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Will Dr. Drexel Glasgow be removed from Public Works?

Information suggests he may be next in the ongoing shake up of public officers
December 16th, 2011 | Tags: NDP Dr. Drexel M. Glasgow Local Acting Director shakeup
Acting Director of the Public Works Department, Dr. Drexel Glasgow
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - With the many reassignments, transfers, extended leaves and firing since the National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration took office over a month ago, reports just reaching this news site are that the hammer is about to fall on another officer.

This time it could be the acting Director of the Public Works Department Dr. Drexel Glasgow. Sources inside the NDP Administration told this new site that Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark Vanterpool is allegedly not impressed with the officer’s performance and is actively having discussions about a possible replacement for him.

Under the 2007 Virgin Islands’ Constitution Ministers are in charge of their Ministries and Departments and can determine who serves as Permanent Secretaries and Department Heads. Therefore, they cannot hide under the political cover that the Governor is in charge of the civil service according to the same source.

Dr. Glasgow who has been acting in his post for almost five years could be one of the longest qualified local officers to Act in the public service.

It appears that many options are being under discussion for Glasgow included moving him to the Ministry of Communications and Works or possibly heading another Department under the same Ministry.

At the 2009 and 2010 Standing Finance Committee (SFC) deliberations, many elected members expressed concerns about Glasgow’s none appointment to the post at least for the record.

Former Director of Human Resources David Archer, testifying at the 2010 SFC, reported that he had not received a recommendation from the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Communications and Works to move Dr. Glasgow's matter forward for confirmation.

Dr. Glasgow has worked under some five Permanent Secretaries, including two acting ones and three Ministers however, he still has not been confirmed to the post and “maybe the officer needs to look within,” said one official who spoke to this news site on condition of anonymity.

Both the Minister for Communications and Works Mark Vanterpool and Acting PS Arlene Smith-Thompson were not available up to press time for comments.

The Director of Public Works, a government post, attracts a salary of $62,900-$92,150 a year.

53 Responses to “Will Dr. Drexel Glasgow be removed from Public Works? ”

  • SHAKE UP (16/12/2011, 10:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • the rock (16/12/2011, 21:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I will bet anyone drexel is not going anywhere!!!actually he is going to step up his game now..any bets..bring uhm!!
      • billy b (17/12/2011, 11:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @the Rock. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • you (18/12/2011, 22:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        given the resources Drexel can do the job but too many of our people hate him just because he is young doing well or maybe (even) overly qualified. Drexel needs to go run his own company. Stop wasting your talent with these peoplevf
  • pwd (16/12/2011, 10:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    its about time
  • critic (16/12/2011, 10:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i knew it would not have taken mark long to find out what a waste drexel and pwd are? i guess he learnt from that lame performance on the parking lot....over a month now and cant get it finished up to yet...musah should be next
  • native (16/12/2011, 10:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ah only hope them dont bring in non bvilander..ah watching them closely
  • bam see (16/12/2011, 11:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    leh he tek dat for he wuz up and down praising ndp
  • spotlight (16/12/2011, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    another one bite the dust
  • Insider (16/12/2011, 11:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now if Frazer had done this all hell would have break loose…I guest Dr. D dad the biggest NDP in the east must be eating wire…ha ha we VIP having the last laugh….he he ha ha
    • Hardy Hard (16/12/2011, 15:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Insider we VIP aint laughing we are ROLLING LMAO!! Let he take that!
  • Quiet Storm (16/12/2011, 11:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Here we go again!!!! A leak about the pending action on the status of a high level civil servant. This is not professionalism; need to bring some stability to the public sector. Employees cannot perform effectively and productively if they are preoccupied with where and on whom the axe will fall next. The Premier, the Hon Dr. Smith, need to take charge and take hold of this situation and bring some professionalism into the workforce. Employees will be hired, reassigned, counselled, suspended, or fired but these actions should be private and confidential and not released to the the media until there is a public announcement. They make for good headlines but at the employees expense. At times, I have been hard on Dr. Glasgow to light a fire under him to get him to represent the civil engineering profession. Moreover, he is Virgin Islander and I wanted to see him succeed. In any event, this whole situation is a fiasco. How can someone be acting in a position for five years. This is both an NDP and a VIP failing. Instead of making a decision one way or the other they both kick the can down the road. Kicking the can down the road in this case is employee abuse and poor leadership. Moreover, it highlights the BVI failure to effectively educate and train to meet its need. We should have cadre of seasoned engineering professionals waiting in the wings to head the PWD. Our problem should be not can I we someone qualified but which one of the qualified many should be appointed. Further, is the MCW acting based on his experience working with Dr. Glasgow the past months or based on the negative feedback from the whispering heard? If it is based on latter, then this a disservice to Dr. Glasgow and other civil servants. Some expectations should have been set for Dr. Glasgow, give him timelines and reasonable time to act, and then hold him accountable and responsible. Our people are not paper towels; they need to be treated with dignity and respect.
    • billy b (16/12/2011, 13:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree, (as usual) Quiet Storm, don't get rid of him, LIGHT A FIRE UNDER HIS A** TO PERFORM. Don't confirm him til you do that. It matters not how long he been acting, because it is a norm for people in the service to be performing well and as soon as they get confirn, they act careless. Mark, tek it from me, DON'T APPOINT HIM, have a meeting with the staff and get them a say in this matter. They are the one who have to deal with this guy, get their input!!!!!!!!!!
      • Come again (16/12/2011, 22:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I agree... Premier this is distasteful...transparency doesn't have to be disrespectful and dishonourable. That 'source' is a snitch with a big mouth... NDP ministers need to deal with this bad publicity...and IT IS BAD PUBLICITY!!! it's shameful behaviour..find the person and shut them up....unless it's the ministers themselves that are the snitch. NDP don't burn the bridges you will have to cross in 4 years. the same people ya'll stepping on now you on them same people u will meet on your way down. stop it i say!
    • Kudos (17/12/2011, 16:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mr or Ms. "quiet storm" Have you ever heard about proper sentences? Why not try using them more often when posting very long comments. Just my two cents boss
    • anegada (19/12/2011, 12:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree If given the opportunity to do the job he will
  • Random (16/12/2011, 11:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't forget that waist of time Decastro too, what in the dark will soon come to light.
  • attention (16/12/2011, 11:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    goodness NDP on a roll mehson..who next????? is it the lady at the Tourist Board???? well saw! what a mash up ayo wanted change ayo got change!!!
  • big mouth (16/12/2011, 12:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I could see why the VIP Govt didn't use him for any decision making. This is an example of a bright VIslander who was given a chance and can’t deliver, so we shouldn’t complain if outsiders come here and take over our jobs that we should be qualify to do.
    • Public Work Employee (16/12/2011, 12:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      A Big mouth!! thats all that you have, I am a PWD employee and I have been here at the PWD even before Drexel came...and he has been doing a great job. Like everyone else he has his weeknesses but we cannot crucify him. You and all the other negative responses need to go and take a seat. I enjoyed working with him and I hope he holds his head high and remember that God is incharge.
      • *** (16/12/2011, 15:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You must be one of them who sucking up to he. Mark, ask the entire staff. 50-1 the majority of the staff want him gone or appointed deputy.CALL BACK JEFFREY, then yuh playing sweet music. Nobody ain saying doc is a bad man, HE JUS AIN READY. and the only people singing his praises are the ones who he has given the lead to do what the heck they want to do.
      • VG PWD (16/12/2011, 15:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        come on Drexel stop bloging on a big waste and chidlish..we saw you three times for the year and its only when a Minsiter bring you!
  • MICKY (16/12/2011, 12:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • HMMM (18/12/2011, 07:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree he is nothing but confusion. They paying mr. davis so much money and he ain't even have go qualification. What is really going on in this system. civil service need a good clean up and salaries need to be revised immediately.
  • Well Sa (16/12/2011, 13:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    School children say they moving him to bring back Jeffery Skelton. School out now!!!!!!!
  • WHATEVA (16/12/2011, 14:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • ------------------------- (16/12/2011, 17:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      bring back who? Jeffrey a man with no education? lawd ah mussy..but that is the brother of a Minister!! the NDP is truly for the family, there own family!!
      • *** (16/12/2011, 20:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        In your eyes he ain had not education, but he did a faaaaar better job than drexel who boasting a doctorate
        • Strupes (17/12/2011, 09:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Agreed! And he use to look out for everybody and give people what they deserve whether you agree with him on something or not. That is a leader and a leader is what we need. bring Jeffrey back or somebody else who ready for this thing
  • Dear VINO (16/12/2011, 14:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    they need to go next at the YOUTH and sports division upstairs ward building them people up there doing NOTHING for the government money.
  • Confucius (16/12/2011, 14:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If I were Dr. Glasgow, I would be particularly upset if I read in the news that I was about to lose my job. That is a pretty spineless way to fire somebody. And only 9 days before Christmas too! Very nice! Charming people.
    • Crank Shaft (16/12/2011, 16:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ...And if I were you, before posting nonsense, I would ask myself what if Drexel already knows his faith and this so called news was leaked by someone in the know after the fact. It was said that Drexel had a meeting with staff recently and hinted that he may not be the Director come next year, that mean he knows what's up. We need to stop being such foolish people sometimes! What would make you think that someone is only finding out something in the news? There's nothing to suggest that Drexel isn't aware of what's going on so I'm quite stunned at your assumption?....If he was interviewed and made it clear that this is the first time he's been made aware of this then fine..but this is obviously not the case here...posts like this only stir up confusion!
    • billy b (16/12/2011, 20:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Confucius, this is exactly why your blogs are so insignificant. Simply because you have no comprehension skills. If you have a little brother or sister, have them interpret the passage for you. From where I sit, nothing in this passage tells me anyone is interested in firing the Doc. Remember the part where it said, "It appears that many options are being under discussion for Glasgow included moving him to the Ministry of Communications and Works or possibly heading another Department under the same Ministry." Did you remember seeing that anywhere in the passage, or didn't you bother to read (as usual). Always quick to blog and blabber, rather than take time to read.
    • sofunny (17/12/2011, 20:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If one were to read carefully this article, you would see that some insider is tryign to stir up fire to resemble their position. It is time we stop sowing dirty karma. Remember as sure as what goes up comes down is a law so will it be for those who post propaganda here, that "as you think in your heart, so are you," and be careful for your reckoning day.
  • Institutional Problem (16/12/2011, 17:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is ridiculous! Everyone knows that Public Work's problem is not Drexel. Take a look at its track record and you can see that not a single past director of public works has been "successful" in its management. Frankly the problem starts with all the past directors for not building the organization in a way where it can function efficiently and effectively. The problems at PWD go to the core of the institution and if you don’t fix that, you can put god himself in charge and he will look like a failure. If the MCW does not understand that then he too is not fit to lead. Where are the systems, programmes, and proper resourcing t o make PWD function effectively? You put a bunch of engineers, and architects in PWD, you don’t surround them with managers, HR personnel, finance personnel, and you expect it to function. Worst than that the main resourcing you put in PWD, most of them simply want to work when they want to work, how they want to work, and to what standards they want to work too. (This is with utmost respect to the minority of excellent workers at PWD). Worse you then you politicize the entire operation -- Each Minister with his own engineer, doing everything outside of protocol, in order to move his own political agenda. Worse several Political cronies’ acting like they run PWD and sit around all day waiting for handouts. The entire Department is machinery for Government to misappropriate money and facilitate cronism. That’s why you get no results out of it. How in the world can you expect one man excel in that type of environment. Yes. I am a fan of Drexel!!! I make no bones about it. I know he is competent, and full of integrity. And if that is the price of your competence and integrity Dr. Glasgow, go in peace, cause you will have the last laugh.
  • PWD MEANS PUSH WOOD DEEP (16/12/2011, 18:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • T2DB (16/12/2011, 22:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I don't have a horse in this race but one thing is for sure, I don't think there has been another senior Public Servant in the history of the BVI that has been 'acting' in a post for over 5yrs, spanning now the 3rd Administration and cannot be confirmed to the post. Regardless of what everybody saying, there's an obvious issue and it needs to be solved. PWD has issues and whether it's the Director, staff, combination of both, whatever, they need to get to the root of it and just deal with it. In my opinion, he appears a bit soft and a 'yes' man, but I don't know what goes on behind the scenes so it's hard to judge him. All that said, whoever is confirmed to that post has their work cut out for them, big time!!!
  • Wow (16/12/2011, 22:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    They crucify Jesus..... Drexel let me say, dont let the negativity get u down... Remember ur fate is in the hands of the Lord and whatever the devil means for evil God turns it for good! Ppl will always talk and many of them that are speaking are "empty barrels"... Don't mind them... Remember stay strong... Keep the race... At ur age u are already ahead! Keep believing. God bless
    • Strupes (17/12/2011, 11:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      And he crucifying people on the job. But father above don't sleep, and doc should know that.
  • clear the air (17/12/2011, 01:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Md. Drexel I could see the milk in your face!
  • A wah dis faada (17/12/2011, 01:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    As a non BVIslander meen know much bout the Doc... me know him play music, him go big church. But Mark, pardon, Hon. Mark, just because it's in your power to fire and hire be nice ti the BVIslanders, they voted you in and they can surely vote you out, just like how inna ur private affairs you were given second chances, gi de yute a chance fe come good, sometimes people improve themselves with a threat. Be nice sir, be nice, u like action, prepare for reaction. Faada help BVI and I am thankful for them having me here.
  • My Humble Opinion (17/12/2011, 08:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I highly doubt he's troubled by this, because he probably knows more than what you think he knows, his allegiance is not to any job, if he's a Christian to which i believe he's a born again his allegiance is to God not man nor their job, however, if NDP see it fit to move him from there, it's probably something better God has in store for him, why you all are like that, all you here is Go and you take that and run but you ain't even waiting to hear the where before you celebrate or criticize lol.
  • old glory (17/12/2011, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    all he needs to do is pray and play his saxaphone
  • the opponent is power hungry (17/12/2011, 21:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the representative for the 3rd district is fraser !!!!!!!!!how can a man who is not the representative get the authority to give out bush cutting work and fraser is the rep???????????? wa going on here !!!!!!!!!!!!who give this lill boy power???????????? i know fraser will eat him alive
  • Yes i (18/12/2011, 10:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All I will say is darkness can not appear as light.
  • you (18/12/2011, 22:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    given the resources Drexel can do the job but too many of our people hate him just because he is young doing well or maybe (even) overly qualified. Drexel needs to go run his own company. Stop wasting your talent with these people
  • hope hill (20/12/2011, 00:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what's the big deal i heard Mark in th House jumping up and down...but Drexel and his father telling everyone he is leaving...Mark just looking for cover!

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