Biras Creek Resort sends home all employees

This sudden development was confirmed by several employees of the resort who also said they were summoned to a meeting this afternoon and told of the closure, in addition to being handed their letters of severance.
The letter, according to workers who spoke to this news site, did not state the reason for the closure but assured that the workers would be given their severance pay.
Employees react
"Days after elections and this is what happens...the Premier and Deputy Premier had to know about this," stated one upset former worker to this news site.
In tears, one employee who said she has been with the resort for more than 20 years, remarked "Just like that, 75 employees fired, just like that, from the General Manager right down. There were tears all over, even Mr [David] Johnson was in tears. Just like that. Premier, please you had to know about this. This is just nine days after the elections. What a gift Dr Smith," the tearful employee stated.
Another employee said she was not at work earlier today but received her letter moments ago. "We who didn't have to work the morning shift were not told anything about the meeting so we were home and only hearing this talk, next thing we got a letter. All I could have done was scream."
"VINO, you see why snap elections? The answers couldn't come in the House of Assembly. It was a silent way of saying you will see the reason, we wouldn't have to tell you...Can you believe this? This is a sad day for the entire North Sound, not a dry eye here, people crying out aloud, people crying, people hugging one another...It's a really sad day for seventy five of us and our families, you do the math," said another employee.
Meanwhile, efforts to reach the owner of Biras Creek Resort, Mr David V. Johnson and Human Resource Personnel, Mr Clyde Lettsome, were futile.
Virgin Islands News Online will bring you more details as they unfold.

129 Responses to “Biras Creek Resort sends home all employees”
To question if this was happenning to you the government would have been your next move...are you saying that our minister for labor did not knw this?/ Are you saying our premier could not seek to save these jobs? Are you saying that the Premier could not have these ppl warned that come August when they usually close that the hotel will not reopen and ppl would have started to prepare themselves???
Are you saying that 25 locals should be thrown on the street with no where to go??expats always have their home..
Why is it when other hotels like Little Dix Bay and Bitter End closing or laying off meetings are kept with government to make prroper arrangement for the staff//
Is it right that these ppl be escorted off the property in the manner they were after working for over 20 years??
Is it right that persons today dont know how they will pay their rent, mortages, loans while o** n*** b*y continue to treat the few staff that they hire like dogs >>>why is D**** so mighty and get away with this...makes you wonder which company is next....lets hope its not where you work!!!!
but how can you put in ppl that cant show you books for 3 years how but let the fire works again
It doesn't matter if you can vote or not @$$, they paying their taxes just like you if you paying any at all
unfortunately, there is self-interest with resort owners who are smart enough to hire ex-government ministers as labour and human resources. They help navigate the (corrupt and lax) system.
That's y I didn't vote we $%^& any way ya put it
That was a done deal before elections. Both Premier and Deputy Premier had to know about it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Stay tune for more. Actions speak louder than words. Do I smell campaign funds? Payback time ya'll.
I bet my last dollar that they wanted to do this before election BUT....couldn't...Premier could have been well aware of this but take ayo NDP government in y'all pipe and smoke them.
Give it a rest people NDP is here to stay!
wa the #$%^ a private company closing down for a major overhaul has to do with government ??
Mr. Johnson was unable to negotiate with the government for a lease that was to his satisfaction is the excuse reportedly given. If true, then the government had to have known about it. Arguably, a reason to call the election before this news went public. The likes of ***** are about absolute control. If they can't get it, they goes elsewhere rather than compromising.
Perhaps this is the moment for the newly elected D9 representative to step up with real solutions for the 73 folks who lost their jobs.
An investigation they have to answer they knew. Stop playing with people mind and emotions.
This now puts a financial strain on the government because if they have no help they have to seek help from the government.
We in the bvi are very long on rumors and short on facts,how can the premier come out
and tell the people in an ongoing negotiation what if it had taken a different path such as
deciding to sell at the last minute or renegotiate a new lease then we would have a field
day calling the premier a liar,
that man Johnson just donate thousands of dollars at a school in virgin gorda, . the kind of investment in oil but bay. you all don't be fool watch the music. you were all warn of this. now take your sh*t as it comes........
Fraser was minister for labour for four years no one was send home like they told people no one was taken advantage of they make people believed things about Fraser for they own gain tell the turth don't put all the blame on companies the country is slow things really bad no business had suffer all year long but Government make believed things all that good fool people with a last minute. Furry of work just a gimic Government is broke the country going down to the dogs the moorings allegedly laying off next and it goes on to Dr smith caption this ship is sinking call for an sos save our soul
all u who took white envelopes of money to sell out ur birthright, live today for today and ur little ones will suffer the consequences tomorrow. Those of u who say Fraizer is a bully and he must not be premier, he would of been fighting for u all now. J***** is NDP and NDP is J*****. Dr Smith and Pickering smarter than all of u.
J**** came to vg n basoddy some o dem wit gifts BUT d gullible will always b taken
It has been said if itlooks to good to be true it is not good
I dont kno d man BUT i kept sayn it will have a bitter pill to swallow
Ask monk we spoke about this
Open in fall with Asian workers mark my word
PEOPLE OF VG remember God dont sleep
Vengenance is mine said the Lord
There are many things our Government can do. Weither you could Vote or not. This will affect our country greatly. The families of those who were let off, now after August 15th how are they going to pay for their nest mortgage? Or rent? Or daycare? The supermarket for food? Bills (electricity and water)? Water is already a scarse thing on VG. With them being unable to pay for rent offerrd by the BVI lander, how would they be able to pay the bank for their loan? Its all a trickle effect.
There are many Caucasians working Oil But, he should have put the workers there. Mr. Johnson's main focus was Oil But Bay not Biras Creek. There were no Ads promoting the area. The BVI tourist Board did all what they could have done promoting the area with these staycation packages. So this saying David Johnson was crying. Ha! It wasn't him, it was his General Manager who was.crying because he didn't wanted to do the evilness that ****** wanted him to do.
Our so call leaders are focusing on the rich and forgetting the poor, the same poor who they look up too every four years for employment. The BVI does not forget.
DJ is a millionaire probably billionaire. Could this be trying to force the hands of the owners to sell the property? Intelligent owners they are. If they don't sell it there is ONB but I'm sure that is why they also wants Biras because of the location and acess. That's business my friends don't blame the Government.
Ndp in ayo r@$$
The LORD bless and keep you.