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Woman struck by vehicle on Zion Hill

May 31st, 2020 | Tags: pedestrian Accident Zion Hill Collision
A section of Zion Hill Road- A woman was taken to Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital after she was struck by a vehicle while walking on Zion Hill Saturday afternoon, May 30, 2020. Photo: VINO
ZION HILL, Tortola, VI- A woman was taken to Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital after she was struck by a vehicle while walking on the Zion Hill public road, on the western end of Tortola on Saturday afternoon, May 30, 2020.

According to reports reaching our newsroom, the impact of the collision sent the woman into a nearby drain.

The driver of the vehicle reportedly stopped to render assistance and was also questioned by police.

Initial reports are that the woman was hit by the mirror of the vehicle.

The woman was attended to on the scene by Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) before transported to hospital.

13 Responses to “Woman struck by vehicle on Zion Hill”

  • Not surprised (31/05/2020, 11:13) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Where are the side wallks if not everywhere, in every residential area
    • Funny (31/05/2020, 19:10) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      these aren't residential areas, people need to build their own paths
  • rewrsdffds (31/05/2020, 11:22) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    One of the best move for yen said driver was stopping and assisting. I’m sure it was not a willful act. He could have panic and drove off by fear of it all but did opposite. I wish the lady and the drive well. Driver and walkers please be careful....
  • Legal tender (31/05/2020, 12:31) Like (25) Dislike (6) Reply
    Saturday 23rd a RiteWay worker was knocked down on the highway in the area of Patsy lake building whilst she was walking to work. She was on the side walk when she was knocked in the driveway of the said building and suffered serious injuries now this Saturday another woman got run down. Are these drivers really paying attention?
    • read the article (31/05/2020, 13:45) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
      @legal tender

      Did you read the article? She wasn't "run down", the mirror hit her. Run down would suggest far worse.
      • Legal tender (01/06/2020, 06:59) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ read the article, what do you consider as run down? Mirror hit her and caused her to fall in a drain, what do you called that. I eve any part of that vehicle came into contact with that woman, it is considered run down, Mr. or Ms. intelligent.
      • Legal tender (01/06/2020, 07:05) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ Read the Article. Smartie, this is for your information, “ Both run down and run over are what we call “phrasal verbs”. In their basic meanings, they both refer to being hit by a vehicle (and maybe, getting killed). However, as the combinations suggest, run down implies being hit and injured by a vehicle, whereas run over (more obviously) implies that a vehicle hit and drove over the person“.
  • ytr (31/05/2020, 18:57) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Side walks i am so surprise to see such a big a## wall putting up along side the road going west end. I hope when there accidents that occurs due to not being able to see around this wall the that some body is held accountable for it. but on second hand is the government not responsible to construct side walks for pedestrians to walk, can someone tell me where can one be constructed in this case, so please stop this wall before someone looses their life Mr Minister of Transport.
  • tola (01/06/2020, 03:50) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope that the lady is doing ok now. Prayers are with you.
  • Outsider (01/06/2020, 07:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope they tested his vision and a breathalyzer test
  • caretaker (01/06/2020, 08:01) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The lady was hit by the mirror on the right elbow, hit in the right hip area and little toe was rolled over without any damage. The blow to the hip fling her into the uncovered ditch that the Government did not cover since the hurricane. The Lord was on her side because she was carrying a cutlass that was stuck into a tree when she fell, and she was lucky she did not hit her head. Thank God. Police showed no kind of interest in this accident. All I know is that they better not go to her now. She is still having pain to her neck, hip and back. May GOD heal her fully. I saw this lady minding her business and working hard cleaning her property at the foot of the hill. Hard working lady may God bless her.
  • Sidewalk? (01/06/2020, 09:03) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The north side of Zion Hill needs a set of stairs built away from the main road for pedestrians to walk up and down this hill between the Cappons village in the lowland and the village at the top of the hill. The paved road should be for vehicles only.
  • Centurion (03/06/2020, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There were attempts at sidewalk constructions in D1,for the past century.
    Never completed not finish, as is the usual because of somebody elses fault.

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