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'Whose interest are we serving with Legal Prof. Act amendments?' – Hon Julian Fraser RA

- Hon Myron V. Walwyn said some provisions could lead to ‘boycott’ of the territory
Both Leader of the Opposition Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn had concerns regarding the Legal Profession Act. Photo: VINO/File
They were speaking yesterday Jan 26, 2016 during the continuation of the Sixth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly, as the debate on the Legal Profession Act got underway. Photo: VINO/File
They were speaking yesterday Jan 26, 2016 during the continuation of the Sixth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly, as the debate on the Legal Profession Act got underway. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Leader of the Opposition Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) has questioned the Government as to whose interest is being served by the amendments to the Legal Profession Act after the legislation had been agreed upon just about one year ago.

The Third District Representative was speaking yesterday January 26, 2016 during the continuation of the Sixth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly, as the debate on the Legal Profession Act got underway.

“Are we taking into consideration the two tiers of legal representation we have in this country? One is international and the other is local. Whose interest is this serving?” Hon Fraser asked.

He said what is being done in the amendment is giving a pardon to practitioners from paying a fee. “The question I ask is why? This is revenue that we are just giving up.”

Honourable Fraser posed the question whether the amendments are industry driven or interest driven.

He said the Act seems to be watering down the duties and responsibilities of the recently constituted Legal Council, limiting their ability to properly execute their functions and duties by adding some amendments.

“Madam Speaker we have to be careful not to erode the confidence that one may have in our laws. One way of [eroding that confidence] is by making frequent amendments to our laws, especially when those amendments are driven by interests,” he added.

Honourable Fraser insisted that the amendments that were proposed were interest driven and hoped to address them during the committee stage of the deliberations.

“Is it that we are now bending to every whim and fancy of anyone who cries and complains about the legislation that we have before us before the Council has been given the opportunity to get involved in the said legislation?” he asked.

Certain provisions could hurt us – Hon Walwyn

However, Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn speaking on the Bill said that he also had concerns about it, even though he acknowledged the need for amendments to be made to legislation in order to keep the territory on the “cutting edge” of what is happening globally.

“If the provisions become too onerous you end up hurting the profession and you end up hurting the financial services in our country,” the Minister said.

He questioned the practicality of requiring non-Virgin Islands lawyers to be resident in the VI for one year before being able to practice VI law. He said that if enforced this would eliminate a host of lawyers who work in Hong Kong for instance selling VI companies.

The Minister feels that this provision would lead to a boycott of the territory in terms of aspects of financial services that may be directed elsewhere.

22 Responses to “'Whose interest are we serving with Legal Prof. Act amendments?' – Hon Julian Fraser RA”

  • Agree (27/01/2016, 09:41) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lay it on guys. There's something more in the mortar besides the pestle. This is one time youall have to fight. It shows that politics is politics, right is right and wrong is wrong no matter what side of the fence you're on.
  • OOC (27/01/2016, 09:51) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is a nonsense Law. Myron making so much sense. ..Why they didn't consult with Myron before bringing this nonsense self serving bias and hateful law to the house as Myron is the legal brain in the party?
  • zoe (27/01/2016, 09:52) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply

    Please do not listen to M**** with his self serving interest

  • @ ooc (27/01/2016, 10:26) Like (16) Dislike (6) Reply
    Legal brian thats dunce
  • wize up (27/01/2016, 10:30) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    hon fraser raised a valid concern; at the end of the day he will be outnumbered but it was a very valid concern(play the tape)
    • sense (27/01/2016, 10:53) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply

      There's no use bringing politics in this and talking about interests. Fraser and Fahie always trying to dumb everything down and make it about locals vs expats. Remove expats and financial services goes with it, that's a fact. Why we always acting stupid when it comes to things of such great importance to the Territory? What interests is Fraser talking about really? We are trying to save our industry, the very thing that gives us 60cents of every dollar we spend every year. For &*%$# sake man.

  • foxy (27/01/2016, 10:36) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Fraser is a fighter for his people mvw is a sell out
    • stupid (27/01/2016, 11:33) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply

      So jumping up and sounding like an idiot means it's in the best interests of the Territory? There are some issues that don't need all the political grand standing. Who would I listen to when it comes to the legal professions act, Myron a qualified Lawyer or Fraser a qualified @$$?

      • Drag-On (27/01/2016, 15:46) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        Not ALL qualified lawyers are competent! Tortola has more than their fair share of educated fools running about - case in point!
      • FYI (27/01/2016, 17:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        That man never won a case yet.
        • goerge w. touch (28/01/2016, 00:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          i am at liberty to extend this to him. i can negotiate this for the soon to be ex Minister. regards
      • u right u stupid (29/01/2016, 00:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Fraser is nor a donkey unlike yourself, he has a legitimate concern. In the Bahamas only their people can practice law and I a sure that there is a preference for counsel already located there for a time. The amendment spoken of above limits the Council's Powers to prope[er;y function (not like they would with Dancia at the head) but to allow non resident counsel to practice uk law in another jurisdiction is wrong
  • long look me come from (27/01/2016, 10:39) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    This bill is for them not us
  • Hmm (27/01/2016, 10:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    What qualifies most of those guys in HOA to talk about legal and financial services issues? We are really a sick set of people around here. No clue about the issues but always grandstanding.
    • @ Hmm (27/01/2016, 11:53) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yes they have a few who can speak on both legal and financial. Legal: Myrun they say he is a lawyer. Financial: Ronnie, Marlon, Kedrick and Fraser…the rest of them moo moo can’t talk about much other but listen to what others say!!!!
  • Lawyer (27/01/2016, 13:28) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    It needs to be amended for the benefit of the jurisdiction and the people in it. If protectionist measures result in the inability to recruit the best candidates with onshore experience, BVI financial services industry suffers as a result and consequentially so does the tax take (and money for civil service, pensions etc). The expats will simply move to another jurisdiction where they remain able to practice top flight offshore law. After all, they have not been allowed to settle here so their roots are wafer thin.
  • set ah incompetent fools (27/01/2016, 17:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wasn't it the NDP who passed that law???
  • last days (27/01/2016, 17:50) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    No matter what you all say, the wheels are coming off, soon and very soon, this financial services business in the BVI,
    and the BVI govt. is about to default.

    plant some plantains and payayas and any thing else you think of, cuz, the bubble has burst.

    If you wait for it, you may be to late. Be awake.
  • Stinks (27/01/2016, 18:07) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    They selling a BVI product, and not even ever live in the BVI?

    Money games, those lawyers making big bucks selling BVI companies and
    live in some place other than the BVI?

    So they make money off our name, but do not spend a dollar here> WTH??

    Sounds like a scam to me.

    BVI lawyers live in the BVI, period and amen.

    The rest is a lie. Or Scam
    • Online Now (28/01/2016, 10:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      That really is such an ignorant comment. WHo do you think are selling BVI companies that bring in upward of $350 pre company into the Territory? It is not people sitting here waiting for people to come to them. It is people going out ot the market in the Far East and other areas looking for business. They are supported by lawyers working in the same time zones. Imagine people thinking that the BVI can compete in the Global Market place by waiting for business to come for us and only opening 9-5 BVI time.
      • Zone 6 (28/01/2016, 23:01) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        So grind your axe against the NDP somewhere else...we wid NDP all the way
  • BVI lawyer (27/01/2016, 19:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This dude Myron just talks out of turn he is declining as a rep

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