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3 charged for Long Bush barber shop robbery; Firearm recovered

- Kawa Cornwall, Rean-J Christopher & Samuel Harris remain in custody pending court appearance
Police have arrested and charged three persons in relation to a robbery at Ogan Barber Shop in Long Bush on August 10, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
The three persons charged remain in custody pending their appearance at the Magistrate’s Court. Photo: VINO/File
The three persons charged remain in custody pending their appearance at the Magistrate’s Court. Photo: VINO/File
LONG BUSH, Tortola, VI – Police have arrested and charged three persons in relation to a robbery at Ogan Barber Shop in Long Bush on August 10, 2020, a story first and accurately reported by Virgin Islands News Online.

Kawa Cornwall, 36; Rean-J Christopher, 21, and  Samuel Harris, 29, all of Main Street have been jointly charged with 2 Counts of Robbery, Keeping a Firearm without a License, Unlawful Possession of Explosives and Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Drug with Intent to Supply.

Firearm allegedly found

According to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), in a press release on September 15, 2020, police executed a search on a residence in Main Street on Friday, September 11, 2020, when a loaded firearm and a quantity of drugs were recovered.

The three persons charged remain in custody pending their appearance at the Magistrate’s Court.

Barber robbed & client gun-butted

Sources had related to our newsroom that the incident occurred some time after 10:00am on August 10, 2020, when a man, who had his face covered with a T-shirt, walked into the barbershop and whipped out a gun.

The barber was reportedly relieved of cash, a cellphone and a wristwatch.

The client; however, reportedly resisted and a struggle ensued between him and the gunman.

The customer, according to reports, was subsequently gun-butted but managed to escape. He had to seek treatment at Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital for injuries.

Police had reportedly reviewed CCTV footage of the area.

22 Responses to “3 charged for Long Bush barber shop robbery; Firearm recovered”

  • WOWW (15/09/2020, 19:46) Like (2) Dislike (19) Reply
    These island people need to stop it
    • rasta (16/09/2020, 06:33) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      U all does sound so stupid with this island ppl talk and most of u all parents from else were
      • Mel (16/09/2020, 17:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Please do not respond to those type of comments. That individual is trying to stir up confusion and is seeking attention!!
    • Born here yes (16/09/2020, 07:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mother and father from here yes .Ayo ppl mad.......yall need to stop....all of we is island ppl....all of our parents or grandparents from the uslands
    • @woww (16/09/2020, 10:51) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      What nation/continent are you from? Tortola IS an island... one of the smallest too. FYI I am born BVISlander, 3 generations strong
    • Struppes (16/09/2020, 14:54) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply

      Cornwall is a grown a$$ BVIslander doing crap.

  • K (15/09/2020, 19:51) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I don't know but some thing about male children my grandma anytime u have a boy child u have to ban your belly in these last days parents have to stay on their knees
  • miss (15/09/2020, 20:19) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    Smush ain tired go jail? Smh
    • IRMA YOUTH (15/09/2020, 22:18) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Tha man got a Jumbie on he so is Jail he gonna keep on going. Imagine he had come out n was all on TV on Interview saying he glad to get a second chance in society...N this is the nonsense he gone go do. Judge give this repeated offender 7years (calendar) minimum
  • NezRez (15/09/2020, 20:59) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    So glad they caught them. Small businesses don't make much, and they have the nerve to take the little bit you have. Make an example of them!
  • Cut deep (15/09/2020, 21:24) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let’s get all of the criminals supporters of the host of C** D**P off our streets and bring our Tortola back to how it was. Let’s cut the gut outta crime.
  • Willy (15/09/2020, 21:30) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ayo love balo or something?
  • Your Comments (15/09/2020, 21:45) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    what a waists of 9months plz lock them up and throw away the keys ! This is how these young man want to live just take up your gun and rob peoples of there hard working cash mehson.....smh smush i beg you to keep out of trouble and you say yes i will cause i spend so many yrs in prison smh, and mr kawa just the other i read about you on this say news begging the judge for a next chance to feed your child and look at this now smh ayo will never learn ...Kawa you 36 yrs plus a father and doing this what example you setting for your son as a father eh
  • l (16/09/2020, 00:20) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply

    @ woowww your mouth stink
    I ha*e you

  • @irmayouth (16/09/2020, 07:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lol there just to stupid to be criminal that all nothing with jumbie jail there go always fall
    All three of them especially the oldest one
  • Sublight servant (16/09/2020, 10:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    All humans by nature are fallable. We wonder at times why others behave the way they do, but wonderless how we think simular like they, and behave badly as they do. The answer to all our problems are recorded in a Volume Book called "The Bible." If we comply with the righteous principles therein, and and trust in our Creator's plan of salvation from power of evil, Olny then will we be empowered by Him, to love others and treat as they ought to. Adults are more responsible for the bad behavors of the youth. if adults begin to act more righteously, more youth will begin to act more righteously. Let us that are adults do right, many more youth also will. God's love alone is the healing medicine of all our problems. Amen.
  • Sublight Servant. (16/09/2020, 10:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes, they derserved to jail, are as all law breakers do. To those of us who are connected to God by grace through in Christ. let pray for the salvation rather than codenming them. Sinners are not fit to clean sinners, inle God can. God loves dearly, only our sins He hates..
  • Big Up!! (16/09/2020, 13:35) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just look at THIS!!
    When the story come out about the robbery, there was all this talk about how lame and useless the police they should have been up in the barbershop waiting for the robbers to come. Now they catch them and not ONE person big up the Police. I sorry but for the RVIPF to work in a society like this must be demoralizing!! I really sorry RVIPF. I see the heartless, thankless people in this society and the unjustified criticism and I from here. I for one THANK YOU!!
    • stfu (17/09/2020, 06:05) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Point me to one murder they helped solved over the years???? just stfu
  • captain flint (16/09/2020, 19:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Are these guys are belongers or not? If not they should be deported. If they are belongers then should be made to do hard labour and pay for their sins and locked away for a long time. They could have killed someone . If they have a gun they are more likely to use it. The police and judges need to clamp down on crime and the Government needs to get tougher on crime otherwise this island is going to hell l fast.
  • focus (17/09/2020, 07:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm a local but why do u guys stray from the vino topic to answer a jack a** comment degrading our brother's and sister's from our 1 Caribbean country. Stay focus my people.

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