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7 cruise calls expected in June 2021 – Premier Fahie

- says economic advantages will skew towards vaccinated locals
April 26th, 2021 | Tags: cruise ships economy Virgin Islands tourism BVI
Two cruise ships on 'warm-layup' in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: VINO/File
Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says with about 7 cruise calls expected in June 2021 when the territory re-opens, businesses and others in the Virgin Islands who are fully vaccinated (VI) will reap the most benefits. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says with about 7 cruise calls expected in June 2021 when the territory re-opens, businesses and others in the Virgin Islands who are fully vaccinated (VI) will reap the most benefits. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says with about 7 cruise calls expected in June 2021 when the territory re-opens, businesses and others in the Virgin Islands who are fully vaccinated (VI) will reap the most benefits.

Hon Fahie made the statements on Friday, April 23, 2021, shortly after Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL), and the Governor of the Virgin Islands John J. Rankin CMG received their second dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine.

Protocols will be re-examined with re-opening

According to the Premier, the territory will be looking to re-examine some of the existing COVID-19 protocols to allow for cruise tourism and other travel, "but it will be one in which the advantages are for towards persons that are vaccinated,” he said.

Hon Fahie reminded that persons who will be coming to the territory via cruise liners must be vaccinated, which includes both the crew and the passengers.

“And I say again to all our people in the tourism industry, that they have also stated as we speak with cruise liners … they are stating that they want to make sure that whoever they come in contact with, with the bubble situations that we have, that all those persons are vaccinated also,” he said.

Hon Fahie said from then on, persons who are coming to the territory to spend money will be the ones dictating on vaccination in the Virgin Islands.

Locals must be aware & ready for protocols – Premier

“I want to make sure that our taxi operators understand this and they are ready, I want to make sure that our vendors understand this and they are ready, I want to make sure that our Craft Alive people understand this and that they are ready,” he said.

Premier Fahie reiterated that vaccination remains the best bet to protect people as well as to get the local economy going.

“Because we cannot dictate for persons that come into the territory where and how to spend their money if they do not feel safe being in areas with persons that are not vaccinated,” the Premier went on to say.

13 Responses to “7 cruise calls expected in June 2021 – Premier Fahie”

  • local girl (26/04/2021, 11:19) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    In other news today, Anguilla has gone into another lock fown for 14 days
    • Cruse ship passengers (26/04/2021, 12:47) Like (12) Dislike (15) Reply
      We would hope that the taxi drivers is vaccinated and wearing a mask before we step foot in their vehicles. We have to be vaccinated and have to follow protocols before we board the ship. When we dock in the BVI and is in need of a taxi, I will be asking the driver if he was vaccinated and need to see document that he was.
    • At local girl. Old negative news (26/04/2021, 13:19) Like (43) Dislike (1) Reply
      Anguilla experience the same problems we experience some time back . Illegal entry. And their lock down is a balance lock down. Not a prison lockdown like what we had. U all need to get all the facts before coming on trying to be negative. When govt go bankrupt and can't pay you all salary or when govt is forced to reduce civil servants only then some of you all will get it..
  • blah (26/04/2021, 12:28) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    He needs to tell the full truth. The ships coming in June will be no different to the warm layups we had recently except for certain tour companies. They will not be allowed to patronise locak stores, taxis etc. Do not be fooled. Its a good start but give the people the entire story so they know what to expect.
  • omg (26/04/2021, 12:37) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Here comes trouble!
  • John (26/04/2021, 12:52) Like (56) Dislike (5) Reply
    The BVI will go back into lockdown. Vaccinated persons can still spread COVID. Look at the other countries.
    • @John (27/04/2021, 10:36) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      BVI will NOT go into lockdown because they will soon stop testing as much, this will happen around the world and they will say cases are down because of the vaccine when in fact recorded cases will be down because of less testing. Game on!
  • WEW (26/04/2021, 13:03) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    You insist all the crew and passengers be vaccinated while getting BV islanders vaccinated has been a total disaster.
  • Only 7 (26/04/2021, 13:23) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    I was hoping it would have been 27..I am ready to work.. Its been too long..
  • Survey (27/04/2021, 06:23) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hopefully one of the VIP high paid consultants has commenced a survey of ALL the tourist business's in the BVI listing the vaccinated and unvaccinated employees in each business. Next the 9 district reps in the HOA should conduct a survey of their district listing all the vaccinated and unvaccinated households in their district. The results of these surveys should then be presented to all visitors on cruise ships, yachts, hotels, etc. so they KNOW where it is safe for them to visit.
  • Ghost (27/04/2021, 08:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It doesn’t matter who vaccinated or not you still can get COVID and pass it on vac or no vac whatever happens happens just stay with your mask on and wash hands once you get the vaccine it can’t come out always remember that
  • unfair (27/04/2021, 16:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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