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25 COVID-19 deaths now in VI; active cases drop to 1,109

-Health Minister reports that VI has seen over 667 recoveries since latest update
The Virgin Islands (VI) has seen a drop in total active coronavirus cases with some 667 recoveries to bring the territory's total active cases to 1109, Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has announced. Photo: Internet Source
Hon Malone noted that if the economy will re-open fully and work for the territory, then persons must be able to adhere to all the protocols that are currently in place. Photo: Facebook
Hon Malone noted that if the economy will re-open fully and work for the territory, then persons must be able to adhere to all the protocols that are currently in place. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The Virgin Islands (VI) has seen a drop in total active coronavirus cases with some 667 recoveries to bring the territory's total active cases to 1,109, Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has announced.

Hon Malone released the latest status update during a COVID-19 update last evening, Friday, July 23, 2021, where he also indicated that as long as the VI follows the established protocols, the active case count will continue to drop. 

"We are not out of the woods, no matter how cliche it might sound, the fact is I am reading about other island nations that they are beginning to see what we witness in the past 10-14 days, this will continue throughout the world, sad to say we have now recorded a total of 25 deaths," Hon Malone further announced. 

The Health Minister said, however, that authorities are trying to avoid hard lockdowns as it is detrimental to persons and to economies. 

Gov't avoiding hard lockdowns - Hon Malone 

"We can only continue to do that [avoid lockdowns]... if we continue to adhere to the protocols that were put in place, we have a curfew it starts at 7:00 pm nightly, and runs until 5:00 am the other morning, during the day hours we must be able to stay at home," he said with the exceptions of people who must out. 

Hon Malone noted that if the economy will re-open fully and work for the territory, then persons must be able to adhere to all the protocols that are currently in place. 

Meanwhile, total vaccinations in the VI is 16,033 total first doses and 11,112 total second doses according to the latest stats from the Health Ministry. 

To date, the VI has seen 2,389 total recorded COVID-19 cases the Health Minister said. 

Tortola currently has the highest number of active infections with 946 cases, followed by Virgin Gorda with 96, Jost van Dyke with 28 cases, and Anegada with 4 cases. 35 cases are also being housed on vessels in the territory. 

30 Responses to “25 COVID-19 deaths now in VI; active cases drop to 1,109”

  • A VOTER IN #6 (24/07/2021, 11:35) Like (25) Dislike (10) Reply
  • Let’s see (24/07/2021, 11:44) Like (16) Dislike (35) Reply
    Can’t wait to see who comes out on alive in the next 5yrs the vaxxed or the unvaxxed I got my money on the unvaxxed
    • @Let’s See (24/07/2021, 12:50) Like (33) Dislike (9) Reply
      You actually walk among us. People like yourself actually believe the propaganda posted by the likes of the website you linked. My dear, that is a conspiracy theorist website.
      Wow, unbelievable. 25 deaths and you post this. So disheartening that there are those out there that actually have the same beliefs as yours. This is exactly why Tortola las lost 25.
      • @@Lets see (24/07/2021, 14:33) Like (12) Dislike (12) Reply
        Most got wrong treatment for their asthma and pneumonia, a ventilator isn’t meant to be used for those patients, that’s why the deaths are so high
    • @ let's see (24/07/2021, 13:28) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
      Hope & wish you alive the next couple years.... sounds so smart!!..unvax or vax we all will pass sum time thats life pple dying evry day....go sitdown dumd dumd
    • Yes, yes and yes (24/07/2021, 14:13) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      This is an amazing video, thank you for posting it. Free speech is a right, we can hear all sides. This info is critical.
  • Eagle Eye (24/07/2021, 11:47) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nice to see a reduction in positive cases. Achieved only through less testing.
  • .... (24/07/2021, 11:49) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    far to many friends and love ones in a short period of time
  • pray (24/07/2021, 11:55) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    Thank to God almighty
    • WHAT!!! (24/07/2021, 13:02) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
      “Pray”. 23 dead and your thanking your almighty god . You really don’t see anything wrong with that?
      • @WHAT!!! (24/07/2021, 20:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        So what you want us to do... cryyy with youu?? I know it's sad
        to lose loved ones in this hard times but may God comfort the families at this time. God knows best. Regardless of what is going on in this difficult time we must be grateful and thankful to God. Despite the sad days we MUST give God praise. We all could've been dead but because of God we are still here.
  • q (24/07/2021, 12:00) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Enquiring (24/07/2021, 12:07) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    Can the relevant authorities of the BVI Government please confirm what is the estimated total population of the BVI, as of at least 2020, even to the nearest 500 persons? There are all these very high figures of cases and vaccinations. But how many people actually live in the British Virgin Islands? Surely, that is an important figure also.
  • fact (24/07/2021, 12:30) Like (9) Dislike (12) Reply

    Approved: December 30, 2020

    Phase 3 trials data

    Efficacy at blocking symptoms (one dose): 70%
    Efficacy against severe illness (one dose): 100%
    Real world data:

    Efficacy at stopping transmission: 70%
    Efficacy at blocking symptoms: Between 60 and 73%
    Efficacy against severe illness: 80%
    How it works: Adenovirus vaccine – To make the vaccine, the common cold virus is genetically modified to trigger it to make the Covid spike protein — which the virus uses to invade cells.

    When the vaccine is administered the patient's immune system attacks the spike protein by building antibodies, priming it to fight off Covid before it leads to an infection.
    • FEO GOMEZ (24/07/2021, 14:38) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
      Ok stoopid why would a healthy person put a modified version of the common cold in their body to trigger anything? We'll simply wait for the modified version of the flu called Covid to strike and let the immune system do what it do......stooopid.
    • @Fact (24/07/2021, 15:56) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      Efficiency 100%against severe illness-para1
      Efficacy 80% against severe illness para 3
    • Tongue Fu (24/07/2021, 18:14) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply

      40% of those hospitalized in the UK are vaccinated. That number is expected to go as Boris the Clueless Johnson has now decided to throw caution to the wind and remove all mask and social distancing mandates. The great EXPERIMENT.

      "Another concern is how soon vaccines wear off. Several studies have shown that antibody levels fall over time, but it is unclear what the declines mean for immunity and protection against infection, hospitalisation and death. The answer could become clear in the months ahead. As hospitals brace for another wave of patients, health officials will watch closely to see if more beds are needed for those jabbed first".
  • hmmm (24/07/2021, 12:47) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Glad to see people recovering.

    Sadly a few lost their lives. Condolences to their family.

    @VINO I'd love to see an article from the point of view of survivors. Those who were hospitalized but made it and those who had mild symptoms, how they managed it and what they did to help themselves recover.

    Sounds like a good story to tell.
  • E. Leonard (24/07/2021, 12:58) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    1600 active cases was a staggering and shocking number but 667 recoveries is positive news. Nonetheless, it is not cause for VI residents to relax, to get overconfident or to let their guard down. The recoveries are a few winning battles in the Covid war; the Covid war is still raging. The Delta Variant, a more transmissible strain and the dominant strain in the US, along with other variants, is on the loose/rampant. Of note, is that the Delta Variant supposedly has been detected in the USVI, the VI westerly and friendly neighbor that is only stone’s throw away.

    Moreover, Covid-19 pandemic is far from over. The world has approx 8,000, 000, 000 people but only approximately 3.9B doses have been administered. Further, only approx 26.9% of the global population may have received one jab;and only approx 13.5% have been fully vaccinated. Additionally, approx 1.2% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose. This low dosage is highly evident on the African continent where only a tiny % of the continent’s approx 1.2B population has been vaccinated. Some advanced countries have surplus vaccination doses while residents in some developing countries struggle to get even a single dose. Advanced countries must act in a concrete manner to help developing countries. They give lip service to doing so at their own peril. Lack of a vaccination anywhere is a problem everywhere. The world is interconnected and with the affordability of air travel a potential infected person is only a plane ride away from arriving in any destination. A Marshall-styled Covid-Plan is urgently needed for CARICOM and other developing countries.

    Be well, be safe and be vigilant. Don’t be late—vaccinate. Vaccination works. It minimizes infections, transmissions, getting sick, hospitalizations, ICU, and deaths.
  • Praise to God, for His loving mercy to us (24/07/2021, 13:04) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    My deep heart felt condolence to the families members of the two latest persons that have lost their lives to the killer decease, covid-19. May God rest their spirits.
    Big drop in positive cases number with 667 recoverdx so far. This is good news
    Highest thanks to God the Almighty. And thanks to all the Governor, the current govenment leaders, doctors, nurses, health workers, and all who have, and are continuing being a positive and active part of the progress, that we are now experiencing, in our defencive war against the covid-19.
    Let us, hopefully in one accord, do the things that are right, so that the right things we do will do us good
    God has done. And He will continue to do for us the that we are unable to do. But those things that we are able to do to help ourselves, we should do them for our own good without delay.

  • @ facts (24/07/2021, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thanks you for this piece of valueable informàtion. In spite of these facts, only ignorant and selfish people ignored proven data that is detrimental to theirs and others good.
    Continue to inform us of things that we need to know about the covid-19 virus.
  • Recovery (24/07/2021, 14:20) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Perhaps our health minister could provide a vital piece of information about the miraculous 667 virus recoveries in one week such as the number of vaccinated recoveries.
  • holy ghost (24/07/2021, 15:51) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lord we praise your holy name. You have heard our prayers from in your sanctuary. We know that you are alive and well. You are the only God and your name is Jesus Christ. Foolish people read your words and still call you wrong names. When you came to earth, you healed the sick, cleanse the lepers and cast out demons. You did miracles wherever you went. The foreign names like Hail Selassie never did one miracle in his life, yet still people say he is their God. Our God would have mercy on you if you come towards him. He would allow you to see the power of God through the Holy Ghost.
  • See (24/07/2021, 16:04) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The recovered cases are good but don't assume the number of active cases is down when you are no longer doing the amount of testing . Seems like another desperate attempt by the government to provide potentially misleading positive information .
  • simple (24/07/2021, 16:10) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    If YOU take the vaccine then shut your mouth up and mind your business. If we don't want to take it then GTFOH. You safe, stop worrying bout other people and mind yo business. Yall sounding like Mormons and Jehovah Witness who like come push them belief on people. Yall look REAL STUPID when you do that. Or i guess some people have nothing better to do than come on here and make yourself look stupid to the world(world wide web)
  • fish (24/07/2021, 17:22) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    So only minus no addition,strange
  • hmmm (24/07/2021, 20:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    so for the past few day it was over sixteen hundred something cases...and today we are one thousand what you're saying is all of a sudden there were no new active cases within these days?..even thought pcr test are conducted daily?...its just not adding up
  • Eagle Eye (25/07/2021, 00:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need to hold our leaders accountable. They told us the recoveries from the 1600 plus. Down to 1100. What's the figure of the new positives? Give us that figure now. Let us do our own additions since you all can't add or tell us the public the final count. Most of us went to school. We don't want to hear nothing else from the government until they clarify these numbers. Thanks. And yes I'm fully vaccinated.

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