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Woman to pay $3700 for pit bull attack in 2018

- Samantha Penn had pleaded guilty to Reckless & Negligent Act & Failure to Restrain Dog during certain hours
Photo not of pit bull involved in attack. Lower Estate resident Samantha Penn was today fined $2,200 and ordered to pay compensation in the sum of $1,500 after her pit bulls bit a woman in 2018. Photo: Smart Dog Lover
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Lower Estate resident Samantha Penn has been fined $2,200 and ordered to pay compensation in the sum of $1,500 after her pit bulls attacked and injured a woman in 2018.

Magistrate Ayanna O. Baptiste-DaBreo handed down her sentence via a court sitting held through Zoom today, May 19, 2020.

Penn was charged with Reckless and Negligent Act, Failure to Restrain a Dog during certain hours, and Failure to Register a Dog.

She pleaded guilty to the offences of Reckless and Negligent Act and Failure to Restrain Dog during certain hours and not guilty to Failure to Register a Dog.

As a result, the Prosecution withdrew the charge of Failure to Register a Dog.

Penn was fined $2,000 for the offence of Reckless and Negligent Act. In default, she would spend four months in prison.

For the offence of Failure to Restrain a Dog, she was fined $200. In default, she would spend seven days in jail.

The court also ordered compensation of $1,500 to the Virtual Complainant (VC) in the matter. If Penn fails to pay the compensation she would be made to spend two months in jail even though the compensation would not be "nullified", according to Magistrate Baptiste-DaBreo.

Penn has two weeks to make the payments.


According to Crown Counsel Kael London, the VC was on the road at about 10:10 pm, on February 17, 2018, near to the apartment of the defendant when she heard someone telling her to run.

She immediately heard the sound of chains being dragged and before she realised what was happening she was encircled by two dogs.

Using her cellphone, the VC shone the light at the dogs and was able to identify the two dogs as the pit bulls belonging to the defendant.

The VC was attacked and bitten by the dogs on her left calf and shoulder causing her to fall to the ground.

She was eventually rescued by one of the neighbours.

The incident was reported to the police and the VC was transported to Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital.

The defendant was subsequently charged with the offences before the court.

33 Responses to “Woman to pay $3700 for pit bull attack in 2018”

  • Cujo Bread (19/05/2020, 13:34) Like (65) Dislike (3) Reply
    That could have been even worse....suppose the lady was mauled to death. People feel it's ok to have their dogs on the loose. In some countries, the state would have taken those dogs and put them to sleep.
    • Me (19/05/2020, 14:08) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
      God is well awake, this went on for 2 long...they want to be wrong and strong hmm
      • Dulce (19/05/2020, 19:47) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
        No teeth in BVI laws. Those dogs should have been put to sleep and s stiff fine and jail sentence imposed on the owner. A near death experience should be treated in a fashion that wpuld be a deterrent.
  • Joc (19/05/2020, 14:47) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Now why she doing with a Pit bull, she out her mind.
  • Me (19/05/2020, 15:19) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lived up there and these bit 2 persons and attacked many and nothing was done.
  • wow (19/05/2020, 15:38) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply

    **** dogs match ****nasty attitude and behavior towards people. 

  • Joke sentence (19/05/2020, 17:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    She really lucky
  • Pitbulls (19/05/2020, 17:42) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    People owning pitfalls thinking it would protect them ignoring the fact that it could attack out of the blue even its owner.

    Do they even know what it takes to keep a pitbull and its temperament.
  • Nice (19/05/2020, 18:02) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    She should be paying out more, ah set of don't care people
  • fat boy (19/05/2020, 18:42) Like (3) Dislike (28) Reply
    you all just jealous because her mother got $$$$$
    • Idiot fatboy (20/05/2020, 01:31) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply

      Why would people be jealous if someones in the wrong u clown @#$, wrong is wrong, weather u got money or not, So because her motha got money she shouldnt be held accountable, LISTEN to how that sounds u waste, u just stick to eating FOOD fat boy, leave the thinking to people with brains, never heard such nonsense, me and this gal went to school together 4get dat we was in the same form/class, glad i live in Uk now, Tola is doomed, with the senseless idiots from down there and with some of these hungry starving i**** people

      • Hear this ms (20/05/2020, 06:09) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Listen you talk about brains and hear what terms you go use... Boy go and eat I see your starving for sense!... Stay in the UK and don’t come back, hope they don’t deal with you over there.
        • Yo dumb ass (22/05/2020, 01:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          Look how much dislikes that comment got that your defending, fool, are u right in the head, or your parents were related, u stay broke and struggle from day to day, stick to yo hand2mouth lifestyle, good thing u cant leave, your stupidity needs to be contained, heheehe, u gonna stop me from coming back, hahahhaah lol, i wish a nigg@ wud, u shud of been SWALLOWED along time ago, if u know wat i mean, or u dumb to catch dat.
        • Tola 2 Uk (22/05/2020, 01:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          Last thing u itch, Its the same Uk that had to send u food, supplies and sercurity, to feed u and yo family hungry bellies and build backup yo woodhouse, when the hurricane came tru, and its not the 1st time nor is it the last, watch yo self and know yo step little BWOYYYY, and am only addressing this fool cause hes out of place and have a peas shell for a brain
    • Deh Watcha (21/05/2020, 11:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      How you know her mother got money?

      You working in the bank and seeing her mother account?
  • g (19/05/2020, 19:08) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    Those dogs would NOT have me or my neighborhood terrorized. They would have been well fed, lights out! How dare these people allowing their animals to roam around. The law says secure your animals, I don't care if it's dogs, cats, chickens, cows, goats etc. These people allow their animals to roam destroying peoples property and causing injury and maybe death. If this had been going on for a while, why didn't the authorities intervene in the beginning? That poor woman could have been killed, and I think she should have been compensated much more than a measly $1500.
  • ghb (19/05/2020, 19:47) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    she a Penn.
    • Another idiot (20/05/2020, 01:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      What her last name got to do with it, i swear some people so dumb, yo parents probably cousins or sister and brother, cause u dumb as hell, guess if she had a different last name the dogs wouldnt of attacked, what a raging idiot u are, think b4 that non sense comes out, dont think after, no wonder tola is doomed, people like you, no sense with yo clown ass
  • Things to talk with Andy (19/05/2020, 21:31) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    She is working at the same magistrate court where she got a hefty fine.
  • Tola 2 Uk (20/05/2020, 01:54) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    Whats wrong with the girl having a pet, it just probably got loose, accidents do happen, people down there fighting fowls and dogs for years, many have fowls as pets, i swear people down there get dumb and DUMMER every day, one clown said people are jealous cause her mom have money, idiot, like that have anything to do with it when your in the wrong, another said because shes a Penn, i guess if she had a different last name the dogs wouldnt of attacked, clown idiots, s3nseless, do u people think before u speak/comment, or its the other way around, Tola is doomed, with the idiot youths from there and some of these ungrateful starving island people, who needs deporting asap if them not behaving, cause island people dont do nothing for tola just dragg it down, and why Tola always end up with the worst of them island people, i mean the garbage, its probably easier for them instead of the decent ones to get on a banana boat or a Raff
    • GG (20/05/2020, 09:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      " What's wrong with the girl having a pet...? Would you have been saying the same thing if it was you who was attacked or your child or loved one? COME ON !
    • justice (21/05/2020, 08:25) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      So you are in UK and what name should an english person call you? What are you doing for UK? Hope you are not dragging it down. People like you all cant stay to develop you'll own country. So I want to know who dragging you all country? You don't sound intelligent at all, very low minded and ignorant.
    • Tola 2 Uk (22/05/2020, 02:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      If u dont like the comment thats yo @ss, not hear to be liked its much bigger, lmfao, facts is facts, people will still have pets and none of u will never be able to change dat, so "dislike that" people just need to lock up and control their pets better, now what happ3ned to dat poor lady was awful, it wasnt intentional, it was an ACCIDENT, and u all must know accidents do happ3n, you can live in denial but whats to be shall be, and none of u can change that, am just the messenger, accidents will happ3n and will continue to happen, people die from accidents every day, but thank God she didnt die, most important thing, End of story
  • Proze (20/05/2020, 05:33) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    @SMH was about to type the same Sting.
  • rewrsdffds (20/05/2020, 06:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    they got a taste of blood and will be looking for more......
  • Pay for next dog bite (20/05/2020, 10:03) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The person who the dog really bite needs her pay to
    She is still a tenant
  • trrefdrfds (20/05/2020, 10:28) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    All u all are haters of the comments u all text way of the point because of u all evil geoulous heart thst simple read ur shit again and u see ..that it was ur personal feelings....sad wen u hated cause of being just who u are ...
  • Forward ever Backward never (21/05/2020, 10:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's a small price to pay for a life that could have been lost. These pit bulls owners need to suffer stiff consequences when their very dangerous animals cause harm in any way to people. Not a slap on the wrist.

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