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14-day lockdown extended 'just a few days more'- Premier Fahie

-Says final plans will be revealed this evening following suspected COVID-19 death
Following news of the Territory's first suspected death of the highly infectious COVID-19, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has announced that the current 14-day lockdown in the territory will have to extended as authorities grapple to remain in control of the pandemic. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) giving a COVID-19 update to the Territory on April 18, 2020, alongside H.E. Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert and Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL). Photo: GIS/Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) giving a COVID-19 update to the Territory on April 18, 2020, alongside H.E. Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert and Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL). Photo: GIS/Facebook
The reasoning behind the move the Premier said; is that while the COVID-19 death this morning at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital is still suspected and awaiting confirmation of test results from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad and Tobago, he said the Government will be proceeding on the bases that the case was positive unless it is proved otherwise. Photo: VINO/File
The reasoning behind the move the Premier said; is that while the COVID-19 death this morning at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital is still suspected and awaiting confirmation of test results from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad and Tobago, he said the Government will be proceeding on the bases that the case was positive unless it is proved otherwise. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Following news of the territory's first suspected death of the highly infectious COVID-19, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has announced that the current 14-day lockdown in the territory will have to be extended as the Government grapples to remain in control of the situation.

The Premier made the announcement this early afternoon, April 18, 2020, in a media update alongside H.E. Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert and Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) when it was noted that full plans of the extended lockdown will be released by this evening.

Gov't treating case as positive 

The reasoning behind the move the Premier said; is that while the COVID-19 death is still suspected and awaiting confirmation of test results from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad and Tobago, the Government will be proceeding on the bases that the case was positive unless it is proved otherwise. 

The Health Emergency Operation Centre (HEOC) today confirmed that a 52-year-old female believed to be a Filipino national, succumbed this morning to what authorities believe is a COVID-19 related death. 

According to Hon Fahie, "The safety and wellbeing of every person on these islands is the number one priority for your government and for all our stakeholders who have joined with us in the united effort against the virus."

The Premier said that the lives of everyone must come first, "therefore, in the interest of saving lives, we are called upon to make some additional sacrifices," he said. 

"We were all looking forward to the phased relaxing of the curfews and restrictions next week. Businesses and individuals were in the process of preparing for the phased re-opening of essential businesses and services from Monday, April 20, 2020," he said. 

'Just a few days more' - Premier Fahie 

The Premier said that given the circumstances, the phased re-opening will have to be adjusted and pushed back and the curfew extended for 'just a few days more," starting today Saturday April 18, 2020. 

Hon Fahie said it the extreme measure is not taken, the doors will be opened to the possibility of losing everything the territory has sacrificed for over the past weeks with the first curfew and then extended 14-day lockdown. 

"If we do not do this and the situation gets worst, it will prolong the shutdown of our economy and it will worsen the impact on businesses and person who are presently without income due to the closures," he said. 

The Territory has been on an extended 14-day COVID-19 lockdown since Saturday, April 4, 2020, which was expected to end on April 19, 2020, and transition into a managed curfew period where persons would be able to conduct essential business and stock up on goods.

The Premier pleaded with the public to hold down for a little bit longer, noting that the extension will only be for a short time.

60 Responses to “14-day lockdown extended 'just a few days more'- Premier Fahie ”

  • Real (18/04/2020, 14:50) Like (44) Dislike (22) Reply
    This is not right at all to the people who are already in need of food and water supplies, they have nothing in place to feed the entire bvi from Anegada to Jost Van Dyke, absolutely nothing. No one is happy that the lady lost her life, it could be other complications she had but only focus is on covid 19 .THis government doesn't have no money to issue to families as this thing continues which is not good for ppl who represent you, so its sad
    • The rick (18/04/2020, 18:02) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
      Maybe it's time we arrange for flights to take home persons who are from the other islands to ease the stress then when it's over they return,
    • Seriously? (18/04/2020, 18:44) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
      All yall need to Be quiet THE GOVERNMENT IS DOING WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!!! Come on man we need to work as one the lord is trying to humble the people! Just wait a while we will see this thru ! This isnt going to last forever, it is if we do not take the neccessary precautions man people all the government needs to do is help out with essential supplies simple Fahie has been helping, but the other district representatives need to step up and help out their community like Fahie did with his!
  • Don’t let fear control you (18/04/2020, 14:52) Like (97) Dislike (45) Reply
    Government: "Stay home! , shut up !, Obey without question!"
    Most Caribbean countries: Yes sir
    Other Countries that’s protesting: No!
    Simple as that
  • Sad Reality (18/04/2020, 14:53) Like (107) Dislike (23) Reply
    COVID -19 is used in a sinister way to control the population by the hands of a few sick minds for their own agendas
    • @Sad reality (18/04/2020, 15:25) Like (8) Dislike (47) Reply
      Do me a favor, I want you to go to the park, take your tongue and lick one of the park benches and wait 14 days and have yourself tested, I bet you will come up positive. Then maybe you will understand that this is real. How are you going to control dead people.My granny said, the living is going to be jealous of the dead because the dead don’t have to deal or worry about what is going on.
    • tretretrete (18/04/2020, 15:41) Like (48) Dislike (10) Reply
      People are not suppose to die.. We are here to live forever.. lock us down we will die... free us we will die.. eventually all of us will die..All of a sudden this Corona and the fear they put in us.. One thing i learned is that the things you fear will consume you. U will be come slaves to it.... This is exactly whats happening...
    • Guest (18/04/2020, 17:01) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
      Dude just hush you pseudo intellectual remedial &$$$ up!!! You imbeciles read one article online and coming preaching to the public on your soap boxes like you know and it is facts. It’s the internet dumbejsjses anybody can post any crap, that don’t make it a fact.........
    • @Sad reality (18/04/2020, 18:06) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply

      After watching and screen recording this I am no longer worried and I’m thankful I never took any flu shot

      It’s clear there’s an agenda
      And this is to chip the world and get us into the New World Order

      Open ur eyes read Revelations
      I see pure evil on that man Larry

      Sorry they’ll have to shoot me kill me my family and I not taking that RF chip with no vaccine
    • Really? (18/04/2020, 21:28) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
      I wish there was a way to gather you and the other 102 fools who likeD your comment. Put you all on an island by yourself. Let you infect each other and bury one another until the last one drop death. It’s beyond me the stupidity. I refuse to believe people could be this stupid. What you dont have access to the outside world to understand the severity of this virus and why it is necessary to contain it?
      • To Really? (18/04/2020, 22:38) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
        LOL I couldn't believe so many moomoo like that comment lol . Sorry to say, but when you look at how foolish come humans are in this day & age...population control does not seem all that bad
  • incoherent (18/04/2020, 14:56) Like (28) Dislike (22) Reply
    I believe the government is doing a wonderful job and I’m not against the extra days for the curfew. However, the reasoning for the extra days is incoherent—what changed in the last 48-hours? The lady passed and that’s extremely sad but why didn’t you extend the curfew when we learnt about her and the 7 other people? Extending it now and making it sound like their is somehow a greater threat doesn’t make sense. Sad as it may be the only thing that changed is the lady passed but don’t make it sound like we got more information that makes it somehow more dangerous to go outside. The virus kills and I believe everyone is aware of that.
    • @incoherent (18/04/2020, 22:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      There are some people that were living in the lady's complex that have recently gone missing, They need to be located & tested - hence the Government need a few days to get this done.
  • Ricky (18/04/2020, 14:59) Like (19) Dislike (28) Reply
    Great leadership Government ! Keep it up.
  • Don't get false hopes (18/04/2020, 15:02) Like (23) Dislike (21) Reply
    Mr. Fahie today begins week 7 for me. You cannot say how long it's going to be so stop with these small increments. This is for the good of the people. Go ahead and tell them at least 1 month, while you work a plan for contact tracing. It's ridiculous and not wise to say a few days more when you don't know who she may have unintentionally infected. Recent cased here in the US have shown signs of an incubation period of longer than 14 days.

    I know you are doing your best, but do the right thing and lock the islands down for a month. The adults acting like children will eventually thank you, otherwise you will teeter on becoming miniature New York or worse South Dakota Smithfield plant fiasco. You currently don't know the status of you6 healthcare professionals who were in contact with her. You need time to be sure they are healthy otherwise you will overload your healthcare system with no one to care for the sick cases that are getting ready to break loose on you. THE ISLANDS NEED FIRM HEAVY HANDED LEADERSHIP, CUOMO STYLE NOW. DONT MIND THE NSYSAYERS. YOU ARE SAVING THEIR ASSES. DO WHAT YOU HAVE TOO AND TELL CALM DOWN FOR NOW AND THANK YOU LATER!
    • Agree (18/04/2020, 16:57) Like (21) Dislike (5) Reply
      You are absolutely right. They don’t understand the seriousness of COVID-19. This is six weeks for my area that we are in lockdown and the numbers of positives and mortality are heart wrenching. BVI please take it serious. It’s about preventing community spread right now. Despite the conspiracy theories, the point is that the virus does exist. Stay safe
  • Enlighten Me (18/04/2020, 15:06) Like (55) Dislike (7) Reply
    Idc what nobody say, how we know she died from covid19 ?! Because they told us that ? Where’s the proof ?!! How’s the others negative if it’s so contagious when they’ve been living there with her ? Why didn’t they mentioned she was suffering from other illnesses ? Why is her case confirmed as covid19 when the test were sent away ? Y’all think because someone died and y’all named it covid, you could put fear in me, I’m not like the rest of the Public, give me facts then I’ll believe, because people die everyday from all types of things and there’s a lot of labeling of this virus when someone dies now a days
    • @ Enlighten Me (18/04/2020, 16:21) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      They never confirmed she had Coronavirus. They said it is SUSPECTED that it is since the test showed positive BUT was sent overseas to verify as per guidelines.
  • Tony brown (18/04/2020, 15:07) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Please mr premier allow the supermarkets to open so we can at least buy some food. I’m out of food completely. Thank you very much sor
    • @Tony Brown (18/04/2020, 16:08) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      I too am running low and I thought I had enough for at least a month, but with kids home all day, they constantly eating. I really need a few items now as appose to Monday.
    • wise up (18/04/2020, 17:49) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
      Ok let open up all the supermarkets and put the ENTIRE NATION AT A GREATER RISK,call red cross for food.
  • This is tyranny (18/04/2020, 15:08) Like (57) Dislike (15) Reply
    Some of y’all begging to go back outside, listen to yourself, begging to go outside! You do know if we go outside we could end this lock down by ourself right ? Why is it safe to leave when they say it’s safe ?! We need to organize something because I know there’s people that’ll be down to end this foolishness, other countries are protesting this none sense why can’t we ? Why do we have to wait till a celebrity say do it or wait until it’s a popular thing to do, this is our lives, They not showing you the thousands of protest all around the globe, South Africa, Pakistan’s, Ohio etc etc they not telling you because they don’t want it to be a trend... always remember there’s power in numbers and the power is with the people, and remember the longer this goes on the more you can’t get your rights back, some of you are scared to even step outside so I’m not talking to y’all, I’m talking to the soldiers of this country. I know we was raised right but hear me out, if we don’t “disobey” they will come a time we will not be able to “disobey”
  • He win on this one (18/04/2020, 15:11) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    I am with you on this one. U msde a good case. U have a good reason...This lock down is necessary...I am one who actually hate th idea of lock down...or been locked down. I Was very excited to go out to work.. Im with u on this one... Hope there is no more reason to extend after this one.. People stock up on your masks we will.need them when the good femier decides to give us some movement and working freedom. We will have to wear them... we must wesr them... The more we corperate the quicker normalcy return.... It will return... The Cruise and Tourism industry is now on a longterm sick leave lets all pray for their quick recovery
  • bad (18/04/2020, 15:12) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Them not doing enough testing man but telling them self quarantine!!! Wa for!!
  • To the People (18/04/2020, 15:13) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
    Can you think for a moment and imagine if:

    1) It was a family member or loved one was affected by Coronavirus
    2) It was you who were experiencing the more severe symptoms and struggling to breathe
    3) You couldn't be around your loved ones and had to deal with the horrible symptoms on your own
    4) Your loved ones couldn't be around you and had to deal with the horrible symptoms on their own
    5) Your loved one passed away without anyone being there with them due to quarantine
    6) You passed away without anyone being there with you due to quarantine
    7) More people passed away including those you know
    8) You were laid off and wondered when you would be employed again without children to feed as well as yourself

    It is disgraceful that when Government goes LIVE we have some people who are so ignorant and uncaring with their comments.

    Someone just died for crying out loud.This is no time to be making jokes about the Governor wiping down the lectern, which is proper sanitary procedure. This is no time to be making jokes about wanting your lower body region going to die because you are not getting lil bit.

    A lot of you keep making what you think are jokes referring to yourself as dead in phrases simply because that phrase is trending. STOP IT!! DEATH and LIFE are in the power of the tongue.

    Have you ever stopped for a moment to think that this is the time to check your heart; to stop repaying good with evil; to stop gossiping; to stop plotting against others; to stop bullying others; to stop being vindictive and turn from your wicked ways; to read your Bible more instead of being more focused on following social media celebs including our locals who are popular.

    Everyone seems to be getting attention but God. Forwarding Facebook "If you love God Share this" post is not going to cut it. We need to wake up.

    There is a pandemic around us. There is a time and place for everything. Examine yourselves and think before you speak or comment for mere Likes.
  • Bless her soul YWH (18/04/2020, 15:17) Like (45) Dislike (8) Reply
    Y’all keeping us inside till the hurricanes come or wa ? I’m more fearful of a storm than this fake ass thing, y’all can use the media to say what the hell yall want, I don’t believe in this none sense... I read other sources than the mainstream and there’s huge amount of doctors that’s coming out ! Why you don’t post that on your news outlet VINO, why y’all don’t post that the cdc is labeling everyone and everything a victim of covid19, how do I know y’all didn’t do the same ? I wasn’t raised to let anyone think for me, bring the facts all this third wheel information ain’t gonna cut it f
    • Response (18/04/2020, 18:18) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      R City singer said it best after recovering through horrific symptoms of Covid-19 ...people really stupid with their conspiracy theories.
  • legal team (18/04/2020, 15:20) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    We the citizens who were trained to protect life first,then property after,are pleased with any decision by the premier and the authorities to ensure that we are safe in the BVI.
    We voted you to run the country, you are authorized to run it in the best interest of the bvi people.
    I am sure,that your health professionals have advised you,before you would have taken such measures.
    You have a vision.
    Where there is no vision,the people perish.
    We will not perish under your watch premier.People first,then property after.
    One love BVI
  • They crazy (18/04/2020, 15:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Help them.
  • disbelief (18/04/2020, 15:53) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Those of you who are still in denial and disbelief here is a warning lets all get your houses in order. Wake up and do the right. This enemy it despite you can't see him but you can feel him. The invisible invader no respecter of persons, rich or poor, black or white, Christian or not, upper class or low class you name it. Take heed to all instructions given stay safe this thing is real
  • GG (18/04/2020, 15:55) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    If people understood the story surrounding thiis case they probably wouldn’t be leaving these ridiculous comments. People cannot be this naive senseless. Wth??? Premier and team, keep up the good work. But tell me something tho, i heard persons have already been available to evacuate the building where this lady lived. Any idea where they went??? Also, is it that the entire household knew they were infected all this time and stayed home doing their own home remedies why their results all came back negative but poor lady with the “asthma” couldn’t hold on ??? It appears as tho these idiots complaining here senselessly have no understanding about the risks we are facing. Are you all even aware that staff have now been isolated and quarantined due to this situation. Wa do ayo ??
  • Hmm really (18/04/2020, 16:04) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    be mindful that many are dying by the hundred daily world due to covid-19. So imagine if this should really spread here in the BVI where our population is so small, we will be wiped out in at least few months. nobody likes being in this situation so just wait and pray for the best. Better be home and safe than social mixing at such a critical time.
  • Position (18/04/2020, 16:05) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    On Thursday an individual was admitted to Dr. Orlando Smith hospital . This individual died on Saturday 2 days later and we are talking about extending the curfew. My question is if this individual was still living , would there be a need to extend the curfew.
    • @Position (18/04/2020, 16:21) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
      Yup this just gave them a perfect excuse to keep
      us locked up that’s why others around the world aren’t taking it no more but we soft, no balls they rather die from fear
    • @Position (18/04/2020, 16:26) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      Some of the persons who were either living with her or around her while she was ill has fled and there is no indication of where they you understand now
  • musa (18/04/2020, 16:09) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    Our leaders we respect your decision so far keep it lock down.
    • Blame the runners (18/04/2020, 18:17) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      All those morons who ran are the ones who are causing this extended shutdown. They needed to stay put and be tested and stay quarantined. Humans can be really selfish and irresponsible! If any of them is infected, they will infect the new people they are in contact with...and so on- thus spreading the virus. If we all stayed put for the requisite amount of time, we will drop the rate on infection and flatten the curve. This is so sad, we all have to suffer because of people running...They should have been happy to be tested, get a negative result and rest easy by avoiding high-risk places or activities...smh. If they were positive, at least, they could get help before it is too late. This is not good news- risking other people's lives. I hope they are found and isolated properly. The people who are sheltering the runners- now your life might be at risk- Blow the Whistle!
  • P (18/04/2020, 17:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is better to be safe or to be sorry will I safety is better
  • Outsider (18/04/2020, 17:18) Like (22) Dislike (7) Reply
    I am in New York and have been on lock down for 6 weeks. You people in BVI can go outside and walk around in your yard. You are complaining that you don't have food because you wasted the food you bought a few weeks ago.

    It doesn't matter what caused this virus Black people are dying. Your Premier has more sense than Trump. He is still denying its existence and people are dying. The death toll in NewYork is the population of the BVI.
    You disgruntled people need to stop your selfish behavior and thank God that Trump is not running your country.

    BVI have a large aged population and many black people with high blood pressure and diabetes. This virus is attracted to this population. Give thanks to God and pray for the day when this to will pass.
    • ? (18/04/2020, 18:48) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not sure it’s fair of you to suggest people wasted food they bought, not everyone can afford to buy 17 days of food in one go, those that can afford aren’t necessarily used to buying that amount and so perhaps under purchased. People were told to shop for 2 weeks, if its being extended then people didn’t plan for that.
  • BIG M (18/04/2020, 17:52) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Many of you are making comments and have not analyze the situation. This virus started in Wuhan China and the people went on a 76 days lockdown. Now the place has open up. We have not reach the peak of this virus and you want to go out. In 1918 when you had the Spanish flu it took 2 years for people to function properly again. Premier continue the good works
  • Texas Willie (18/04/2020, 18:00) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I fully understand the need to extend this until those that fled (and are currently possibly exposing new people), instead of sensibly staying put are quarantined and tested. But at the same time am a paramedic and heavily trained in blood-borne pathogens and disease transmission has been taught to assume EVERYONE is nasty and how to protect myself. That said, social distancing (including how the young boys like to congregate in large groups and possibly pass around a bit of weed) is necessary control and a great idea anyway unless you know the person(s) intimately. Just good common sense. Let's carry on with the original plan and get our lives off of pause. Good hygiene and not sharing air in confined spaces is all we need.
    • smh (18/04/2020, 19:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You might be a paramedic, but that this sentence " Let's carry on with the original plan and get our lives off of pause." in your comment you know full well should NOT be communicated. No one around the entire world fully understands how this virus is being transmitted.
  • CONFUSE (18/04/2020, 18:36) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please explain her movement, especially knowing that its about 3 weeks of some sort of lock down. If she contracted this virus in the VI shouldn't there be more cases. Make this make sense!!!!
    • @confuse (18/04/2020, 21:03) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Are you suggesting that there are no more case.
      If you are then you do not fully understand what is going on with this virus.
      And that is highly unfortunate.
  • Ivan Drago (18/04/2020, 20:30) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Fahie. Please open up the territory. We need to purge the idiots from the BVI ASAP. We are only as strong as our weakest links and this pandemic has proven that despite the many updates and instructions about social distancing the idiots will revert to their primative selves each time they are untied. Allow them to continue to rub shoulders in the supermarkets and let nature do the rest. You have done your best now, treat them like adults. If they die, they die.
  • grace (18/04/2020, 21:14) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Honorable Premier. I am a senior citizen almost out of food. My husband is 70 and we both have Diabetes and other problems. We need help! A great Solution to those who need food. Allow the drivers who offered to bring food from the supermarkets to do so. Open up the phones at the supermarkets for people to order enough for a few days, like milk, water, bread, rice juice, peanut butter and jelly, bananas, butter and canned meats. No real overwhelming orders allowed. The drivers can make an income and we can get food to last a week at least. Yes it might take a couple of days, but the people will know food is coming. The cashiers now don't have to worry about hundreds of people breathing on them putting them at risk. Do this ASAP PLEASE so you don't have more dead from hunger.
  • Eagle Eye (18/04/2020, 21:20) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    Y'all better open the place let people get food from stop living in fear of Bill gates agenda
    • To Eagle Eye (18/04/2020, 22:40) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      LMAO you come back with your foolishness? LOL dude, you does make me laugh
  • Rick (18/04/2020, 21:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    7 weeks where u are at least u can go to the store to buy food. Unfortunately we can leave our homes and food in our homes are running low
  • Centelia (18/04/2020, 21:26) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    You all are lucky you are not in America where you are sure to die
  • Tranny (18/04/2020, 22:32) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    I out of a job for months and my food supplies running out. Big brother giving me that stimulus package?....NO... because I aint BARN HERE....
    • Please.... (20/04/2020, 03:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Stop it!! Stop stirring up trouble. It's people like you who ........
  • Ground Zero (19/04/2020, 00:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just need food my kids going be hungry after lunch tomar, can't call red cross they asking for donations extend, kl. How we going eat?
  • grace (19/04/2020, 02:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wrote before. When will we know what supermarkets to call for our orders? We are seniors, we don't need much until the stores open again. We can pick up our order if there are not enough delivery people. Thank you.
  • Concerned 1 (19/04/2020, 10:18) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    A lot of you keep using the term " the virus hasn't reached its peak" . How and when would we know when that is? When the US tell us ? Stop using the United states as a model for dealing with this virus because clearly their not doing a good job at it. Each country should look at their individual situation and deal with it accordingly.
  • legal team (19/04/2020, 14:30) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    Everybody wants to tell the governor and the government how to run the country.
    Everybody wants to tell the Commissioner of police how to police the country
    Everybody wants to tell immigration how to deal with immigration matters.
    Let those in authority run the country,in the interest of the people.
    LOCK DOWN THE COUNTRY,if that's what seen as best

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