‘Work has now begun on all CoI Recommendations’; 24 complete- Premier

“As of the end of July 2023, 24 out of the 50 Recommendations have been completed outright and 26 of the Recommendations have some form of actions being worked on currently,” Premier Wheatley stated at the Continuation of the Third Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) on Thursday, September 7, 2023.
He said the Recommendations are currently split into 131 Actions and, of these, 77 (59%) are completed, 41 (31%) are in progress and 13 (10%) have not been started as yet.
10 of 12 Reviews completed- Premier
Premier Wheatley reminded that the Framework agreement outlined 12 official reviews and noted that 10 of these reviews have been completed.
He said the only two outstanding reviews now are Recommendation B38 – review of the law enforcement and justice systems, and Recommendation B41, which will be the panel to ensure that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force and other law enforcement agencies have the facilities and powers to prevent, monitor and detect crime and prepare matters for prosecution.
“Both of these are under the Governor’s remit, so he would be best able to provide an update on these matters.”
Additionally, Dr Wheatley said seven official Audits were agreed and 5 of these have been completed. The remaining two, he said, are the COVID Assistance Grants [which has been partially completed] and contracts for over $100,000 approved from 2019-2022.
While the Virgin Islands government and people agree that there is a need for reform in the territory, they have argued that some of the recommendations need time and consultation with the people before implementation.
The UK earlier this year gave a revised deadline of May 2024 for the CoI Recommendations to be implemented.

25 Responses to “‘Work has now begun on all CoI Recommendations’; 24 complete- Premier”
be watchful and mindful what our forefathers had to deal with