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Hon Fraser wants vehicle of new Speaker of HoA to have Emblem

- Speaker says Jr Ministers need to move out of Richard G. Stoutt Building
Third District Representative and senior legislator Hon Julian Fraser RA, has lobbied for the new Speaker’s vehicle to have a license plate representing an emblem. Photo: VINO/File
A new vehicle was requested for the Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA) Hon. Corine N. George-Massicote, according to the Standing Finance Committee Report. Right: Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA, who has lobbied for an emblem to be the license plate for the Speaker's vehicle. Photo: Facebook/File.
A new vehicle was requested for the Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA) Hon. Corine N. George-Massicote, according to the Standing Finance Committee Report. Right: Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA, who has lobbied for an emblem to be the license plate for the Speaker's vehicle. Photo: Facebook/File.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Appearing before the 2023 House of Assembly’s Standing Finance Committee (SFC) over the 2024 Budget, Deputy Clerk Ms Khauesten Industrious requested a new vehicle for the Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA) Hon. Corine N. George-Massicote.

This is according to the report from the SFC, which is now a public document. The Speaker agreed with the need for a new Government Vehicle (GV). In the same meeting, Third District Representative and senior legislator Hon Julian Fraser RA, lobbied for the new Speaker’s vehicle to have a license plate representing an emblem. 

The other two office holders with such an official emblem on their GVs are the Governor and the Premier.

The Premier and Minister for Finance and Member for the Seventh District Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley confirmed that there is money in the 2024 Budget for the speaker’s new vehicle.

Meanwhile, Premier Wheatley noted in the SFC meeting that he was “very supportive of the efforts to be able to digitise the House of Assembly and to go green.”

The Minister for Health and Social Development and Member for the Ninth District Hon Vincent O Wheatley mentioned that, as a Member of the HoA, he was not given a vehicle on Tortola or Virgin Gorda.

A vehicle was offered to previous persons who lived on the Sister Islands.

We need more staff & space- Speaker

The Chairman of SFC Hon George-Massicote told the committee that “one of the issues they are facing in the HoA is that as a legislature, they do not have legislative roles or posts, and staff do not have a full understanding of the operations of Parliament.”

Additionally, due to the inadequate staff complement of HoA, elected members are sharing secretaries.

The Chairman of the SFC Hon George-Massicote also informed the Premier that it would be more appropriate “for the Junior Ministers to be attached to their respective Ministries, rather than occupying offices within HoA building (Richard G. Stoutt Building)."

She indicated that the Junior Ministers would be better supported by their respective Ministries, and this would allow space to seat additional staff for HoA.

24 Responses to “ Hon Fraser wants vehicle of new Speaker of HoA to have Emblem”

  • D6 VOTER (09/01/2024, 15:55) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fraser you need to restore back the water plan what was there in 2010-2011 and stop your foolishness your power hungry self talk the truth about the investment club that cause this water problem not the member for 5th
    • FYI (09/01/2024, 17:11) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
      It was Hon Fraser who restored that water plant in baughers bay, your district but the NDP allowed it to run down again. TALK THAT!
  • Rug rat (09/01/2024, 16:03) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    A wig motif!
  • The 5th Prime minister (09/01/2024, 16:42) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    Anyone acknowledged the passing and state funeral today for the late Mr Basdeo Panday ?

  • hmm (09/01/2024, 17:08) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    I know someone who would have placed a wig on it
  • vex (09/01/2024, 17:24) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    I agree with fraser
  • Quiet Rebel (09/01/2024, 17:30) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
    The BVI is beset with a myriad of challenges, including a brazen power grab of Governor Rankin for absolute power, diminishing democracy, basic human rights, freedoms and liberties and this mumu is focusing on a license plate for the speaker. This man is not serious and seems to be about a special privileges. Several years ago, he was up in arms about his as an elected member having to go through Customs and Immigration when coming into the territory. It may be time to call it in.
  • Power Grab? (09/01/2024, 18:28) Like (25) Dislike (6) Reply
    Be clear, the Governor and the UK are not trying to power grab. The UK are just trying to help the BVI rid itself of corruption. Currently the territory suffers systemic corruption, and the territory is ruled in a manner that benefits only a privileged few. Free from corruption, the UK would be pleased to grant the BVI independence.
    • Too (10/01/2024, 13:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      One corrupt nation like UK trying to help another corrupt nation will not work. It’s like letting the wolf look after the chicken coup.
  • TurtleDove (09/01/2024, 18:49) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    She deserves it she is head of a branch of government
  • Priorities in the wrong place (09/01/2024, 18:55) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    This government doesn't get it.. how many things in the bvi need fixing or addressing.... where does the government find money to buy vehicles for elected officials.. these funds could go to where they will be better used, schools, hospital, roads, increments etc... don't get me wrong the speaker is doing a good job but a vehicle should not be a priority.. give her a stipend to continue using her own vehicle not one paid for by the people.
  • WHAT!!! (09/01/2024, 20:40) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good god Fraser there are many more important things thar you and your colleagues should be dealing with.
  • resident (09/01/2024, 21:38) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    fraser is clearly past his expiration date at this point if this is his big issue over the water situation, utilities or the state of our roads and education system
  • What a shame (09/01/2024, 22:28) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    So by rights the opposition leader need a vehicle to mark OL for a person not elected by the people of the land I think the speaker should get only traveling allowance a special vehicle means she going want a driver to take her around and all the other elected members have to buy them own cars gas and drive themselves greedy money spending
  • Dancing with the Stars (10/01/2024, 09:07) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is a critical time for the Territory, and it requires National Unity in order to withstand the treat of the colonial master. The more we display our divisiveness the better it would be for the governor. There can only be one government at a time, and it seems that opposition is not aware of that. If they are dissatisfied with the government, then they could move a no-confidence motion against the government and the people will decide the future. One thing I do know that the opposition will be surprised.

    The more division the politicians displayed in the Territory; it would be better for the governor. Many of the senior politicians are not looking at the bigger picture. They are only looking for power. The real issue is the direct rule what the governor is trying to achieve. Time will tell.
  • Wow…. (10/01/2024, 10:05) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is that what is occupying Fraser’s mind these days? A new emblem for a govt vehicle?
  • Why (10/01/2024, 10:19) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    To swell her head more that it already is?
  • kia (10/01/2024, 14:49) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    I hope it is nothing more expensive than a KIA
  • @ WHY (10/01/2024, 17:32) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • lodger (10/01/2024, 17:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yep once we get that new emblem installed everything should fall right into place.
  • @ THE 5TH PRIME MINISTER (10/01/2024, 17:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • @ LOL (10/01/2024, 17:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you are refering to to the dark dude with the wig , then I don't think so ,because even his DAD WAS AN ANTIGUAN he don't love to criticize people from elsewhere and tell them to GO BACK , as if he owns the country that nerd is evil
  • Lb (10/01/2024, 18:03) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let’s face it Julian Willock was one of the best speakers
  • just asking (12/01/2024, 04:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Great idea, may I suggest a suitable emblem being a gold plated Banana

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