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With Opposition in disarray, Premier Wheatley urged to call snap election

- Claude O. Skelton-Cline throws out challenge to Premier Wheatley
With the Opposition in disarray, fighting for leadership, Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has been encouraged to call a snap election. Photo: Facebook/File
Clergyman and former government consultant Claude O. Skelton-Cline has made it emphatically clear that the recently formed Alliance, is now unmistakably on the path to formalising itself as a separate political party. Photo: Facebook
Clergyman and former government consultant Claude O. Skelton-Cline has made it emphatically clear that the recently formed Alliance, is now unmistakably on the path to formalising itself as a separate political party. Photo: Facebook
Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), who many believe will stop at nothing to become Premier, was sworn in as Leader of the Opposition on Monday, March 24, 2025. Photo: GIS
Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), who many believe will stop at nothing to become Premier, was sworn in as Leader of the Opposition on Monday, March 24, 2025. Photo: GIS
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola l, VI- With the Opposition in disarray, fighting for leadership, commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline has urged Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) to call a snap election.

"Everybody wants to be the big baller, shot caller; Everybody wants to be premier of the country. There is this frantic move and speed to power and I’m afraid it’s messing us up as a country," Skelton-Cline said, referring specifically to the rebel opposition group, Aliance.

The clergyman and former government consultant was speaking on his talk show, Honestly Speaking, on ZBVI 780 AM on March 25, 2025, when he made it emphatically clear that the recently formed Alliance, is now unmistakably on the path to formalising itself as a separate political party.

Grab for Power?

Not limiting his scathing critique to the mere announcement of the Alliance’s next evolution, he went on to also paint a grim picture of a political culture riddled with power struggles, reckless ambition, and disunity—warning that the current trajectory threatens to destabilise the country.

As such, he was adamant, the "biggest baller" at present is the newly sworn-in Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Myron V Walwyn (R6), with an undisputed power move that saw the removal of the previous Opposition Leader, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL).

Snap Elections!

As such, with opposition forces in disarray, Skelton-Cline issued a bold challenge to Premier Wheatley to seize the moment.

"I’m on record, and I’m encouraging him to call a snap election; Since y’all like to pull on your pants and show you're a double scribble, he might as well pull the trigger now and let the people see the double scribble."

Elections in the Virgin Islands are not constitutionally due until 2027.

Math’s ain't Mathsing

Despite acknowledging the inevitability of the Alliance’s transformation into a political party, Skelton-Cline further questioned the strategic wisdom behind it, pointing out a fundamental flaw—suggesting that splitting an already divided opposition into even smaller factions could spell political disaster.

"You were one, then you became two, and now you’re three, how in God’s name are you ever going to be victorious over the other group of people who still have ten?"

The arithmetic is damning, according to Skelton-Cline, this ongoing political fragmentation serves only to weaken the opposition further, ensuring that the ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP) maintains its grip on power.

"You mean the pursuit for power keeps trumping common sense; If this wasn’t so serious, it would be hilarious but it is serious."

The consequences of this disunity are evident, suggesting that The Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) is now effectively "left with one" and the National Democratic Party (NDP) is leaderless, and its credibility hangs in the balance.

17 Responses to “With Opposition in disarray, Premier Wheatley urged to call snap election”

  • Madhouse mouse (26/03/2025, 09:58) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    Are we playing dominoes or running a country? If it's just a game to be won then sure by all means, do what will win the game. But this is a country of living ppl with needs and desires and Governance should be about improving the quality of life for all. This is the problem, everyone only cares about winning. That is what has destroyed the USA political system and here we are encouraging our politicians to do the same. There's too much wickedness in high places giving advice to the politicians. Focus on doing the work that needs to be done and winning the election will be a automatic.
    • Deh Watcha (26/03/2025, 12:00) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply

      Call a snap election to win and then what? Continue on the same road? This particular radio host cares nothing about this country. Just spewing sensationalism across the airwaves because it gets him listeners. They are on the oppositions back because it helps to deflect from the total failure that is the current government.

      So rather than holding the government to account they speak garbage such as this "snap elections". Pushing things that have no way of pushing the country forward. We have a DDM building signed for over $9M that was started before A Fahie was locked up. Admin building can't be finished despite an $11m insurance payout. Schools that need to be rebuilt. No fisheries building. No tourism plan. BVIHSA in shambles.

      But let's forget all that because this country really needs a snap election. When you are accustomed to being paid to produce nothing, nothing is all you know about.
  • Well Sah (26/03/2025, 10:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Automatic you have loss my vote for good!
  • hmm (26/03/2025, 10:36) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    why would call an election and the disarray is to his disadvantage? Just last year they wanted to bring a no-confidence vote against him
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (26/03/2025, 10:37) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mister man your greed, and love for money and power has blinded your vision, and hindering you from realizing the difference from the things that are right from wrong.
    Honestly speaking? No. You are not. Wickedly speaking? Yes, you are, in my honest opinion, Mr. Claude Skelton Cline.

    What you have suggested to the Premier will only serve to push the B.V.I further in the abyss of civil, and economic imbalance, with no recovery anytime soon. It time to abruptly stop being a false Clergy of division, sir. Them who allowed you to advised them are extremely confused persons, oppotunist-minded man.
  • nope (26/03/2025, 10:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not at all
  • NOOO (26/03/2025, 10:41) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    This would have been a Myron move if he was in power. But a snap election would be good for the government power but not for our territory asa whole.
  • Walters Bay Lot. (26/03/2025, 10:52) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Snap election or not he's a goner.
  • Noting was done (26/03/2025, 11:13) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    What are They going to campaign on?
  • fish (26/03/2025, 11:38) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Snap or not he will loose his seat but vip will win most seats
    • interesting.. (26/03/2025, 17:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      And if that happens who leades the Party ? The current Deputy or the origunal deputy that was sacrificed ? I guess the VIP congress would have to step in /
  • The Price of Greed and Selfishness (26/03/2025, 12:23) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is the price of dirty deeds done to innocent people. I always knew that it would result in the "Indigenous" loosing the country but they were too drunk on power to see what the cost would be. I wonder if they recognize what is about to happen and the game that was played to achieve this outcome. Our ancestors must be turning in their graves.
  • The TRUTH (26/03/2025, 12:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dear Lord, Claude is talking again.
  • Stealth (26/03/2025, 13:30) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The political conventional wisdom is that one call a snap election if one has a strong chance of wining. Can the VIP win a majority in a snap election? Can the the Premier win his seat? Too many politicians are desk jockeys,,poor retail politicians?
  • huh (26/03/2025, 17:52) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why would he want to call a snap election??? There is nothing wrong with the ruling party it's the opposition that cannot get one thing right since after election and that's not the ruling party's fault
  • The Usurper (27/03/2025, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the Premier is doing a good job then he would be re elected off the results of his government. If he being a CON ARTIST then calling a snap is what a con artist would do. I don't believe my Premier is any of that.
  • smh (27/03/2025, 20:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A Snap Election not even 2 years into their term. The government has been in for less than 2 years. You all retarded? To even think about doing that now shows how much of a failure the government is as well. How about trying to accomplish something first?

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