‘You all need to find a leader’- Claude O. Skelton-Cline to NDP

In a candid appraisal during the March 18, 2025 edition of his widely followed Honestly Speaking programme on ZBVI 780 AM, Skelton-Cline urged the NDP’s core members to reassess their political strategy, warning that their immediate focus should not be on winning the next general election but rather on recalibrating for long-term success.
Leadership is the Challenge
According to Skelton-Cline the NDP’s historic contributions to the VI, is no doubt significant but the party at present faces a fundamental leadership crisis. He directly addressed its core membership.
"The challenge you face is leadership, so I'm telling you something that you know, and if you are unable, which by all accounts, it looks like you're not going to be able to pull everybody back together… maybe it's in the best interest of the country that they don't be together."
He, as such, suggested that internal divisions within the NDP might, paradoxically, be an opportunity for strategic realignment rather than a setback, suggesting, "Maybe division or dividing in this sense for the purpose of later multiplying might be beneficial; Not division to be divisive, so understand what I'm saying within the context of which I'm saying it."
Political Fragmentation
According to Skelton-Cline, the NDP must produce a leader capable of revitalising the party, adamant that a return to governance in the immediate future was unlikely.
“You all need to find a leader… someone that has the capacity, the ability to mobilise and marshal, to cajole, to re-energise the core. You're not going to win in the next election. That's not your goal. Your goal is to recalibrate, to reset."
Adamant, he also advised those within the party who had ambitions of becoming Premier to consider deferring their aspirations for the greater good.
"Some of you individuals who had hopes of being Premier, don't dash your hopes, but you may have to defer your hope because there's something greater at stake for the good."
The current leader of the NDP is Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8); however, it is well known that fellow NDP Member Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6) also has ambitions to become Premier.
Hon Walwyn has since formed an alliance with Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) members Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Hon Stacy R. Mather (AL).
Further qualifying his position on the NDP, Skelton-Cline said he doubts the viability of a three-party system in the VI, speculating that coalition governance might become inevitable.
"We are a small footprint, and I don't know that the country can bear three strong parties, so maybe you are thinking that nobody will be able to command seven (seats), and you're just going to wish and hope and pray for some kind of coalition government. I don't know."

8 Responses to “‘You all need to find a leader’- Claude O. Skelton-Cline to NDP”
According to him the NDP needs to find a leader. Being a Clergy (Pastor) that claimed to follow, and teaches others, in church settings, to follow Jesus Christ, it would, in my honest belief, and opinion, for him to incorrage the now rival opposition members to honestly seek common ground among themselves for the sake of better representation of the people of the B.V.I, rather than subtle attempts, of course by him, not to vigorously contest the next coming general elections for hopefully better governance for all native, residents, and belongers of the B.V.I.
I know for sure that the majority of comments readers hate biblical scriptures innjested in comments. However, for Mr. Claude Skelton Cline biblical education helps, I will l, and am going to do so, below.
O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man to the walks to direct his steps.
O Lord, correct me, but with judgment; not in Your anger, lest you bring me to nothing.
Jeremiah 10:23-24
God's mission for mankind is the mission of reconciliation, not division, integration, not separation, not isolation, and certainly not selfish exaltation.