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21 illegal immigrants nabbed in VG's North Sound area

- Department of Immigration says illegal immigrants are being processed for detention & repatriation
Twenty-one illegal migrants were located in the North Sound area of Virgin Gorda on March 21, 2024, according to information from the Department of Immigration. Photo: VINO/File
Some 35 illegal immigrants were caught on Cooper Island between February 14-15, 2024. Photo: VINO/File
Some 35 illegal immigrants were caught on Cooper Island between February 14-15, 2024. Photo: VINO/File
NORTH SOUND, Virgin Gorda, VI– Twenty-one illegal migrants were located in the North Sound area of Virgin Gorda on March 21, 2024, according to information from the Department of Immigration.

The department in a statement today, March 21, 2024, said the illegal migrants were transported by the Marine arm of the Joint Task Force and are currently being processed in preparation for detention and repatriation.

According to information, these migrants are Romanian, Haitian, Colombian, American, Irish, and Ecuadorian nationals and are currently undergoing intake processes by the Department of Immigration’s Enforcement Unit.

“The Department of Immigration and members of the Joint Task Force continue to increase its capabilities, by ensuring that cohesive plans are executed in a manner that will continue to share a sense of safety to our residents,” the department added.

The Acting Chief Immigration Officer, Mrs Nadia Demming-Hodge, is asking anyone with information about these migrants, to contact the Department of Immigration at 468-4705 and 468-4754 or the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force Hotline at 311.

The department said the security of VI’s territorial borders is paramount and that it remains committed to safeguarding national security, undergirded by principles of integrity, as a means of supporting the stability and development of the VI.

70 illegal immigrants caught since Feb 14

Some 70 illegal immigrants have been caught in the Virgin Islands since February 14, 2024.

Between February 14 and 15, 2024, 35 illegal immigrants were rounded up on Cooper Island while on February 29, 2024, 14 illegal immigrants were apprehended on Virgin Gorda. Police had said they believed there were more yet to be arrested.

25 Responses to “21 illegal immigrants nabbed in VG's North Sound area”

  • ... (21/03/2024, 18:16) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    them really afraid of the us so them just dropping these people off to the nearest point dont care if they have enough money to pay someone else to get them to the end point...
    • police.. (22/03/2024, 04:13) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      These need an internal investigation into police and security. This now seems like an effort to keep certain security business as good business..
      • tola (22/03/2024, 10:06) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ police: stop talk nonsense you everybody knows who bringing these people in the BVI for years now but want to the public to be distracted with you stupid self .
  • ... (21/03/2024, 18:29) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    We will have a lot more of these coming especially if there is more instability world wide. Prepare for it, look around its as if the world is a powder keg. France mulling troops to Ukraine but Haiti on the verge of... I dont even know what to call it. What irony support to Ukraine but their former colony is in shambles.
  • Truly i do not (21/03/2024, 19:35) Like (0) Dislike (27) Reply
    Give them wrong. Life is getting harder and the average pay does not cover the bills

    So allow the people to come in and make a life better not only for them but for us

    They have to send the monies earn out some how. And when they do such we tolians are eating and the money are staying here
  • wise up (22/03/2024, 04:03) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    • @wise up (22/03/2024, 14:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yup, it's an obvious senseless RED FLAG but the games that the w#!+$ m@^ play is hilariously stupendous.
    • Linda (22/03/2024, 16:55) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @wise up. American indeed. The American must be the one in charge of bringing them in because an American does not need to be in the VI to live or have a better life like the rest of them.
    • No Visa needed….. (22/03/2024, 20:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      … for Americans, Irishs and Rumanians
      They could legally enter the BVI AND USA. If they enter this way means they have a skeleton in their closet!!!!
  • lord o. (22/03/2024, 04:12) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    These Heartless, greedy, selfish Boat people taking poor people money then dump them on an Island where they have no idea what to do or where to go...Most time they lie to them promise them they can take them to USVI safely....Where is God?
  • WOW (22/03/2024, 06:59) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am tempted to said good job but some of these God fearing human beings are just seeing a better life on God's property.
    What amazed me is who easy they can be caught but those drugs runners on the sea can't be caught.
    Even with the assistance of our neighbors.
    Something to answer to God.
    • wow really (22/03/2024, 09:11) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      God's property illegal migrants we have laws to follow . You know what coming use your car later make some runs its god's property too.
  • HMMM (22/03/2024, 08:58) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    There is alot more on the island,the force need to skate out in the area because that where the boat man keep dropping them off! Lying to them saying they Stt! Our board protection units is so weak! Some even get paid to let the boat man pass to do there dirty work! Fingers up our islands with criminals!
  • just askin' (22/03/2024, 09:23) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
  • hmm (22/03/2024, 09:27) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    The US taking the coke but not the immigrants! LOL!
  • be careful (22/03/2024, 10:12) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    It doesn’t add up, the nationalities mention call for a more greater concern, but as usual, the BVI authorities take everything and everyone for granted, Colombians , AMERICANS, Haitians and Romanians , do a background check and you all will be surprised of the findings,
  • Disinterested (22/03/2024, 12:01) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Americans! Who are the Americans , ie, South Americans, Central Americans, North Americans( US, Mexico, Canada)? Irish? Is not Northern Ireland part of the UK? Ok, Ireland. Globalization is reeking havoc on blue collar workers.
    • @Disinterested (22/03/2024, 16:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Disinterested, globalization may have reduced high paying blue collar jobs but computer technology, ie, robots also high paying white collar jobs but it also creates more job skills, more jobs., etc.

      To curious, you asked what rich countries can do to help developing countries. These countries can help developing countries structure and developed their economies to provide more jobs for local people to make a living wage..People are social beings and like to be around family, friends, etc. So if they have jobs at home, they will stay home with their families instead of taking torturous journeys with much uncertainties to find work to take care of themselves and their families. However, companies look for low wage opportunities and less about the people and their families..If illegals cannot make it to their countries to work for low wages, they will off shore to where they are , paying low wages. Low wages, low wages is the animating force for investors/employers.
  • E. Leonard (22/03/2024, 14:21) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    The root of discontent in many of these countries is abject poverty, suffering from low standard of living, quality of life, low wages, poor economies, political corruption, political persecution, poor governance etc. The circumstances are forcing many to take torturous, uncertain, etc. journeys in pursuit of a better way of life for they and their families, experiencing exploitation, abuse, etc, along the way. A case in point is Haiti, a Caricom member, sharing the island of Hispaniola with Dominican Republic( Santo Domingo), poorest country in the Caribbean region, etc. Columbus stumbled upon Hispaniola in 1492 with Spain and France battling for control of the island. Per some scholars the DR declared independence from Haiti in 1944, reconnecting with Spain in 1861 and attaining independence in 1865( Dr supposedly has the distinction of fighting for its independence twice). Haiti and DR share an island but their status is like two worlds , universes, apart with DR on average enjoying a higher standard of living and quality of life and stronger economy. The situation between DR and Haiti resembles the situation described by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson in Why Nations Fail in regards to Nogales, Mexico, and Nogales, AZ. Nonetheless, Haiti and Haitians travails seemed to have started in 1804 and is on going.

    Moreover, Haiti was France’s most profitable slave colony. In 1804, Haiti declared its independence from France, becoming the first Black Republic in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti’s independence cause a major stir among slave/plantation owners who feared that their slaves would also revolt. Consequently, they united to teach Haiti a lesson and to demonstrate to others the consequences of revolting. France did not recognized Haiti’s independence until 1825 but under the condition it pays France a hefty 150,000,000 Francs reparations for lost of its chattel property and the potential profits they would have generated. Where would a poor and recently declared independent country find this huge sum? France needs to pay Haiti and Haitians reparations for its exploitation, expropriation, abuse, etc., of slaves. Instead, Haiti for its audacity to declare independence was isolated, punished, stigmatized, ostracized, etc. Further, the US also got involved in Haiti. It recognized Haiti’s independence in 1862 and took control of Haiti in 1919. In the process it transferred some of Haiti’s little wealth out of the country and allegedly rewrote its constitution giving foreigners the right to own land. The US give up control of Haiti in 1934; however, it maintained control of its finance until around 1947( it appears the debt to France was paid off in 1847).

    Further, though outsiders exploited Haiti and Haitians, the behavior of some Haitian leaders may have also contributed to Haiti’s situation. In my view, Haiti is currently a failed state similar to Somalia, Southern Sudan, Mali, Eritrea, etc. Today, Gangs seemed to be in control of Port Au Prince , the capital city, exacerbating an already bad situation. The 11, 000, 000 people of Haiti are living iin a hellish situation.

    In regards to illegal entry into the VI, like every other country, the VI must protect and control its borders and must have a structured, balanced , reasonable, etc immigration policy/ process which meets and serves its needs.
    • @E. Leonard (22/03/2024, 15:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      To E. Leonard, so what should the BVI do with the illegal Haitians? Should they repatriated to a hellish Haiti as you stated or give them temporary status in the BzvI? Would this encourage others to risk the same journey? Any thoughts on what rich countries can do to help underdeveloped and developing countries improve their economies, governing?
    • Curious (22/03/2024, 15:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E. Leonard, so the DR was part of Haiti. Is this why the DR close its border to Haitians and even deported DR-born Haitians?
    • Escape Hatch (23/03/2024, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E. Leonard, your theory of the case for the deplorable condition in Haiti sounds convincing but this juror is not on board. You are making an excuse, providing an escape hatch for the corrupt behavior, terrorist behavior, thuggery, etc of Haitian leaders and writ large the people. How long are going to blame slavery as an excuse for our miscues, bad behavior, corruption etc.You mention that Haiti and the Haitian people are being ostracized, isolated, punished and stigmatized for having the audacity to declare independence. Hogwash, Haiti declared independence in 1804( some 220 years ago), so its deplorable condition is still tied to it declaring independence. Could it be its corrupt behavior of its people, ie, occult science etc..? Haiti and Haitians need to take responsibility for the deplorable circumstances, should it not? Haiti has had help. For example, you mentioned the US occupied Haiti from 1919-1934 , yet it seems things are worst today than then. Let’s stop making excuses for Haiti.
  • bbc (22/03/2024, 14:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    tell the governor to enhance border security
  • alien task force (23/03/2024, 13:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good work! Now, bring in the head alien from Uranus, Sir Ritchy Rich. He's the cause of it all. A real space case.

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