Borrowed coat strings don’t last long
Minimum Wage or Maximum Rip-off:
Some say Good things never seem to last, and some say, the good Lord giveth and the Good Lord taketh away... I do not have all the answers but I may have a few, and just as Day follows Night, Night follows Day, and, not all Days are bright, and not all Nights are dark... However, even with all the differences between our Ambition and Ability, the God of Nature and Laws of Balance still brings equality for one and all.
We are only here for a while, and the more we ignore facts, the worse it gets, until, even the spectators who mock the gladiators, will find themselves to be Victims... These Children are our responsibility and they deserve better, and in times like these, it is imperative that we speak Truth to Power, over and over, until the Message of change is delivered, and it finally penetrates the blindest Eyes and deafest Ears.
This is not easy, and may require more than fighting fire with fire, for a Politician’s ambition is to fool you and rule you, so they will say and do anything to preserve their power... Among their greatest ‘fool them tools’ have been the promise of Political Handouts, and the increasing of Minimum Wage... UK short-circuited their Handouts, so they count on the Poor not realising that the Minimum Wage is their enemy.
Fact is, hardly any worker is being paid at or below Minimum Wage, so this hike is not for the Poor... Government may hope that we are too dumb to realise that when Wages for those at the bottom is increased by $20, Wages for those at the top will increase by $2,000... In addition, Prices will rise, and Employers will reduce Staff working hours, which means, those we claim to be helping will lose more.
The winners will be those at the top along with the Government Dues and Taxes, because these are calculated on a percentage basis... Perhaps, this was another UK Directive, as a way of making back the Monies we didn’t have, but were forced to spend on Increments, and they can no longer wait on the normal Collection Process, so they are pressuring and forcing us to provide more money and much faster.
Praying & Hoping that Better will Come:
We are still great believers in miracles, so we tell ourselves that things will get better if we just pray and think positive... Of course, nothing gets better by continuing to tolerate wrong as right or accept excuses for abuses... Keeping quiet like sheep to the slaughter, simply ensures that every step we make, will take us closer and closer to losing our Country, or have us heading for Hell in the proverbial hand basket.
One Country’s Terrorist is another Country’s Freedom Fighter... Palestinians feel they should fight for their Land, but we were taught that they should simply agree to be Victims, because as God’s chosen People, a Jewish Child is far more important than a Palestinian Child... We, BV-Islanders, are not even on the list, so it’s no wonder our Children believe they are less than nothing, and it’s okay to act the part.
The UK see themselves as superior, so they created Brexit to be able to discriminate against Non-whites, and ensure their dominance... Ironically, they ended up being led by a brown Prime Minister, Sunak, and brown Ministers, Braverman and Cleverly... Still, they got these brown Leaders to ostracise other Brown People – the Palestinians – on behalf of the same Brexiters who tried to ostracised them.
We know that we are in deep trouble, and that is bad, but when our Children don’t realise that they are in deeper trouble, that is worse, for they will see the same things over and over, and think it’s Progress, even though it is spiraling downwards... Thanks to our poor Leadership, the past 20+ years, brought huge increases in Crime abd Murders, and they still continue to over populate our Prison and Graveyards…
It makes one wonder if there is a hidden Scheme by the UK and our own Government; to systematically destroy our Country and People... That would explain the uselessness of the CoI Experiment and Fake Elections, that only safeguarded UK’s interests, while saddling us with Fake Representatives that seem more interested in filling their own Pockets, even if that means the ultimate destruction of their People.
Paying the Price for Government’s Miscues:
Blatant Governmental mismanagement has spurred recent talk of acquiring a huge loan from England, and if you ever had a Bank Loan, you know that feeling of an unending process where the lender – the Bank - always seems to benefit at the expense of the borrowers... This may be another way of giving UK control of our Country, while it results in a perpetual load on the backs of our People and Children.
Naturally, the UK will send her monitors to preferred Departments, in order to protect her People’s Money, while we have no one to look out for us... Even if we admit that we are in serious trouble, we were taught that Silence is Golden, and somehow, we never bothered to ask, ‘Golden for whom?’… We are well programmed to believe that our Milk, Honey, and Streets of Gold will only come after we die.
Meanwhile, they will keep on creating Fake Budgets at the Public’s expense, but without any Public Oversight… In this way, they perform more like Parasites while doing everything they can, to hurt, harm and hinder the Private Sector... They seem to believe that by dragging others down, it will lift them up, even though, experiences, show that instead of progression there is only regression, year after year.
As the UK decides that our National Security and Financial Services are her primary interests, our own local challenges emanate from Health, Labour and Country Planning, which cover and overlap several other important sectors... These include but are not limited to, the Ministries of Health, Labour, Natural Resources, Immigration, NHI and BVIHSA, which are placing the Delivery of our Health Care at risk.
All the endless unnecessary Red Tape, created by Government and BVIHSA, effectively handicap and block these Private Employees’ Work Permits and Registrations, even as these Agencies break the same rules with impunity... To make matters worse, the Government Agencies take away the hard-to-get Employees from their Employers, by promising, the same things they blocked, including our Money.
Our Failure to Choose, is no Golden Excuse:
It should never be normal for BVIHSA or other Government Agencies to willfully break our Laws, but it is not hard to fool us when we fail to see the difference between Ambition and Ability... Hypocrisy is like an old maid in a pretty dress, with sweet fragrance, and, Someone once said. “Trust me and Fear not... God is with me, and your Government is working for you” ... Do we still remember and believe in those words?
I have spoken of Government’s abuse of the Wickhams Cay Palmgrove Owners, and ironically, UK has taken steps to pass a Leased Property Bill that aims to make her Leasehold system more transparent, and protect the millions of people who own leasehold properties... Even the typical length of their lease will be increased from 90 years to 990 years, but once again, we are headed in the opposite direction.
We can choose to learn from the Example and Mistakes of others, or we can decide to learn from our own Trials and Errors… We talk of Leaders, and we talk of Rulers, but Leaders do so from the front, while Rulers do so from the rear... However, there’s no need to reinvent the Wheel, because the God of Nature and Laws of Balance provided the best answer by providing us with Parents, and all left, is for us to make a choice.
PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

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