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Young businessman donates to HLSCC

-urges others to follow suit as it will make communities better
February 3rd, 2015 | Tags:
Businessman and owner of P3 Paper Plastic Products Sinclair H. Flemming (right) stands with Mr. Verne Fahie, Grounds Coordinator HLSCC. Photo: Provided
A set of the donated facilities. Photo: Provided
A set of the donated facilities. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Young entrepreneur Sinclair H. Flemming has recently made a large donation of equipment and services to the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) and encouraged other persons to step forward and give, however little, to help make communities better all around.

Mr Flemming, a past student of the institution and who holds his old Alma Mater in high esteem, decided to provide the HLSCC with a much needed upgrade.

According to a brief press release, under the supervision of Facilities Manager Henry Prince, Mr Flemming, owner of P3 Paper Plastic Products and Mr. Verne Fahie, Grounds Coordinator HLSCC were able to broker a deal which in turn resulted in the donation of all sanitary machinery for the lavatories, paper machinery for the cafeteria and Hand Sanitizing machinery for key locations such as the Library and other areas.

“We just decided to go up and see what they could use and what we would be doing. I was speaking to Mr Fahie and he knows what my company sells so he made a request and so I went there and did some measurements to see what kind of stuff they would need,” said Flemming, speaking to this news site.

He said that the institution was willing to purchase the needed items but after some consideration, Flemming decided to make the donation.

Flemming said that before he made the donation, the facilities at the institution were in a sorry state. “Some were broken, some were missing, some needed restoring because they were old and mashed up,” he explained.

He said that the donation will aid in management keeping the facility up to par for the students.

Mr. Flemming went on to encourage every business/individual in the community to give what he or she can.

“Everything counts, as simple as it may seem, whether it’s a million dollars or getting up on an early Saturday morning to help paint a building, clean a beach or some neglected area in a community. It all counts equally to the betterment of the community overall,” his release said.

He urged persons to get involved, saying, “help others and you would be surprised how the quality of your life changes for the better.” He also offers an automatic 5% discount off for any and all churches. He said too that because businesses sometimes get a reduction on freight arriving by boat, he is able to pass this on to the customer.

According to the release, Mr Fahie highly commended P3 Paper Plastic Products for the efficient and effective manner in which the installation of the equipment/machinery was handled.

“The students and staff are very pleased, not only with the quality and fragrance of the products but the hands free efficient manner in which it works. We hope to be in partnership with your generous company for many years to come,” said Fahie.

7 Responses to “Young businessman donates to HLSCC”

  • ccc (03/02/2015, 18:07) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good going
  • Kingfish (03/02/2015, 18:15) Like (24) Dislike (16) Reply
    I am sure the college will be purchasing its paper products etc from P3 Paper and Plastic Products, I do not consider that donation, it is something that businesses do all the time.
  • tretretrete (03/02/2015, 20:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whey de beaver who like photo
  • B (03/02/2015, 20:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    good way of thinking
  • 284 (03/02/2015, 22:11) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    kingfish just took the focus away from a good thing that was done
  • @@@@@@@ (04/02/2015, 23:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a thing in no time, voices of dissent to a great thing

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