Works Minister complains of red tape with CDB loan

Appearing as a guest on the Speak Your Mind TV show on September 28, 2013, Hon. Vanterpool said, “I’ll be honest, from the Minister’s level, there’s a lot of red tape. I didn’t even expect that.”
The $15.6M CDB Rehabilitation Infrastructure Loan Project was acquired to assist with affected areas to the territory following tropical storm Otto.
Hon. Vanterpool noted that his team is working very hard and expressed there were several bids out for repairs to infrastructure around the territory already.
Among those he described, were repairs to dangerously eroded areas located in Ballast Bay and Brady Ghut, which was responsible for an accident involving a car recently. At least one person was reportedly hurt in the accident at Brady Ghut.
“I believe there are some bids out already right now, one out on Ballast Bay project, one out on a project down in Pleasant Valley… and there are couple others that are coming out,” Hon. Vanterpool revealed.
Some bids, he related, are expected to be submitted today, October 1, 2013.
“We have some other urgent matters that we have to deal with, with some very dangerous situations in the territory. One is up in the Brady Ghut area that we had an accident recently and we’re looking at a situation that is above the Greenland area there…” he added.
The Minister expressed that the project is coming on stream and noted that engineers were hired earlier this year to conduct works in this regard. “Hopefully it will affect the economy positively,” the Minister stated.

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