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Alred Frett
By Alred Frett

It has been a week since ZBVI’s Management has stopped my live radio Program, ‘British Virgin Productions’ which featured ‘Truth for the Youth… Thanks to ZROD’s Management we have continued on FM 103.7 at 6:00pm on Saturdays with repeats on Monday nights at 8:00pm.

While there has been much speculation as to who demanded this action, the known facts are:

On Monday, July 16th 2012, I received a call from the Management of ZBVI Radio advising that, effective immediately, they were suspending my Program from their Station. It was not disclosed whether Legal, Religious or Political Systems engineered this but they admitted failure to find anything I had done wrong but issisted that Management dislikes the things I say on their Station.

After some prodding they promised to supply me with written details of any transgressions by Tuesday Morning but nothing was received until Wednesday after the Media made it public.

Their Hand Delivered Letter still listed no reason other than, ‘We find it necessary to make this decision in part because the program’s content is no longer consistent with its primary objective’.

They showed us neither the ‘primary objective’ nor ‘program’s content’ whereas it is Public Knowledge that the present Format of British Virgin Productions has existed for years… These are the facts as I know them and other statements may be based on speculation…

I do not know whether Politics, Courts or Religions pulled the trigger… Maybe all; Maybe none.

Like others I have read & listened to numerous comments and was pleasantly surprised that well over 90% disagreed with ZBVI’s Decision and supported my Program being reinstated.

While this may seem impressive, we have no idea what is really in their Ownership’s minds and can only imagine that this must be ‘oppressively huge’ to spawn such a major regressive action.

Maybe we should have seen this coming because for as many years as I have tried to Educate our People, others have tried to keep them in Ignorance… Not only was there generations of false Information & Indoctrination to overcome but you may recall several attempts to pressure & remove me from Radio Programs I created & Time Slots I resurrected; especially on Saturdays.

These attempts failed because they found no wrongs I had done and it was shown I not only paid & over-paid but I became the only Radio Host pressured into paying far in advance for programs not yet aired… Their action and the fact that even now they are holding my Money for services denied suggest ‘to hell with fairness & justice - We own things; we run things - not the People’.

You are quite right in saying they have set a terrible precedence that threatens the Emancipation of our People but my lessons are not ‘personal Opinion & freedom of expression’… Anyone unafraid of Knowledge would find the things I say are provable facts and this is not freedom of expression because I already paid for these well in advance… Check if for yourself.

Again, thanks for your support but we should not have to Protest & March in a True Democracy because such evident wrongs would be dealt with by Public Prosecutors and Governmental Bodies responsible for Regulation of Communications. As a small Territory, they should know whatever is happening and their failure to act would indicate clear compliance with corruption.

Management may feel owning the Station gives them ultimate Power but the Message sent not only tarnishes them but depicts our Nation as North Korea or South Africa where the Media is Corrupt and Talk Show Hosts seen as spineless Puppets for Masters & Politicians… They should be concerned about Historical Damage they are doing to their own Brand & People of the BVI.

A few Persons mistakenly think this is some punishment for me without realizing it is really an attack on themselves, their Children & Grandchildren… Think about it - Do you truly believe if they could find any little thing I had said or done wrong they would be so afraid to debate me?... Massas realize the Slaves are beginning to think & reason for themselves so it frightens them.

After being mistreated & misled all our lives some are finally able to recognize when those in positions of Power could not care less about our Children of the BVI as long as the Systems & Chosen Few can continue to fool them & rule them… This old Mentality puts them in the Paws of Oppressors & Slave Masters and as BV-Islanders it is our inherent duty to try and prevent this.

They are not the first to target me… Past Records show me battered & bruised for not joining in Corruption and selling out our People… Self-haters still find truth hard to believe so they would rather accept lies… This makes Oppressors happy for they cannot profit & prosper without idiots to fool & rule… As a consequence Oppressors hate me for teaching you & hate you for learning.

You no longer just ask ‘When & Where?’- You now ask ‘Why & How?’… And that’s good for there should be nothing to hide… They should explain why they are right, because any sane Person fearing Apartheid and hearing the message of my Program will conclude that whoever hinders such knowledge & information truly hate the Children of the BVI and even themselves.

This Land is not just my Home; it’s my Birthplace and the People my Family… Loving you is my obligation even if you are taught to hate me & yourselves… Our Children are in grave danger and will not survive unless we provide them with Facts & Truth… Oppressors make this difficult but we must continue seeking facts & telling Truth as ‘Free BV-Islanders - No longer for Sale’.

9 Responses to “ZBVI Shuts Down ‘BVP’ Program… SHOULD WE BE HIDING FROM TRUTH??”

  • Pope (24/07/2012, 15:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is sad. I also heard Myron attack of the media today…BVI is on its way to hell in a hand basket.
    • hmm (24/07/2012, 21:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Putting a mussel on the media is crap! What Myron saying is shit, if anyone need musseling is he!
  • zeeeeeeeeeeeee (24/07/2012, 19:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    just leave them Al leave them alone
    • good thing (24/07/2012, 23:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ZROD is a better station anyway and more youths who need your good message listen to ZROD..let the father say dey there is a god in heaven
  • yes we can (24/07/2012, 23:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    my grandfather always told me them do not cry for who gone but cry for who is coming i feel sorry for the BVI as we will be another Middle east soon where we will have to raise up and demand our freedom
  • magic (25/07/2012, 16:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Frett you will not be alone soon all media will have to shut up if one Minister of NDP gets them way
  • free at last (26/07/2012, 23:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    happy to see Alvin and Fahie defend the freedom of the people
  • bb (27/07/2012, 15:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Freedom on attack everywhere in the BVI
  • persai (29/07/2012, 12:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we will shut down zbvi and vote out Myron before they shut we up

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