Beach hours now limited to between 5:00am & noon

Premier Andrew A. Fahie in statements released on Friday, August 29, 2020, said that Cabinet's decision to limit access to the Territory's beaches between the hours of 5:00 am and noon comes as more steps are being taken to remain ahead of the pandemic.
Inter-island ferries continue to operate
In addition, inter-island ferries will continue to operate but must adhere to the social distancing measures and protocols.
Cabinet has also endorsed the Minister of Education's decision relating to on-line education and agreed to review the position of the re-opening of schools fortnightly.
"These Cabinet Decisions took into consideration not only our ongoing fight against COVID-19 but also our need to always be in a state of preparedness and readiness as we are in the Atlantic Hurricane Season," Premier Fahie announced.
Calculated decision to fight COVID-19 - Premier Fahie
He said well-calculated decisions is now the new order of the day and asked for continued vigilance as the VI navigates both the COVID-19 pandemic and the Atlantic Hurricane Season concurrently.
"Please remember that in the BVI we have just over 35,000 people, but only eight ventilators, and we do not want to use any of them."
Persons exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 are being reminded to not rush out to health institutions, rather, contact the medical hotline at 852-7650.

31 Responses to “Beach hours now limited to between 5:00am & noon ”
so why didn't you call the police instead of being a lil b***h on here?
time. Just my two cents
the commissioner of Police and governor have failed us they are only about power and being in charge over the b**(*s on the island
WHEN are you planning to lock down the whole island??? when we get 100 active case???
Is the message reaching the masses?
What about the authorities? I mean, gosh man, it is a fight for survival, but if you have to treat big hard back adults who should know better, like children, then we have to do what we have to do.
We do not get a second chance at life, so we can’t afford to play with it.
You are lucky if you see police patrolling.
What’s going on here?