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‘Your oppressors will never set you free’- Bishop Cline

- calls on VI to continue fighting UK Imperialism
Pastor of the New Life Baptist Church in the Virgin Islands (VI), Bishop John I. Cline has called on the people of the VI to stand up against what he called the imperialistic mindset and colonial heavy-handedness of the UK over the territory as it relates to current events. Photo: VINO/File
Bishop Cline made the comments in an address via the My BVI page on November 3, 2022, which he said comes as the VI continues to experience tempestuous times and that there comes a point in every country's history where the fight against external forces becomes more important than the fight between the people of that country. Photo: Internet Source
Bishop Cline made the comments in an address via the My BVI page on November 3, 2022, which he said comes as the VI continues to experience tempestuous times and that there comes a point in every country's history where the fight against external forces becomes more important than the fight between the people of that country. Photo: Internet Source
DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI– Pastor of the New Life Baptist Church in the Virgin Islands (VI) Bishop John I. Cline has called on the people of the territory to stand up against what he called the imperialistic mindset and colonial heavy-handedness of the United Kingdom (UK) over the territory as it relates to current events.

Bishop Cline made the comments in an address via the My BVI page on November 3, 2022, which he said comes as the VI continues to experience tempestuous times and that there comes a point in every country's history where the fight against external forces becomes more important than the fight between the people of that country.

No suspension of constitution- Bishop Cline 

“We will not stand by and see our constitution suspended. We will seek to have the threat of it being suspended removed from over our heads, and we will not stand by and see no election being held in 2023. Let it be known election must be had.”

Bishop Cline argued that it is the collective responsibility of the people of the VI to stand together, while adding that collective responsibility is not just for the executive branch of government.

“It is for we the people, it is where each man must help his neighbour. It is where parents must work with teachers, farmers with fishermen, and the preacher and the pastor with the man on the street. It is where the strong must help the weak all for a better and stronger BVI,” he remarked.

He said in the days of Theodolph H. Faulkner and Isaac Glanville Fonseca, it was not about political party alliance, which seems to divide the VI, but rather, it was about a Virgin Islands bond that represents a people proud and strong and intelligent and full of courage.

“Who would have imagined that 72 years after the Great March we would be fighting for our rights to self-governance or, even worse, fighting against direct rule by the United Kingdom? Who would have imagined?”

Former colonies had removed Queen - Bishop Cline 

Bishop Cline added that while many of the former colonies of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean are now independent and some have even gone further and removed the Queen, now King as Head of State, he questioned why the VI is still contemplating what they should do, “Why are we still in limbo about being under the hand of our colonial masters?” he added.

Bishop Cline reminded the UK is the same people that enslaved the VI, murdered and rape our ancestors along with building their country on the free labour of our forefathers.

“We as Virgin Islanders have allowed our prosperity to give us a false sense of security and not true liberty. After 72 years, some seem to be still mentally bound to our colonial past and our colonial masters. I asked you to wake up because your oppressors will never set you free," he said.

47 Responses to “‘Your oppressors will never set you free’- Bishop Cline”

  • Get up stand up! (07/11/2022, 11:43) Like (37) Dislike (20) Reply
    We must stand up against tyranny where ever it raises its ugly head! We want freedom and liberty now!
    • Ooh (08/11/2022, 03:09) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes. We need defend our right to not have some fake bishop endlessly trying to make himself cope with his own delusions of adequacy and relevance.
  • NezRez (07/11/2022, 11:55) Like (69) Dislike (7) Reply
    Who oppresses our people more than our religious leaders believing in the PIE IN THE SKY BY AND BY, instead of teaching our children the truth about humanity? The leaders of religions have kept us in mental slavery all of these years. When are we going to WAKE UP?
  • justin (07/11/2022, 12:01) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
    there is no unity among our people
    • @justin (07/11/2022, 17:39) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      No Unity at all among our people is so correct, everyone is for self and their own interest only. How can a people be United when everyone is dragging each other down, spreading lies and gossip about people, killing each other off, eating and drinking with you and sticking the knife in your back at the same time, PEDOS touching and lusting behind people girl children and the list goes on and on. UNITY? this place is going to burn.
      • @justin (07/11/2022, 22:31) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
        Fire is going to burn this place. To much nasty dirty things going on in this place.
        • YOU (08/11/2022, 03:12) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
          Wow. You guys are on a downer! Sure bad happens but the world is still an amazing uplifting place. Chill, guys.
    • Godo (08/11/2022, 03:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Who do you mean by “ our people “?
  • home boy (07/11/2022, 12:03) Like (30) Dislike (46) Reply
    Pastor Cline you are so right, it baffles my mind when I hear BVI landers talking that nonsense they want the UK to take over, our forefathers brought this place from nothing to what it is today, without the help of the UK and now they want to take over, than White Supremacy has to go, we must stand firm against the Colonial mentality.
  • WO (07/11/2022, 12:25) Like (80) Dislike (34) Reply
    Your oppressor is in jail in miami
  • one eye (07/11/2022, 12:28) Like (31) Dislike (35) Reply
    He is right these set of racist will not let up
    • @one eye (07/11/2022, 13:31) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
      So simply pop in your other missing eye and set out on a mission to stop the racist that will not let up.
  • Tyranny (07/11/2022, 12:46) Like (50) Dislike (6) Reply
    What's worse than tyranny by the British is tyranny meted out by those that look just like us. Go sit down JC, you seem to be a legend in your own mind!
  • TruDat! (07/11/2022, 12:53) Like (35) Dislike (8) Reply
    I call upon people everywhere to stand up against the imperialistic mindset and colonial heavy-handedness of these organized religions and their self-appointed leaders. Taking gullible persons' money and promising them life eternal for the same is a real crime and one that takes place here right now and every day...
    • Coco nit (08/11/2022, 03:17) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      I tired hearing you guys complaining on life an bitching bout England and whites. Set a racist.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (07/11/2022, 13:00) Like (30) Dislike (7) Reply
    In reference to the above top: "Your oppressors will me Dr set us free." - Bishop Cline.
    Of course he refers to the UK as our Chief oppressor.
    But he has failed to mention our local oppressors. The political leaders that we have voted to represented us every four years, except for bi-election, they too he should have included as oppressor, not only the UK.

    Bisbop John Cline has given us some historical facts on order to justify his arguments, but he has cunningly brought his arguments to us in a propaganda way, failing to me to mentioned 72 years of deception, and mismanagement of our finances by most, if not all our past, and present political leaders. Because of his
    onesidedness, it is clear to all of us that favour true accountability from our elected leaders, the Bishop John Cline is in words deeds a hypocrite, in mine genuine, honest opinion.
    Don't allowed him to fool you. Honesty is still the best policy for bring in of good governance for all the citizens of the British Virgin Islands. Mismanagement of our finances by those that we have untrusted to lead our political affairs contridict good governance.

    • Josiahsbay (07/11/2022, 16:13) Like (17) Dislike (11) Reply
      If you considered the elected Government as oppressors while you had the power to remove them via election the fault is on the people. To remove the UK as an oppressor would require independence there again the people are at fault. The biggest obstacle to self-determination is the people.
      • @ Josiahsbay (07/11/2022, 18:20) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
        That was a deep analysis of state of affairs.
        Will history prove you right? That the people of the VI choose the wrong political association?

        Have we lost our local politics to the globalists in London, is this our future.

        A government from London really?
  • To Cline (07/11/2022, 13:02) Like (40) Dislike (6) Reply
    You are the oppressor. As are the current and previous governments. How clearly we see you!
  • Yes to UK (07/11/2022, 13:07) Like (48) Dislike (39) Reply
    We must stand up against you John I. Cline.
  • ... (07/11/2022, 13:43) Like (6) Dislike (26) Reply
    We will not be fool by the governor's office racist bloogers. Pastor you are 100% correct
  • time will tell (07/11/2022, 13:47) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    Can we have any form of compromise with the UK Gov't? Can we coexist in a peaceful and beneficial way? ofcourse we can. but when the UK look at people like this making the comments they are making, it sets the tone for an even more difficult conversation. The good pastor has reminded us about the enslavement, rape and torture of our ancestors but he forgot in this instance the good word said to forgive seventy time seven and about turning the other cheek. What a sad state we are in, in this country.
  • Hmm (07/11/2022, 14:12) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    So when the “fight” with the “oppressors” is over, we resume the fight then between the “haves” and the “have nots”? It’s convenient to get the backing of everyone in this fight but when it only affects a certain segment of the populace it goes back to every man for themself mentality? I just want to clarify. If the leaders over the years acted with integrity and unselfishness and acted in the best interests of the people (all people) then we would not have to think about this “fight” would we?
  • We need an audit on him.. (07/11/2022, 14:24) Like (106) Dislike (8) Reply
    Tell us how much he got from the Stimulus, How much he already made when VIP decided to move HOA down by him, and all the other supply contracts. .. We are looking at Millions..An audit will tell us the truth...My God, these people really rape this country, no conscience, they have no plans to stop, so the only tool we have to protect us is " Britain" They are working hard to get Britain out of the way. Stand firm Britain, stand firm on behalf of the people.
    • @ We need an audit on him.. (08/11/2022, 17:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      A blind man could see the DESPERATION on these people who would stop at nothing to keep the UK out so they could keep their bank account fat.
  • No wonder (07/11/2022, 15:10) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    This hypocrite and the QUIET one from CGB won't call out their pathner in crime ,( his holiness CSC ) because they are of the same cloth , but they seem to forget one thing , and that is they cannot serve two masters • thanks for showing your true color . AMEN . Imposter
  • sir (07/11/2022, 15:11) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    The people have spoken. Now, are you going to tear them down? Call them names? Disregard what they say?
  • PT09 (07/11/2022, 17:54) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    @Josiahsbay, The people who wants self-determination are people who feeds off of the government the rest of us know it will be a very wrong move.
  • Yes They Will (07/11/2022, 18:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    You just have to ask for independence and you’ll be set free. If the OIC is removed, it can be reinstated. You think removing it prevents direct rule? And where is the separation of church and state? Are you ready for the financial burden of nationhood? Paying for membership in so many international organisations? Giving up that British passport and citizenship and the privileges you get? Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Be careful what you wish for. You won’t value what you have until you give it up. So go for it. Declare independence now! It’s the best thing!
  • WELL BO WHO (07/11/2022, 19:11) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    • Exactly (08/11/2022, 07:01) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Let the UK step in and fix the problems because it clearly states that Tortola cannot fix the problems that they are facing.
  • FDAUK (07/11/2022, 21:04) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    When Slavery was abolished in the USA, they didn’t give the slaves money, food, shelter or any compensation so guess what most slaves had to do? Turn to the same slave masters that whipped, raped and enslaved them for a “job” to work for their food and shelter. So was slavery really abolished or did they change their method of enslaving black people. The UK know that we are not in a position to be independent due to our small size and population. Since slavery was abolished there has been no black governor. They have these white guys as a reminder that we aren’t free. No black person in the UK is qualified to be a governor. They don’t want us to even visualize the thought of actually being free so they get white people after white people to run the BVI.
  • smdh (07/11/2022, 21:05) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    A set of damn hypocrites in this place called the VI!! Here we have a Bishop being paid handsomely for the use of his establishment for the HoA. What is REALLY wrong with the building by the ESHS that cannot be fixed? The CoI highlighted elected officials, senior public servants, and the VI voting public! Many years of squandering funds on projects through inflating the cost. We have people advocating for independence when we can't even govern ourselves properly?! This character has been paid under three political parties; NDP, VIP, and now Unity. All I can say is greed is a BOSS!! Don't forget his controversial nephew with the talk show!
  • c (07/11/2022, 21:27) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s.
  • musa (07/11/2022, 22:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    be of some use please before the new pastor buss your bag
  • #ripe banana (08/11/2022, 07:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cline, please stop with the WO WO WO already man.
  • ausar (08/11/2022, 08:28) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am in so disagreement with you, Mr. Cline!

    As a matter of fact, if it were not for our " local" oppressors, the Kingdomers would not be here in full force!!!!

    Drug runnings, underhanded dirty deals, land grabbing, dirty handed contracts, nepotism, "religious" enslavement,criminals walking FREE, because of corrupt judicial, legal, and law enforcement officials,-I can go on and on!!

    I AM IN FULL SUPPORT of the Kingdom coming in and straightening out the the mess that our local enslavers has caused!!

    Perhaps, you too, Mr. Cline has been one of our "religious" enslavers, that needs founding out, by the Kingdomers!!

    IT IS, now time for the enslavement to be over!!

    Thank you, United Kingdom!!!!
  • plain and simple (08/11/2022, 08:49) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
  • hmm (08/11/2022, 10:02) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    How the tithes going?
  • @FDAUK (08/11/2022, 16:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The governor who succeeded John Rankin in Bermuda is a black/Indian female, Ms Rena Lalgie. So stop your stupidness. The smallest independent states in the world (excluding Vatican City and Monaco) are Nauru (pop 10K) and Tuvalu (pop 11K). (B)VI has 35K. You need the UK more than the UK needs you. They’ll gladly jettison you as garbage if you ask now. They don’t need to carry the burden of ungrateful OTs. Quit complaining and just declare independence. See how you like it. Why are the Dutch, French and US territories not seeking independence? They’re descendants of the same African slaves in (B)VI. Start choosing your ambassadors and embassies and consulates. You can’t even choose your local leaders.
  • blind leading blind (10/11/2022, 12:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This oppressor down pressing and spewing bs cause he knows the hold his has on his beloved Christian community in the BVI..

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