A Voiceless People is a Choice-less People:
Welcome to British Virgin Productions where Truth is selected & Lies rejected… Against all odds we still come to you ‘Live’ on Saturdays at 6:00pm on ZROD Radio 103.7 FM & ZVCR Radio 106.9FM…. In addition our Truth for the Youth Articles appear on BVI News OnLine, Virgin Islands News OnLine and ‘Alred AC Frett’ Facebook Page - Thanks for your interest.
This marks Week #26 since being thrown off ZBVI Radio because Masters dislike the Truths I tell and would rather keep our People in Ignorance by sending Messages of support to those who seek to make our Children Victims of Systems where the Wicked & Corrupt build Gallows & Jails for Children of Slaves… Our People remain in deep trouble and saving them is no easy task.
I am Alred ‘AC’ Frett – a mere Messenger… I own no Radio Stations or News Outlets so I may be here Today & gone Tomorrow… However, this has never been about me - This is about you & your Children - I speak only because we have been programmed to be too afraid to defend our Youth from Wicked & Corrupt who teach them to hate Fathers, Mothers, Sisters & Brothers.
Those in authority who know they are wrong will not discuss or debate issues because they fear knowledge will bring you Power; instead their Agenda focuses on hiding Truth from the Youth to secure their own Profit and ensure our Sons & Daughters fill Prisons & Grave Yards so the Rich may get richer as the Poor get poorer… They deny Justice and regard Truth as the Enemy.
Rewarding Corruption:
While many have developed a serious allergy to Truth our Children cannot survive without it.
Leaders have us shackled to a Society where Slave Liberator Wilberforce is ridiculed & forgotten while Slave Trader John Hawkins received Knighthood.. No wonder, Modern day Traders are angry because I say OBE’s & MBE’s are not for serving BV-Islanders but appeasing Empires.
Every day we see how their promised Systems of Fairness & Justice are replaced by their quickness to lock up our Sons & Daughters on mere contrived suspicion while doing all in their Power to frustrate Fairness & Justice until infirmity or death makes it impossible for the victims.
In their persecution of me the Systems have placed themselves on trial and their Guilt is evident.
Even those who claim the things I speak of are far away & long ago are actually seeing the games being played here & now – They too are seeing me victimized & terrorized in every way possible simply for trying to liberate the minds of our Children while Jimmy Savile, a UK sexual predator & child molester was given shelter, protection and knighthood up to his dying days.
It was only after Sir Jimmy Savile’s death a year ago (when Victims could no longer get true Justice) that we began learning what those in Authority hid from us… Allegations that include:
- Molestation of over 500 Victims with over 70% of these being between 8 to 16-year old.
- This Criminal Behavior extended well over 50 years; from 1955 to 2009
- Offences at the BBC took place from 1965 up to his last show in 2006
- Other Offences also took place at Hospitals, Hospices, Schools, Homes & Public places
All this is within our Life Time… Even as I focus on saving Children he focused on raping Children and the same Systems that seek to crucify me gave him Keys to the Crown… These are the proverbial writings on the wall and it’s imperative that you help yourselves for it is clear the Bosses so hate you & yours they will make sure you never learn to reason or survive to achieve.
Keeping Company with the Disjointed Anointed:
Jimmy Savile and John Hawkins are not the only Demons who have been honoured by trinkets of treason for the Hurt, Harm & Destruction of a People… There many Locally who find their Joy in having you beg them for what is really yours… Even if you try doing nothing or flying below the Radar they know their rogue waves and evil tsunamis will eventually wash you away.
I have tolerated their abuse so you may acquire the ability to see & differentiate right from wrong and real from imaginary… By seeing me constantly Terrorized & Victimized the writing on the wall is clear for all to see – It should be easy to recognize Religions with fabricated Gods, Courts without Justice and Politicians who hate their People… What you see, I’m merely reading aloud.
For too long we have been kept in Darkness and Children forced to pay the price for Ignorance. Today Knowledge can be their Weapon of Defense… Whether in fiction or reality, from Jericho to South Africa, it has always been the properly directed Force of knowledgeable Youth who made the difference… Us old People still have a choice - We can help or hinder.
We too can overcome the Evil & Corruption by staying alert so we may look, listen & learn from the lessons all around us because for better or worse Change shall come no matter what… In fact if we get up one more time than they push us down we not only survive but will progress because of the experience… The struggle goes on and Reports on the Oppression will continue.
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Program