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Biden In! Trump Out! as US President

- New Commander-in-Chief declares 'democracy has prevailed' after tumultuous transfer of power
Joe R. Biden was sworn in as the 46th US president on Wednesday afternoon, January 20, 2021, completing a tumultuous transfer of power that was marred by Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and the deadly attack on the Capitol reports The Economist. Photo: Internet Source
Kamala D. Harris of Jamaican and Indian descent, and a former senator from California will now serve as the first female and first black Vice-President. Photo: Internet Source
Kamala D. Harris of Jamaican and Indian descent, and a former senator from California will now serve as the first female and first black Vice-President. Photo: Internet Source
WASHINGTON DC, USA - Joseph R. Biden aka 'Joe' was sworn in as the 46th US president on Wednesday afternoon, January 20, 2021, completing a tumultuous transfer of power that was marred by Donald J. Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and the deadly attack on the Capitol, reports The Economist.

Mr Biden’s oath of office was administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts in the presence of congressional leaders from both parties and former us presidents including Barack H. Obama, William Jefferson Clinton aka 'Bill' and George W. Bush — but not Mr Trump, who refused to participate and flew to Florida on Wednesday morning. 

Heavily guarded event 

The ceremony, which was heavily guarded by 25,000 troops, took place on the steps of the US Capitol ahead of Mr Biden’s inaugural address.

The incoming president was expected to use the speech to ask Americans to unite in the face of the twin crises of Covid-19 and a bruising economic downturn, in a clear break from the divisiveness of Mr Trump’s term.

At 78 years old, Mr Biden is the oldest incoming US president — and he will be joined in governing the country by Kamala D. Harris of Jamaican and Indian descent, and a former senator from California.

She will now serve as the first female and first black Vice-President.

Look past differences - Mr Biden 

With his inaugural address, Mr Biden asked a deeply divided country to look past their differences and sought to draw a contrast with former President Trump, who took a combative approach to politics in his four years in office and who spent the months since Election Day questioning the election’s outcome.

Mr. Biden made no mention of his predecessor but sought to use the moment as an inflection point for the nation, “Let’s start afresh, all of us. Let’s begin to listen to one another again,” Mr. Biden said, adding “Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire, destroying everything in its path.”

“Without unity, there is no peace,” he said.

38 Responses to “Biden In! Trump Out! as US President ”

  • Black Lives Matter (20/01/2021, 15:55) Like (18) Dislike (48) Reply
    thank god it's a new day in America
    • new day (20/01/2021, 16:28) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply

      Hang on to your @###$.

      • LilyAnn (21/01/2021, 15:45) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
        We hang on long enough during trump, so this will be a breeze including hiccups.
    • @ Black Lives Matter (20/01/2021, 17:16) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
      Don’t know who “god” (idol) you thanking because “God” (capitalized) is the Almighty and Biden/Harris are set to prove what God said would happen in the end times.

      2 Timothy 4:3 "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear."

      Holding up a Bible with one hand and defying God’s laws with the other signing into law much of what is contrary to God’s instructions.

    • Ghost (20/01/2021, 18:24) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
      Please Give God more Respect and Reverence by capping His Name. “god” is for idols.. God Spoke: Amen! Hallelujah! Thank you God..
    • all lives matter (20/01/2021, 18:45) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    • hmm (20/01/2021, 22:09) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
      If you think 2020 was bad lol the thing start now
  • facts (20/01/2021, 16:25) Like (27) Dislike (9) Reply
    Truth is. The Caribbean do well more with Republicans vs demonstrates. It just that Trump was a new breed of Republican. As an offshore banking community the Democrats are the ones who’s against it. It was something even President Obama was trying to stop! So be careful what you’ll are wishing for. Understand what’s happening.
    • max (20/01/2021, 16:58) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      @Facts. So true. That's why the BVI should pray that the UK never elect a Labour Government.
    • Peaches (20/01/2021, 19:36) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply
      Exactly!! Some people's hate for Trump is so over the top that they are so blinded to what is coming under the Biden Administration. Wait for it....In the meantime, buckle your seatbelt!
      • Mbviga (21/01/2021, 10:40) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        Agreed, any who even did a summary glance at the things he has said throughout his Senate career would see that he is not going to be good for black people or Americans in general, a dark winter is coming
    • rewrsdffds (21/01/2021, 11:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I get what you mean but remember, we barely have banking, certainly not offshore banking. You think people still ps about with cheques and in person queuing? LOLz
  • g (20/01/2021, 16:36) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
  • black or white (20/01/2021, 20:05) Like (4) Dislike (21) Reply
    Kamala D. Harris looks white to me. if you think so click yes,if you don't click no.
    • tan (21/01/2021, 09:24) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Have you never seen a Black person with light skin colour? A Jamaican and an Indian can never produce a White woman
  • Xxx (20/01/2021, 21:03) Like (1) Dislike (20) Reply
    Hope the bvi trump jaspert is next to go fast
  • Sad day. (20/01/2021, 21:57) Like (21) Dislike (19) Reply
    The election was rigged. Trump was fighting for freedom and he won the election. America and the world is now subject to a marxist/communist takeover through the Covid HOAX. The sheeple, fooled by propaganda from mainstream media/big tech are happily welcoming back their slave masters (the Democratic Party). Anything that debunks the mainstream narrative that Trump is evil is now labeled as misinformation. Right wing media is labeled dangerous, extremist. While calling Trump a Nazi, the Dems silence and ban him his supporters on social media (fascism). While calling Trump supporters white supremacists, the Dems hold blacks to a different standard in terms of education and lock them up for as long as possible (Joe Biden Crime Bill, 1994). Nevertheless, good always defeats evil as long as good people like Donald J Trump keep standing up. So stand up for free speech, for the wellbeing of your fellow man, and for your God given rights.
    • Oh HAPPY DAY! (21/01/2021, 01:06) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
      “Our long National Nightmare is...” gone to Disney World”!! I mean Florida.
      Good riddance to this Con-man who cos-played the presidency for four years while he fomented division and hatred among Americans and, in the end, encouraged his supporters to commit insurrection and sedition.
    • wow (21/01/2021, 06:29) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Feel sorry for you
    • guy hill (21/01/2021, 07:02) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      @sad day... Amerika lock up black people for as long as they can from the nation's inception. Nothing new here.
    • Peaches (21/01/2021, 10:04) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
      @Sad day a sad day for America and the world under the Biden Administration. Only the wise would understand. the sheep will keep being deceived.
    • @Sad day (21/01/2021, 10:30) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
      T**** was a TV celebrity clown, with a narcissistic personality, fascist and white nationalist beliefs. He appealed to to people through fear, and demonstrations of false strength. He used Evangelical Christians, gaining their support for his own purposes and self-empowerment.
      Joe Biden is not a saint. But he is a man who is capable of governing and it gives me hope that he is a man who sees his own faults, past mistakes (unlike DJT) can admit them, and and guide the People to do the same. He believes in the Gospel and lives by it. He is a man. Donald is a small spoiled child who had no business, talent or inclination to govern a large nation. I am SO relieved we no longer have to hear his whiny, nagging, self serving, shouting voice.
    • The TRUTH (21/01/2021, 13:28) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
      F*** you and Trump.
  • Word of God speaks (21/01/2021, 05:56) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Joe Biden, The FOR---BIDEN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Why for---biden. He is NOT Elihom's perfect will for America. BUT because the Laodicean Christains who love this present world, blinded by the god of this material and perverse world, did not understand Elohim's perfect will for America. They have demanded, by massive fraud for a KING SAUL, JOE BIDEN. Now they will suffer their fate together with King Saul, Joe Biden. HOW HAS THE MIGHTY FALLEN!

    (1 Samuel 8)
    And they said to him, Behold, you
    have become old, and your sons have
    not walked in your ways. Now appoint
    a king to us, to judge us, like all the
    ( U hated Trump character and want a socialist immoral president like other nations)
    6 And the thing was evil in Samuel's
    eyes when they said, Give to us a king
    to judge us. And Samuel prayed to
    7 And YAHWEH said to Samuel,
    Listen to the voice of the people, to all
    that they say to you. For they have not
    rejected you, BUT THEY HAVE REJECTED
    8 According to all the works that
    they have done from the day I brought
    them up out of Egypt, even to this day,
    when they forsook Me and served
    other Elohims, so they are also doing
    to you.
    9 And now listen to their voice. Only,
    protesting you shall protest to them,
    and shall declare to them the privilege
    of the king who shall reign over them.
    10 And Samuel spoke all the words
    of YAHWEH to the people who were
    asking a king from him.
    11 And he said, This is the privilege
    of the king who shall reign over you.
    He shall take your sons and shall
    appoint them for himself among his chariots, and among his horsemen.
    And they shall run before his chariots.
    12 And he will appoint for himself
    heads of thousands, and heads of
    fifties; and to plow his plowing, and to
    reap his reaping; and to make
    weapons for war for him, and weapons
    for his charioteer.
    13 And he will take your daughters
    for perfumers, and for cooks, and for
    14 And he will take your fields, and
    your vineyards, and your olive-yards,
    the best, and give them to his servants.
    15 And he will tithe your seed and
    your vineyards, and will give them to
    his eunuchs and to his servants.
    16 And he will take your male slaves
    and your slave-girls, and the best of
    your young men, and your donkeys,
    and will use them for his own work.
    17 He will tithe your flock, and you
    will be servants to him.
    18 And you will cry out in that day
    because of your king whom you have
    chosen for yourselves. And YAHWEH
    will not answer you in that day.
    19 And the people refused to listen to
    the voice of Samuel, and said, No, but
    a king shall be over us.
    20 And we shall be, even we, like all
    the nations. And our king shall judge
    us and shall go out before us and fight
    our battles.
    21 And Samuel heard all the words
    of the people, and spoke them in the
    ears of YAHWEH.
    22 And YAHWEH said to Samuel,
    Listen to their voice, and you shall
    cause a king to reign over them. And
    Samuel said to the men of Israel, Each
    of you go to his city.



  • @word of God speaks (21/01/2021, 07:33) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Please note that when Israel asked for a King they were in essence rejecting God who was their King. Trump is not God. David who was the chosen one did not sit back and waited for Saul to fail he supported him even calling him the Lord's announced. David did not sit in a corner waiting for Saul to fail just to say " I old you so" It is obvious you are saying that Trump was chosen by God to be President and rejecting him is rejecting God. Didn't the bible say that God is the one who put one down and raise another up? If you are a prophet as you seem to be insinuating , you should know that you are asked to pray for Government even the ones you did not support. Furthermore like all the false prophets who predicted infact said that God told them Trump would win it is obvious they lied. Now they are scrambling to find an excuse for their falsehood. According to the bible if a prophet tells you that God said anything and it did not com to pass he did not send them period! Follow the example of David read how he praised Saul after he and his son were killed. Stop being hateful and pray for the success of Joe Biden. Did you not see that in your bible, that you are to do so even for people you don't like?
    • @@word of God speaks (21/01/2021, 10:06) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Haven't you understood the hidden mystery. This is not about the person but of biblical principles. Would u rejoice to have a president black or white who goes against biblical Godly principles?
      • Query (21/01/2021, 11:32) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        which God? there are over three thousand on this Earth. And many of them are worshipped in ways that are designed by man to be meaningfully different as to be able to sew vision for power and wealth of the charlatans that write and administer their version.

  • @@word of God speaks (21/01/2021, 10:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • TRUTH IS, USA (21/01/2021, 10:36) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
  • Outsider (21/01/2021, 11:21) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    I voted for Biden. You people in the BVI and some of your bloggers from outside the BVI that support Trump don't know or care about the demon he is. I grew up in New York not far from where he grew up and we arevthe same age. His family have always been discriminated against Black people. This did not allow Blacks to live in their buildings in Queen
    or in Coney Island. After the war the government provided money to build homes in Levittown. Trump'sfather built the houses for white people only.
    Please not that Trump's immigrant grandfather was a German and like his son Fred and Donald they married immigrant women. Trump placed ads in local newspapers to execute the Central Park 5 even though they were innocent. He fail to realize that he has children and grandchildren and his sins will fall. On them. KEEP BELIEVING IN TRUMP AND HIS FAITH WILL BE YOURS. I'm not saying that Biden is perfect, but let's wait and see.
    • (21/01/2021, 13:18) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      So after saying all you said about trump you went and voted for the man who referred to black youths as super predators who were "Incapable of being rehabilitated" and needed to be put in prison? The man responsible for the 1994 crime bill? your too old to be that foolish.
    • @outsider (22/01/2021, 13:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Amen to all that
  • tretretrete (21/01/2021, 13:20) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Two devil appointed by satun the elite to divide confuse the people of the true way the rigtheous part of what good...but it the meek go inherit the glory and the wicked the spoil ...
  • y (21/01/2021, 16:15) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ sad day check out what is going on right now in d USA
  • Proud black/Christian (22/01/2021, 01:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Biden is Anti God/the word
    Now a black Person is being used here to deceive us
    Divide rule & conquer us.

    You all will open your eyes when it’s too late.
    He will be liked many
    He would say and do things that will appear good nice saving the world.

    They will say peace peace
    Then sudden destructions
    Lift up your head open ur eyes
    Put down your cellphones
    Stay woke
    Jesus is coming that’s the next big event
    He’s coming in the glory clouds with the Trump of the arch angels and the twinkling of an eye
    Get ready to get caught up.

    He’s coming to get his people evil is going to take over and it has begun

    What we are seeing is revelations unfolding.
  • Something to think about (22/01/2021, 03:24) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Things are moving right along, and with American President Elect, Joe Biden waiting in the wings, the global elite are eagerly anticipating having their man in the White House who will fast track all the globalist goals that have been on hold these last four years, [Donald Trump administration].

    "Everybody from the United Nations, the European Union and the Vatican are lined up ready to usher in the great global reset of things which we believe is nothing short of the future Kingdom of Antichrist system of global political control, economic power and religious ecumenicalism which will lead the world to the worship of a false god, whom God's word has warned about.

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