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Will the world end today Dec. 21, 2012 as Mayans predicted?

- Residents of the VI don’t think so!
End of days? Will the world keep spinning after the Maya Calendar ends? Most Virgin Islands' residents believe so. Photo: Tchaikovsky
Cubans participate in a Mayan ritual at Bacuranao beach in eastern Havana. Photo: AFP/Getty
Cubans participate in a Mayan ritual at Bacuranao beach in eastern Havana. Photo: AFP/Getty
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Today the Mayan calendar comes to an end, and with it, many have believed, comes the Apocalypse. There has been much talk about it in social media and street corners and even some news media overseas have given the topic some airtime.

Here in the Virgin Islands most persons didn’t seem to be bothered while others shared their views quite privately.

Among the speculations, however, was that there were many “signs of the end time” and the prediction needed not to just be brushed aside.

One person commented that the recent fatal accidents in the Territory were uncommon and this could be considered as one of the “signs”.

Another person made mention of the recent slaying of some 20 children and six women by a lone gunman in a small town in Connecticut, USA. For them, their world has already ended.

Virgin Islands News Online solicited a few comments from persons in the VI community including the popular Bishop John I. Cline, who said “I heard of it. I believe the bible… it says that no man knows the date nor the hour when such a time will come so I don’t know much about [the Mayan] culture… what I will do is stick with what my faith says… we just don’t know but we must be always ready for that time to come so that we live as it was our last day, everyday… so that when the time comes, whenever it is there will be no regret.”

First District Representative Hon. Andrew A. Fahie, who is known to be a very spiritual individual, said “only God knows such information and that is all that needs to be said on the top as far as I am concerned.”

The few words of Preacher Claude Skelton-Cline were “I believe in the bible not the Mayan calendar.”

Radio personality Paul Peart aka Gadiethz commented that “the superstition is catching on to the fact where people are taking it seriously… they’re making doomsday preparations all over the world. I personally don’t succumb to those things. It’s just another ploy… another hype. I don’t really see it as anything that is destined to happen but as far as the religion thing goes, it is just a time when people need to be serious with souls… My programme [yesterday] was all about ‘If the time should come and we are ready to go, are we prepared to meet our maker?’ I think the Mayans were trying to say certain things were going to change. We are going to enter into a different way of approaching things. That’s just all they were trying to say to us…”

Radio talk show host Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru said “I expect to wake up in the morning and do everything that I have to do… I advise people to live everyday like it’s their last. Some people go by the belief that Jesus is coming, and he could come at any time, so everybody should be ready… either for the end of the world or their personal end. Make the most of everyday because you don’t know when your life will end or when the world is going to end. Just make sure that you’re at peace with yourself and with all those around you.”

December 21 is regarded as the end-date of the more than five thousand year long cycle of the Mayan calendar. Some believe the end of the calendar will coincide with the end of days.

Historians, experts at NASA and even the Mayan people themselves, have said there is no need to prepare for the end of the world.

Nevertheless, and ahead of December 21, which marks the conclusion of the 5,125-year "Long Count" Mayan calendar, panic buying of candles and essentials were reported in China and Russia, along with an explosion in sales of survival shelters in America. In France believers were reportedly preparing to converge on a mountain where they believe aliens will rescue them.

The precise manner of Armageddon remains vague, however.

The day is here, December 21, 2012 and if you would have read this article then all seems to be well thus far!

25 Responses to “Will the world end today Dec. 21, 2012 as Mayans predicted?”

  • christ (21/12/2012, 09:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    u will tell when the signs is ryte there to see....
  • Bull (21/12/2012, 10:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pure Bull!
  • egg face (21/12/2012, 10:37) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    let me get save me wah to go to heaven
  • under the bus (21/12/2012, 10:46) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    deeds doom day cult always chatting nonsense....snoozing
  • Sigh... (21/12/2012, 11:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Mayans DID NOT predict the end of the world, this is a mis-understanding by the scientists who made the discovery of the artifacts by not understanding how to read and decipher esoteric teachings! This paved the way for big money on tv and using the instrument of FEAR to get people to do foolish things and spend money frivolously. The Mayans and ancient people of history INCLUDING the stories of the bible ALL gave SUBJECTIVE accounts of the progression of human life on earth not OBJECTIVE as we do today and DID NOT see the world as we see it today with our physical senses as the way modern science puts it!..... People believe EVERYTHING on tv when they KNOW tv is all about RATINGS and MONEY. The Mayans predicted the end of AGE of PISCES and today the world has SHIFTED into the age of AQUARIUS. As Earth goes through its Polaric and magnetic shift there will be disasters all over, people WILL die but life goes on. WAKE UP people and look at the world for what it really is and see the BIGGER picture as a whole. Get up and get outside, get some knowledge and learn things for yourself rather than living in fear like some headless chickens. Let those with the desire to know seek the answer, here is a breakdown to the transition in its entirety without trying to scare people into spending money, giving up their rights, nothing here for anyone to gain any advantage over another :
  • bush man (21/12/2012, 11:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Mayans Calendar was indicating an END of an ERA not the blasted WORLD. Its just a scare tactic that the elite group who run world are using. Jah Alone Know.
  • Hollaback (21/12/2012, 14:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mayan Calendar ends not world!
  • new ndp (21/12/2012, 15:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    may boy i taught the world done end and we in the new world
  • ibb lol (21/12/2012, 15:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    this crap is stupid its a big waste of time people these days have nothing to do with money they need stop spending money and apcolips and those stupidness and give money to poor lol people plus god mis only one who would know when world end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bunch of crap these scientist getting pay for saying bunch of lies they deserve to be shot that pay they a buch of dum p people with no life trying scam people and waste there time saying that the world is ending on 21 blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those scientist bunch wake jobs need go be botty flies not learn science science is for people with sence not dump stupid liers like these people that said world ending on blah blah blah day ugh this so retarded to believe the world ending on that day sorry to hear you waste your money preppers you should not have been such dumpys peace your hearing this live from ibb lol
  • MB (21/12/2012, 16:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All right! all right! enough is enough!
    All you people who talk about the world ending on December 21 2012, need to seriously take a chill pill and relax! I am so sick and tired of all the media hype and scare tactics. I understand, that while planet Earth is not always the most pleasant place to live in, constantly talking about the world ending, is not going to make our heavenly father come any faster. If people want the world to end, they should keep it to themselves, and quit trying to scare the rest of us out of our wits. All I'm saying, is you should enjoy life, and stop worrying about the end of the world. Enjoy life, and show love and appreciation to your family, friends and help out others whenever you can. The people who tell us this end of the world crap, are just a bunch of overpaid scientists who don't know what they're talking about. As someone else commented, only God knows when the world ends.
  • big daddy (21/12/2012, 16:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    i was so happy when i heard the world was ending i went to the bank to see if they were giving away free $$$$ all i got was a long bank line..struppsssssssssss
  • yes we can (21/12/2012, 18:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ah guess yuh go be still wandering....ent?
  • ... (21/12/2012, 19:17) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Learn to read the BIBLE and you will find the answer there to all the events occurring in this world.
  • Village Girl (21/12/2012, 19:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think the Mayans is making fun of us.

  • POPE (22/12/2012, 09:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • note book (23/12/2012, 04:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is a load of crap
  • big world (23/12/2012, 11:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i woke up this morning and the world is still going strong well sah
  • run (23/12/2012, 16:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    HAHAHAHAHA...this end of world thing is the best laugh I've had all year!!

  • Liat 521 (23/12/2012, 20:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I thought the Apocalypse was tomorrow?

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