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Barber & Beauty shops remain restricted businesses

- despite calls from some persons to have them reopened
Local beauty and barbershops remain closed according to law, even as Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie had promised to open those categories of businesses as part of the soft internal reboot of the Virgin Islands (VI) economy that kicked off on April 27, 2020. Photo: Internet Source
There has been no explanation as to why hair shops are not allowed to open, however, the Premier Andrew A. Fahie in justifying his closure of money transfer services had told VINO that the internal economy must reboot first before the transfer services are allowed to operate. Photo: VINO/File
There has been no explanation as to why hair shops are not allowed to open, however, the Premier Andrew A. Fahie in justifying his closure of money transfer services had told VINO that the internal economy must reboot first before the transfer services are allowed to operate. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Local beauty and barber shops remain closed according to law, even as Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) had promised to open those categories of businesses as part of the soft COVID-19 internal reboot of the Virgin Islands (VI) economy that kicked off on April 27, 2020.

During the April 16, 2020, sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA), Premier Fahie said beauty shops would be allowed to operate.

“Ladies, it is now approved that next week you can go and get your hair done. Adhere to the social distancing measures,” he said.

He told the House that he got no less than 120 WhatsApp messages from ladies complaining about the condition of their hair and even joked about launching a 'before and after' Facebook hair competition when the shops re-open.

In the latest April 28, 2020, gazetted curfew order in effect until May 10, 2020, it appears that cabinet might have reneged on the decision to open those businesses.

These supplying beauty products, however, are allowed to open that aspect of the business only.

Internal economic reboot 

While it appears that the government might be taking social distancing into consideration with the restriction, there has been no formal explanation on the decision.

This news website reached out to Premier Fahie for comment on why beauty and barber shops are still not allowed to operate and when that restriction will be lifted; however, no response was received up to publication time.

The Premier, in justifying the non-opening of money transfer services, had told VINO that the internal economy must reboot first before transfer services are allowed to operate.

Opposition Legislator, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) had also called for nail salons to reopen, along with beauty shops.

37 Responses to “Barber & Beauty shops remain restricted businesses”

  • watching (06/05/2020, 16:02) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good move Andrew
  • The Time Has Come!! (06/05/2020, 16:35) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why this senseless ongoing , year in year out ill talks between expats and the indigenous ? We are "All" contributors to the fabric of the nation equally! People STOP!! Both sides . Mr. Fahie can you endorse the above, seeing that you are quite a figure in the BVI.. Nonsense, from Ja, Vinci to Trini etc they all made and still making valuable contributions. Too much worthless comments from BOTH Locals & Expts.
    • @ The time has come (06/05/2020, 19:18) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      most of it is simply talk, COVID 19 aggression all those days under house arrest AKA curfew!!!

      we have no physical Altercations between any member of this Society

      freedom of speech lives !!!!
  • cgb (06/05/2020, 17:09) Like (22) Dislike (19) Reply

    Good move, them i**** people don't want to pay rent and want to do hair. No way.

    • @CGB (07/05/2020, 05:24) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Congratulations! you are it again! Look in the mirror then go get an education normally it is the only cure for ignorance.
  • Gage (06/05/2020, 17:32) Like (25) Dislike (8) Reply
    I support this for it is impossible to practice social distancing while doing someone's hair.
    • @Gage (06/05/2020, 23:07) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
      Exactly, you sitting in the salon chair, you and the hairdresser is damn near touching you, when you sit in the chair to wash your hair you are laying back and the hair dresser is standing right over you. Heck no, I am doing my own hair at home. I have to stay at least 10 feet away from everyone.
  • GG (06/05/2020, 18:37) Like (24) Dislike (5) Reply
    What is going on in the bvi ?, all what I am seeing is discrimination about island people in these comments . money transfers places are open in other countries why its a issue in the bvi? NOTE BRIEFLY that it will soon be hurricane season , did you all remember about 2017, this is my last words BE GOOD to others.
    • Bank Wires (06/05/2020, 19:52) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
      You can send wires via the banks or buy a money order and Fedex it out. There are other ways around the closure of Money Gram and WesternUnion
    • Fran (07/05/2020, 14:25) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ Wow, We do not want to be like other countries opening up too soon, and dying by the thousands. We need to be protected by any means necessary. I for one do not want to die because you want your hair done, and spreading whatever germs are out there. A Dentist is a Doctor who has to help you medically and touch you like any other health person. They are using precautions that are necessary. Their tools are sterilized for each new patient. so.....are you a hair doctor? Are your tools sterilized after each use or do you use the same combs, brushes, curlers etc on each person without sterilizing them? I can answer that, NO YOU DON'T, because I see them in the salons calling "NEXT", without cleaning anything. So you all are DYING to look good. Vanity will kill you fools. You don't know who has Corona Virus until it is too late. Period....
  • Shiny (06/05/2020, 18:41) Like (19) Dislike (6) Reply
    I’m still trying to understand how social distancing will work when trimming someone hair, perming, shampooing etc, and doing nails?
    • @;Shiny (06/05/2020, 20:03) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
      Im still trying to figure out why u continue to get pay for sitting home doing nothing..
    • @Shiny (06/05/2020, 23:32) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      The same way it supposedly working for:

      1. Bank Tellers
      2. Government Offices
      3. Dentists
      4. Cashiers
      5. Taxis
      6. The boys meeting on the block in every village, taxi man cooling out right up under each other

      Barbers and Stylists can wear the face plexi shield to protect themselves and customers and take 2 customers at a time inside the establishment by appointment only
  • Stupesss (06/05/2020, 18:51) Like (21) Dislike (17) Reply
    Shut up!!!! You’ll still won’t pay the bank for your mortgages.
    Secondly the governor just need to say the damn place open back up foe business cuz these moves are senseless. Not strategic at all. Premier and team tell us who gonna watch the kids home when we now have to work a full day! This is what i want to know especially with this bs system of online school for young children. Pressure cracks you’ll and. Blocks the eyes. Just open the damn place all together and go focus on those other matters like them same landlords killing people with high rent for small, un modernized hole just because........
    • @Stupesss (06/05/2020, 22:56) Like (28) Dislike (4) Reply
      It is not the Premier and his teams responsibility about who is going to watch children when parents have to work, it is the parent responsibility to figure that out. Say you don’t understand how to help your child with the online school. Schools everywhere outside the BVI is doing their classes online.
    • @strupess (07/05/2020, 08:08) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      Was it the Premier and his teams that impregnated you? Your children, you made the choice, you handle it. Time for the men you choose to have children for do their part. I agree, you are calling the online school BS because you don’t or can’t seem to understand how to do it. Then ask another parent to show you how it is done.
  • GG (06/05/2020, 18:57) Like (7) Dislike (23) Reply
    Beauty Salins miss out big time on Mothe's day... Im sure some Mom's would have want that look......
    • GG (06/05/2020, 21:25) Like (11) Dislike (10) Reply
      How dentist in people mouth you all talking about salon
      • Because (07/05/2020, 05:01) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
        Because dentists have studied hygiene and have always used proper masks & gloves that are changed for each patient. I can't see hairdressers working with gloves on!

        • hair (07/05/2020, 07:21) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
          The legit hairsalons in the BVI, if they went to school studied this also.....
    • @wow (07/05/2020, 09:41) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      I don’t think so, Mom’s can do their hair at home and still look great. I plan to hook up my Mom’s hair for Mother’s Day in the comfort of her home. There is no way I would allow my Mom’s to sit in any hair salon at this time. My son learn how to use those clippers and he has been cutting him and his father hair from home.
    • @wow (08/05/2020, 04:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Florist, Restaurants and the list goes on. Huge money making day
    • NezRez (09/05/2020, 21:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Wow. What look do mother's want? Looking good staying at home but dying from a virus they may catch or looking good in the coffin? Get out of here! Any sensible mom don't care about that, just worrying about keeping here family safe. Now a VAIN self centered horrible mother would sacrifice her entire families health to look good, which is the dumbest crap I would have heard of and she is no mother, but a piece of trash!
  • hmm (06/05/2020, 19:19) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply

    Suit them i***** people yess

  • What!! (06/05/2020, 19:32) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Women watsapping the Premier to have their hair and nails done??? Impossible to do and practice social distancing, what you want ladies to be a good looking corpse??
  • Feel n Sad (06/05/2020, 20:01) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    No one fighting for us..... But we will be ok... God above look low..What we aint make today we will make tomorrow...Stand still my people and know that God is incharge...
  • Wash your naps urself (06/05/2020, 22:27) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wash ur naps home
    Play it or buy ur relaxers and do or have someone do it for u a relative etc.

    Nails lash hair it’s all u all live for ur not going to die u didn’t after the hurricanes we lived by mercy and did without plenty stuff didn’t we..
  • lmao (06/05/2020, 23:16) Like (3) Dislike (25) Reply
    This crazy war of the words between the Locals and the down Island people has been going on for years. Typical Hatfields and McCoys behavior. Why not build a wall in the middle of the Island, all Locals live on one side, all Down Islanders on the other side.
  • Pup (07/05/2020, 07:31) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    U guys who making comment full of
  • Darn (07/05/2020, 08:16) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fraser will never agree for his wife to sit in any hair salon at this time. And I doubt the Premier would want his wife sitting in any hair salon at this time. To close for comfort.
  • Ohhh (07/05/2020, 09:29) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The cartoon of the week is truly funny.
  • interview (07/05/2020, 09:43) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Interview 5 popular hairdressers and let’s get their take. Let’s see who they’re mind is set up. Leave Felaica for the last cause Big girls rules!!!
  • Big Slick Willie (07/05/2020, 10:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    And my dancers?
  • no sense (07/05/2020, 14:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If that is the case why allow Spas to open???? Makes no sense.
  • beauty gone (08/05/2020, 18:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh lort, I see nuff trouble between them women and them partners. Them man gone want to know if them was lock down with a stranger
    • n (10/05/2020, 21:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      When a man meets a woman with pounds of make-up on, fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake nails, fake waist trainers, fake butt lifts, just fake all around, and now see them in their natural you want to run home to your Mama saying she was not the girl you thought she was....LMAO, you deserve it! You knew that stuff was not real, but you enjoyed the fantasy...LOL LOL LOL.

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