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Woman dies following accident @ Brewers Bay

-RVIPF investigating
The Jeep Wrangler being driven by the deceased. Photo: Team of Reporters
A female Barbadian national has died due to injusries sustained in an accident in Brewers Bay on March 14, 2025. Photo: Internet Source
A female Barbadian national has died due to injusries sustained in an accident in Brewers Bay on March 14, 2025. Photo: Internet Source
BREWERS BAY, Tortola, VI- A woman died following injuries sustained in a vehicular accident on Friday, March 14, 2025.

The accident occurred when the Jeep Wrangler being driven by the female victim, lost control shortly after 11:00 PM, plunging over the hillside. She was transported to the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital by emergency responders and later succumbed to her injuries. 

The deceased woman is said to be a Barbadian national and her identity has not been released pending due to her next of kin having to be informed first. 

Police, in confirming the accident, said the circumstances surrounding the lone vehicular accident are currently unknown.

The accident is being investigated by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) and Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) will bring you more details are they become available. 

32 Responses to “Woman dies following accident @ Brewers Bay”

  • Resident or Tourist. (15/03/2025, 09:10) Like (32) Dislike (9) Reply
    Brewers Bay Road is a death Trap for locals, Imagine a tourist, traversing that road calls for total soberness and focus, make it worse, she was alone. This is so Sad,.
    • @Resident or Tourist (15/03/2025, 15:07) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
      Stop talking negatively about Brewers Bay Roads you sound silly. This accident happened in a private driveway. Brewers bay Road is better to drive than a lot of places including Cane garden bay which is much steeper. Especially through mount Healthy is a good drive. If the Road is so bad then why so many people visit the beach on weekends and afternoons
  • Lawd man (15/03/2025, 09:20) Like (15) Dislike (63) Reply
    Kartel jumbie take one
    • SACRIFICE (15/03/2025, 12:19) Like (26) Dislike (46) Reply
      That was a sacrifice. They took a lone soul to get a good performance tonight.
    • @LAWD nsn (15/03/2025, 12:48) Like (7) Dislike (23) Reply
      1 Drowning/,zVirgjn Gorda
      Andrew and the Mother Sin convicted duo to be relased early next week.Translation,/BVI now indebted to Satan aka Trump/ Illiminati
      Note..All these three one after the other at Full unusual and rare type of,Full Moon.
    • Greg (15/03/2025, 15:42) Like (25) Dislike (11) Reply
      To all of you, moo moos, talking about sacrifices and jumbies making these unfortunate accidents happen, they were just accidents, and there is nothing spiritual about them. Stop the nonsense and get some mental help for yourselves!
      • wisdom (15/03/2025, 20:04) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
        Things just doesn't happen...Life is Spiritual don't you know...that is why the people will perish because of lack of knowledge....
  • So sad (15/03/2025, 09:22) Like (51) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Doll (15/03/2025, 09:43) Like (38) Dislike (1) Reply
    Rest in peace. Condolences to the family and friends of the decease.
  • Really (15/03/2025, 10:01) Like (22) Dislike (27) Reply
    Once you see a true puppet like vybes Kartel it will come with many sacrifice. This is just the beginning. Truthers we saw this coming and spoke about it
  • Really (15/03/2025, 10:21) Like (13) Dislike (22) Reply
    You see who's here to perform. First sacrifice more to come.
    • @Really (15/03/2025, 13:31) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
      Human sacrifices. The tourist that drown at the baths , the fisherman now the young lady.You all need to check yourself. There is a lot of human sacrifices going on the Island when you all go to the voodoo man ask him if this is not true. Voodoo badow
  • jalapeno (15/03/2025, 10:27) Like (0) Dislike (50) Reply
    Boy she a MS to be driving on that road at night. Only the Todmon and Vanterpools dem sschupid enough to do such thing. Now she done it and unalive herself. Barbados have Todmons?
  • 2024 (15/03/2025, 10:31) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
    between half million to one million dollars of your tax money have gone into travel & entertainment in than 365 days

    not all of the residents or all citizens of this place is into leaving home to be entertain

    what have the politicians travel abroad done for the benefit or future of the tax payer

    All of us that calls this place home needs good public roads: daily running water: good sewage system: proper electricity and that list could go on(nothing against entertainment

    try looking out for the infrastructure of the territory then spend our tax money on fun & games
    • @2024 (15/03/2025, 21:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      You sound so ignorant! Sometimes you have to travel for solutions to the same problems yall cry about everyday. The problem is money and how you expect money to come in you not out there trying to get money like be forreal! You think the CDB money come from sitting in BVI? UN grant money and the like? Yall have to realize that external relationships are important at some point and you have to come out of the bvi bubble!!! Damn annoying
  • overseas (15/03/2025, 10:43) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    So sad rip
  • de silent one (15/03/2025, 10:48) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its just so sad when these type of things happens, it also have a lot to do with our bad built/constructed roads. There dont seems to be any immediate fix in sight. However, condolences goes out to her family
  • taxpayer (15/03/2025, 10:55) Like (40) Dislike (0) Reply
    We moneys to do concerts but none to pave roads, pls understand
  • So terrible (15/03/2025, 11:07) Like (35) Dislike (0) Reply
    Condolences to her family, friends and loved ones.
    • Barbadian (15/03/2025, 18:30) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
      So sad a young lady following her dreams left Barbados working as an accountant. Condolences to family and friends. Hope she is brought back to her homeland.
  • Sigh (15/03/2025, 11:48) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Madea (15/03/2025, 12:41) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    She was not a tourist but was new to the island. So young to lose her life just due to the bad roads.
  • John (15/03/2025, 12:49) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    She so pretty luv alone
  • Karnage (15/03/2025, 13:54) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
  • social studies (15/03/2025, 14:46) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    The money used in entertainment, have nothing to do with the tax we paid/ paying .
    Entertainment has its own budget, this apart of tourism ! Bottom line is economic/ development.
  • Mannnn (15/03/2025, 16:28) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    Look at the way the vehicle is mangled up. It went over the hillside with quick force or was it set up to look like a terrible accident. She was the only occupant in the vehicle on a road that people knows to stay away from after darkness hit.
    • ?? (15/03/2025, 19:25) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      So the people who live Brewers all go home before dark? You should leave the flat and explore the island sometime.
  • Cottagehosp (15/03/2025, 16:33) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    People been telling the government that Brewers Bay Road is a death trap and an accident to happen and it has, This government and its ministers have no pride. Whenever I have family and friends visiting I take them to Brewers Bay Beach because of convenience and I aint lie I does be shame shame for how the roads are bad. It is inexcusable, like the government have no vision at all. Such a beautiful view driving down to Brewers Bay but we would be better off riding a donkey. We got to make our votes count next election, these ministers are a set of waste. May the young lady RIP and my condolences to her family snd friends... very sad indeed.
  • Driveway (15/03/2025, 18:07) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    While we do agree that the roads in Brewers Bay need some TLC, the accident did not happen on the main road. The vehicle apparently fell into the road from a private driveway.
    • Concerned (15/03/2025, 21:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      We’re trying to understand what happened here. We all believed it was on the road
  • Them Don’t Learn (16/03/2025, 00:05) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    A set of them always in a rush to their death, from adults to these young men on bikes/scooter, I don’t know why it so hard for them to take them time and be cautious.
  • Bad driveway (16/03/2025, 04:58) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    RIP, but the issue is the private driver way or yard. We need to ensure when we build houses the driveways are not death trap. If I am not familiar with a driveway especially one that has a steep incline I am not going up. I would rather park safely and walk up them steep driveways. If the driveway road not paved the conditions is worst. We need to make our driveways or yard safer.

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