the driver is caught without these basics then fine the driver and take the scooter. Simple as that. Either play buy the rules or you don't get to have it. Remember whether you are driving a car or a scooter, driving is a privilege, NOT a right.
    • See (05/06/2020, 16:10) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Why is this so difficult to comprehend ? Enforce the law !!!! But the COP is such a useless suit he wont give the order. Chicken shi - .
  • Tranquility (05/06/2020, 14:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    There was so much peace in the air last night not hearing those ridiculous scooters. You couldn't tell that the overall curfew had not started. I looked out on the road and vehicles were going their merry way with NO UNECESSARY NOISE.

    I went into town today during my lunch hour and a few scooter riders passed by. They were wearing their helmets and the scooters were rather quiet which says to me these guys were just being spiteful in their behaviour. They can do so much better than what they have been doing. My mother always tell me mind the company (friends) I keep. They are the ones to encourage you to do wrong and when monkey jump in fan your name is the one to be called and they all point their fingers at you.

  • Nope I said No (05/06/2020, 14:20) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    There was a meeting for bikers some time ago - to register and obtain a valid license for riding. How many bikers showed up. There was also a meeting on the safety of riding. How many showed up. No no, no meeting. Let them relax for three weeks.
  • jokers (05/06/2020, 14:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • uh (05/06/2020, 15:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How this man like mix up so as a pastor he need to come better he is a real blender all ways settings Fire he need to humble him self pray and seek God face then our land will be healed
    • Ugh (06/06/2020, 03:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      He is as demonstrated,,a poverty pimp.
      • @ugh (06/06/2020, 10:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Poverty Pimp...couldn't put it better. He is not alone in this community. There is bunch of them masquerading as political and spiritual leaders.
  • Defe (05/06/2020, 16:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Claude you and I both know at least 90% of bike owners not coming to this meeting. Why you say, because the not legit and some not of age to own one. It they really were interested in doing the right thing they would observe safety and traffic rules without anyone having to tell them. We all know that ain’t happening right now. Have to impress the boys and some girls on the block even if it means damaging themselves or people’s property and in some cases death.
  • Annoyed (05/06/2020, 17:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just listened to some wanker race up and down through West End on a very, very, loud motorbike for ten minutes - after 5pm.
    No weeping if these were banned entirely. None. They earned what they got and more.
  • NezRez (05/06/2020, 19:20) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Going to town over Country, they were out in full force. They are not afraid of Police. No helmets, no masks, had on flip flops, some had no plates. If I can see them all of the time, why not the Police? Some drove from the back of my vehicle, cutting too close to get in front. SCARY! NO RESPECT!
  • hmm (05/06/2020, 20:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    LOL @ the right to ride scooters. I think she done lost her mind.
  • K (06/06/2020, 09:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    its nonesense everytime there is a problem the first thing that you will look to do it ban. Enforce the laws and ensure that the police do their job
  • musa (06/06/2020, 10:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    overspending should be in jail not making news
  • Mikey (07/06/2020, 23:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Have we seen any relationship for the bikers to any soft or hard drugs because I read taht a importer of the bikes is now there in jail for drug and gun smuggling

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