Will it ever be the right time to set our people free?
Sometimes we know more than we think:
I still believe you already know things I tell you even if you think not… Some call it a form of ‘déjà vu’ when persons know without knowing that they know until they find themselves identifying with the ‘new’ information which was already deep within their gut, begging to be released - My messages apply to all even if they seem more relevant for Slave Descendants.
This is understandable since these Children remain the ones most in need of rescue from the oppression and deception that has followed them from generation to generation… The urgency to correct that, is here and now because the window for change is fast closing and just like our ancestors, you and I will be silenced and our failure to act simply makes us Enemies of ourselves.
It is unfortunate when those who should help most are quickest to hinder; as the pillars of society, Politics, Religion and Law become so devious and emboldened that they no longer care if we see through their state-sponsored corruption and hypocrisy… This virus infestation is now Global but we are quicker to see the tiny splinter in some else’s eye than the big log in our own.
Like it or not, there is much to be seen in Trump’s behaviour, May’s failure, the Religion on Religion atrocities and generalise Social Unrest, to realise that Brexit and Windrush, Religious Demolition and Child Molestation, Border Walls and White Nationalism are Systemic disasters facing Tomorrow’s Children but somehow we still fail to link the trickle-down effects to us in the Virgin Islands (VI).
We should because the Doctrines of Colonialism never left our shores and our Children have remained coerced victims of self-denial and states-sponsored abuse… We still welcome Holy Seasons when we spend more time in Church than the Pews, feasting on the same deceptions given to our grandparents and their grandparents; all designed to keep us docile and backward.
Now is not a time to be wasted:
As sweeteners we are given non-productive Holidays that do us more harm than good since advancement and success are built on the foundation of working more rather than less… Meanwhile, the vastness of our Potential belies the mediocrity of our Accomplishments as we focus on sleep and empty dreams replacing reality - Anyone who exposes this is seen as our enemy.
This mentality consumes Citizens and Governments that fail to recognise each Holiday as the loss of 3 days… Firstly; the prior-holiday is lost as persons prepare for the big day; Secondly; the actual Holiday is dedicated to doing nothing productive; and Thirdly; the post-holiday is wasted getting over the mental and physical hangovers while narrating the joys and disappointments of the day before.
These flaws are traditional and require Governments to hit the ground running just to make a dent in finding solutions… So far, we have seen some glimmers of hope but there are so many Ministries and Departments with longstanding problems and, while all things cannot happen at once, there is too little time for us to accept complacency or traditional ‘the dog ate my homework’ excuses.
When the Roads we take are not the ones we make, the tasks remain 2BDone:
There should be no hesitation in highlighting problems dating back to previous years and Governments and while my ‘2BDone List’ remains more concerned about People than concrete and Steel, these often overlap… This includes the need for road adjustment at the junction next to their House of Assembly Offices Parking Lot so as to allow for Pedestrian Walkway and Road widening.
Another problematic location directly associated with Politicians is the junction at the House of Assembly, Court House and High School… This is an extremely active area serving five converging Roads and will only worsen with the reopening of High School… Attention to this is long overdue and while Speed Bumps may not be the final answer it still remains a valid suggestion.
Still on the topic of traffic; the VI seems to have more Vehicles than People causing more Traffic Congestion, Gas consumption and Air Pollution… This is further complicated when Public Roads are used as private Parking Lots, Repair Garages and Car Washes with Persons putting Buckets, Cones and restricting obstacles in these Roads as if demonstrating ownership of Public Highways.
Unintended results may include Health Problems, Financial Burdens and Traffic Hazards in all forms as Pedestrians and Emergency Services like Police, Fire and Ambulance are impeded… Such a practice should never be accepted as norm and no matter how long this has been happening, no Company or Individual should commandeer a portion of Public Road to the inconvenience of others.
Ownership of Vehicles should include a place to park them and a means of deterring perpetrators and offsetting Public Costs may be achieved by attaching a charge to this behaviour… Consideration should be given whereby, abusive Companies with over 3 Vehicles and Private Persons with over 1 Vehicle will be subjected to the relevant Traffic charges – These Funds may even help our recovery.
Treason – The betraying of one’s People & Country:
Even now, damaged personal Properties, Churches, Schools and Government Buildings remind us that Hurricane Irma is still not finished with us… Wickham’s Cay bears testimony as exhibited in the Central Administration Complex and Palmgrove Shopping Centre and although Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park may be fenced, his statue is not yet restored, which is embarrassing and disrespectful to Noel and other VIslanders.
As you may recall, Noel achieved hero status from his successful efforts to ensure that Wickham’s Cay would not be alienated and that piece of Real Estate would exclusively belong to the People of the VI… Present conditions would suggest this was all in vain when past Governments appeared to support the flying of foreign Flags of Oppression over Wickham’s Cay and National Parks Trust.
This may be considered treasonous since the Nations of these Flags played major roles in the practice of Virgin Islands Slavery and none of these Nations would ever tolerate the VI’s Flag flying over the smallest speck of their Territory… This political mentality may explain how and why the Wickham’s Cay, Palm Grove Shopping Centre appears to have been taken from VI Owners.
This Shopping Centre was specifically created to give VIslanders 99-year exclusive ownership and control – therefore, any foreign control would be in direct contradiction to the intended charter and, having VI Owners, who have paid up in accordance with this Agreement, denied information, compensation and involvement in decisions regarding the restoration of the Centre is despicable.
These are but a few of the pressing issues to be addressed post haste and while there are other concerns dealing with Health, Education, Labour and Immigration I chose to repeat these… Leadership’s continuing failure to address these would indicate the depth to which we sank and a reflection on the stature of any Government that would allow its Country to be so emasculated.
PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions and Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes
2 Responses to “Will it ever be the right time to set our people free?”
What we must realize is that we are living in a disposable time but truth be told ... we need to restart takin our time to read and understand the knowledge of which is being overlooked although thru using the same weapon of mass distraction ( the social media ) and use it against itself
Returning to keeping good relations with our neighbors and family using the POWER & the KNOWLEDGE of WISDOM TO GUIDE US BACK INTO OUR TRUE NATURE WHICH IS love
For we are not a people of darkness but a creation of love melanatedly ( I created that word) infused to professionally creat life and teach everybeing ( this too) that came out of the darkness how to shine their light thru true love that fused us to come into our being NEVER
EVER to be destroyed
BUT FOR A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING AND WISDOM WE PERISH by seeking religion over knowledge and believing lies of our own stories told to us not as MAAT but copies of the ORIGINAL
I CAN INFINTIZE THIS but I’m keeping it in a can mentality jus like everything thing else we a civil lies d to consume