Z6ne irresponsibly labelled as a gang- Hon Maduro-Caines

It was on November 21, 2016 that a local news site published a story in which Police Commissioner Michael ‘Mick’ Matthews said the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has its eyes on two gangs in particular- SOB and rival gang Z6ne
“What I can say with real confidence is that there are rival gangs fighting on this rather small island of ours and the islands associated – the sister islands. And they are fighting over drugs; they are fighting over firearms; they are fighting over territory…,” Mr Matthews reportedly told the news site.
‘Incensed with anger’
Posting on her Facebook page late yesterday, Hon Maduro-Caines said earlier in the day several residents of the 6th District contacted her “incensed with anger coming from a news story that irresponsibly labeled Z6NE as a gang.”
And, according to the District Representative, she understands their anger, but she is also aware, “as many of you are, that we have things in our backyard to clean up and now that it's been plastered on the front page of the Territory's news, we should openly discuss how to rid our areas of any such activity if it exists.”
She, however, lamented that the moniker Z6ne or Zone 6, is being associated with a gang and criminal activities as she noted that the moniker was created as a positive influence to promoted unity in the district.
“We have to be honest and aware that there are some persons that engage in negative activities that some label as gang like conduct; which would be unfortunate and also because the blatant misuse of "Z6NE" to brand these activities is alarming to the hardworking and positive young men and women who created and rep "Z6NE" as a badge of honour that brings our entire district together.
The National Democratic Party (NDP) back bencher also said she is well aware of the Z6NE movement and is proud that the young people of the district are so in love with the areas that they come from that they “gave it a cool, hip, catchy and fun moniker to label our area.”
Z6ne is about togetherness
“Z6NE has always been about togetherness and support from one resident to another and to my knowledge was never created to brand bad activities or any behaviour that would harm the people of this and any other community.”
She added it is sad then to see that a small number of persons are using the harmless name to carry out activities that are now being flagged by and monitored by the Police.
“I do not condone any unlawful activity done under any branding especially not under a name like Z6NE which was made to uplift our residents. I further support the Police in carrying out their duties but would encourage anyone when making a statement about something that is endearing to so many people that you take the time to be clear with your meanings so that many persons in a district do not feel lumped into a gang.”
‘Passionate about their turf’
Hon Maduro-Caines encouraged anyone engaging in unlawful activities to consider the cause of their actions. “They hurt the very community you seek to band together to protect and it gathers unwanted attention to our areas especially to innocent bystanders that may be caught in the fray.”
She added that she respects that many of the “boys” in the District are passionate about their "turf", but passion should not translate into criminal activity.
“To the persons that rep Z6NE the proper way, to mean a name that brings the people of Johnson's Ghut, Purcell, Free Bottom, Baughers Bay, Fort Hill, Belle Vue, Fish Bay and Kingstown together, keep repping it positively and do not allow a small handful of persons to hijack what we know to be a proud banner for our district. Love you Z6NE.”

52 Responses to “Z6ne irresponsibly labelled as a gang- Hon Maduro-Caines”
guns, drugs etc. its the new kinda cool. very welcome and accepted in the bvi. That person kill that person, and the friends celebrate, the one kill the other one and the fans celebrate, when it hits home/a lover one etc its a problem. I've spoken to many that want to get out but can't as it makes them look soft. It takes all of us to stand up but people to salty and unsure of what kind of life they really want to live.
Same thing with the financial services the national bank the cruise ship the health of the territory. If we keep burying we head we soon bury the whole country. Wise up and help the police solve them crimes. See they calling out for help.
Mrs Caines.. WHY JUST WAY?
He still around? I hear nobody don't hardly see her unless you go buy her ......