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3 suspected cases of Coronavirus identified in USVI

- Specimens being sent to CDC for testing
Three US Virgin Islanders are considered Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) of having contracted the rapidly spreading coronavirus. Photo: VIC

FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI- Three US Virgin Islanders are considered Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) of having contracted the rapidly spreading coronavirus, the VI Consortium has learned.
The Department of Health said specimens from the three individuals are being sent for testing of signs of coronavirus infection in nasal secretions, blood or other bodily fluids.

“None of these PUIs has been confirmed and all guidance is being followed to avoid potential transmission to others,” Dr. Ellis said in a written press statement obtained by the Consortium. The statement had not been distributed to the media or public as of Tuesday evening.

Calls were placed to Dr. Ellis's work and mobile phone Tuesday evening. She could not be reached. 

Government House Press Secretary Richard Motta said officials learned Monday afternoon that one possible case was being investigated on St. Croix. Mr. Motta was unaware of the additional two cases, he said. 

Mr. Motta said the public should not panic over the latest news. "Its important for people to understand these person under investigation doesn't meant that they have coronavirus.  ... They are taking precautions, undergoing testing. They may or may not result in a confirmed cases." 

The DOH offered no information about the suspected cases, to include providing no public information about which of the territory’s islands the persons under investigation reside. “In accordance with the law and in order to protect patient’s rights, no additional public health information on these or future PUIs will be provided."

USVI will be prepared- Governor Bryan

On Monday afternoon, 24 hours earlier, Gov. Albert Bryan and other government health officials assured the Virgin Islands public that there was low risk to the territory for contracting the respiratory virus. Further, 98 percent of those infected worldwide recover, Mr. Bryan said.

Mr. Bryan, in an hour-long interview with the Consortium Monday, said the government is prepared to take dramatic steps to protect residents from the coronavirus, also known as COVID19, in the event the virus appears within the territory. 

Suitable quarantine areas are being stood up at the Juan F. Luis and Schneider Regional hospitals, Mr. Bryan said, along with possible sites on VI National Guard grounds. "And we do have the ability to work with CDC to transport people to Puerto Rico” to be quarantined, the governor told the Consortium.

Patient testing criteria widened- CDC

Ms. Ellis said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently widened the patient testing criteria to include severe respiratory cases that did not travel to affected areas in China and other locations. “It is also important to note that influenza activity is also at high levels and may present with similar symptoms” as coronavirus, she said. 

According to the D.O.H. press statement, the department has shared CDC guidance and provided training to staff at the hospitals on St. Croix and St. Thomas, as well as in-person training to all clinics across the territory.

The Juan Luis Hospital issued a press release this week calling a “hoax” a series of messages circulating on WhatsApp that alleged that a confirmed case of coronavirus had been found at the hospital. 

16 Responses to “ 3 suspected cases of Coronavirus identified in USVI”

  • Just saying.... (04/03/2020, 07:25) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    This is serious the bvi in trouble
  • tell me (04/03/2020, 08:00) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why aren,T we announcing our suspected case(s) and all its stroo moo in red headlines...
    When will we know the test result of the VI suspected case .
  • Bulb (04/03/2020, 09:09) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Remedies help with the corona virus. To protect one self- mix Florida water, red lavender oil and 3 scales from a horse eye jack and take a bath with it for 3 times in a day, you will be certain not to contract the virus.
  • Oh well... (04/03/2020, 09:24) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    3 already? This doesnt sound good at all...
  • who cares (04/03/2020, 10:08) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Corona is 1% more dangerous than common flu. Why the fuss??? The World has gone mad.
    • PEN E (04/03/2020, 16:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think you might want to read up on the facts before making such a cavalier statement. Misstatements can cause the more naive people reading your words to be far less cautious. The COVID-19 and the common flu do have symptoms that are similar. However, it’s progression, treatment and ease of transferring this virus to another person have significant differences
      from a common flu on many levels. I’m not trying to insult you. Just saying it is a dangerous virus and to be trite but accurate, I quote, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
    • It’s Serious (13/03/2020, 09:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The flu mortality is 0.1%, this is 1-3.5%. It’s not 1% more it’s 900% worse even at low estimates. Do percent change formula and check your facts.
    • You should care (29/03/2020, 23:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Really? How do you feel about that remark now? It's people like you who think it's no big deal that help spread the virus. I wish we could go back and pound some sense into your thick skull.
  • Loaded down (04/03/2020, 10:18) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    I use hand sanitizer like water, when I go to the supermarket, I wipe down the handle of the cart before I touch it with antibacterial wipes and every time I open a door, I clean my hands. I hate when people have to cough or sneeze in public and they don’t cover their mouths. My neighbor was telling me to put some apple cider vinegar in a little spray bottle and use it as a hand sanitizer.
  • @Loaded down (04/03/2020, 11:55) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    The person who hit the dislike button to your comment is one of those dirty people who don’t wash their hands.
  • Umm (04/03/2020, 13:10) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    we gon die
    • @Umm (04/03/2020, 15:29) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Tis tru but not from Coronavirus. The sun and mellanin is our vaccine against Corona. Have a Heinikin. Love the skin you are in and the sun which cause it to wrinkle.

      ****This statement. Is not endorsed by a physician.
      • umm again (04/03/2020, 18:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        bruh.. i don’t even wanna think about another beer at a time like this
  • Ce (04/03/2020, 16:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Gees nobody trust god no more!!!!! my goodness!!! The BVI used to be a God fearing nation some of you too wicked put your trust in God and tell satan go siddung!!!
  • Advice (04/03/2020, 19:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    lets keep our children close to us, once it aint reach in the BVI, let us not do any Easter and Summer vacation trip for now. thus because we in the BVI travel alot through the USVI, st martin, santo domingo , st martin please stock up on face mask, hand sanitizes, gloves etc. and let us educate our kids.

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