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Woman hit by vehicle on Waterfront Drive

- taken to Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital
March 11th, 2022 | Tags: Accident Taxi pedestrian injuries Waterfront Drive
The injured woman being attended to after she was struck down by a taxi on Waterfront Drive on March 11, 2022. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Just around 4:30pm today, March 11, 2022, a female pedestrian was struck down by a vehicle on Waterfront Drive in Road Town.

According to reports reaching our newsroom, a taxi made the turn by the Commercial Court on Waterfront Drive and then reportedly ran into the pedestrian. 

Sources also indicated that woman received injuries and had to be taken to Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital.

Police are said to be investigating.

22 Responses to “Woman hit by vehicle on Waterfront Drive”

  • wrong place (11/03/2022, 19:48) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    That is not the entrance to the parking lot across from Pusser's.
  • taxi (11/03/2022, 19:55) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
    Them taxi man feel them own road authorities need get serious with the about driving on road an take away there licenses ,some them don’t even deserve to drive taxi but is who know who in this place
  • 911 (11/03/2022, 20:05) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    u only see police when something happens need to come and try preventing things from happening many years ago police could be seen moving around our country
    • 119 (12/03/2022, 19:51) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      The police needs to be at every corner, at every pedestrian crossing at every speed bump at every bar at every shop at every beach on every ferry. The police can prevent every accident! Best we have a police state by your standards.
  • Directions (11/03/2022, 20:07) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    are not factual.
  • pat (11/03/2022, 20:12) Like (11) Dislike (20) Reply
    That area needs a speed bump
  • Des (11/03/2022, 20:39) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    I hope she is all right. I don't like cars going right from there as seen in the photo. it needs some order.
    • @Des (12/03/2022, 08:46) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is a normal traffic junction, drivers must exit with caution. Every time we see an accident, it relates to many drivers, driving without due care and attention. More random stops are needed for drivers to present their licence and insurance. Every time a good driver takes to the road, there are risks from those non qualified to be driving and riding. Let’s face it, how many times a day do we see idiots on the road?
  • Dino (11/03/2022, 20:53) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    She was taken to the hospital more than 1 hour after the accident. Yes, more than 1 hour laying in the ground and moaning because of the pain from possible serious injuries. Hospital pretty much across the street and she had to stay there on the ground unattended by any medical staff. Will there be any investigation of this mismanagement? Will there be any consequences? SupaCop had to actually go himself to the hospital to get things moving when critical time was passing and no ambulance in sight.
  • Hope (11/03/2022, 21:02) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    The lady is ok and wish her the best.
  • NezRez (11/03/2022, 21:29) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope the poor woman recovers from this accident.
    • I hope so too (12/03/2022, 07:49) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      But ppl please utilize the cross walks!!! There are two within a few feet in either direction of this accident.
  • careful (11/03/2022, 22:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Someone almost got hit crossing the road lastnight right in that area. It’s not properly lighted and they were not utilizing a crosswalk.
  • Insured (11/03/2022, 22:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    U hope he’s insured.
  • Photographer (12/03/2022, 07:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stuff like that bothers me! People quick to take pictures/video instead of rendering assistance.
    • DEDE (12/03/2022, 12:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

      This bothers me too. Many times you see the picture/videos and no one offering any assistance. Some will be on the blogs posting about police and medical service arriving late but those same bloggers did not call for help. They send these images all around but when ask why they did not call for help, they simply reply my phone has know credit. It amazes me how it can work to create confusion but not to give help.
  • Taxi & Rentals. (12/03/2022, 08:13) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Them always driving without due care and attention....Hope she is ok..not injured badly
  • LCS (12/03/2022, 09:20) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't know the circumstances of this accident. As a motorist, I find that pedestrians do not use the crosswalks and cross streets anywhere, expecting moving vehicles to stop right on the spot to allow them to cross. There should be courtesy on the road towards pedestrians ON CROSSWALKS. A safety campaign is needed to teach from young age how to cross a road. Many times there are parents crossing with small children roads outside the crosswalks located a few steps away. It is not safe. Safety on the roads should be taught in school and pertains to motorists and pedestrians. There are rules for both. Please follow them. It avoids accidents :)
  • Please understand (12/03/2022, 10:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The drivers and pedestrians have to respect each other on the roads/streets.
  • scooter man (12/03/2022, 16:17) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    Ban all vehicles they are running down our people and they have more brakes than scooters. I applaud the scooter riders who stop to let pedestrians cross!!!

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