Who took our $$$$? Whose hands in the cookie jar? $2B missing?

Further it was in 2015 that Hon Fahie told the public that the NDP is "the most corrupt government in the history of the Virgin Islands."
It was at the December 19, 2016 sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA) that Hon Fahie again called upon the ruling NDP to be fiscally responsible and account for all the budgets approved by the HoA since they took office in 2011.
Who has our money? - Hon Fahie
Hon Fahie was speaking on the motion where the Smith Administration was seeking some one hundred and eleven million dollars, five hundred and nine thousand, four hundred dollars ($111, 509, 400) to keep the government running as it has failed to bring to the people a 2017 Budget.
The issue of the NDP’s stewardship of the public finances has been questioned since they took office in 2011. To date they have not submitted any audited financial reports. The United Kingdom appointed Governor John S. Duncan OBE has joined in the call for the government to stop the reckless spending and account for the people’s monies.
In a letter to both the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr Smith and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Governor Duncan warned about the need for the reckless spending to stop and that if it continues he would not be able to support this lack of transparency before the UK.
Speaking on the motion, Hon Fahie told the public "I am hoping that when the budget comes the audited financial statements will be here with it because when I calculate it now, we have about over $2B when you add up all those budgets of unaccounted or un-audited money…"
Like the governor, the media, civil society and the Opposition Leader Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), Hon Fahie said the "government needs to understand the importance of being financially prudent."
The new VIP Chairman stated that "unless the $2 Billion is fully accounted for, it's unaccounted for..."
Where are the financial reports?
Mr Fahie, who has remained a legislator since first elected in 1999, told residents if it had been any company handling their finances this way someone would have been fired or put in jail. He said it was very irresponsible that over $2Billion of taxpayers’ money is unaccounted for.
He added, "And how the same banks giving the government money as loans when every other citizen and business must have financial statements to be given loans…But if we cannot assess ourselves in terms of where we are financially, we are putting the territory further and further at risk."
The public continues to ask about the British Overseas Territory's fiscal health as many continue to claim that the NDP raided the Treasury to win the 2015 snap election, leaving the country broke.

45 Responses to “Who took our $$$$? Whose hands in the cookie jar? $2B missing?”
They think we the people of this Country is stupid and we came out of our mother's behind. All you have to do is sit back, keep your mouth shut and watch the actions of a person and you will get the answer to everything. Sometimes you have to play the dumb game to see where a person is comming from.
There goes another dumbow, j**k**$ who does not understand history calling for the UK to come for country. When the UK start to mete out their slavery, inhumane treatment and tactics on allyo tail, you will wish you had never want them to come. Do not trust those bastards....they thrive on evilness.
The CIA conducts it's operations with due dilligence on countries like the BvI...succesfull economies with Black leadership..Pay Attention!
When it is all worked out and shown that all is accounted for he will have egg on his face and NDP will move on for their next term.
who they created some beast out they ....
What the "Puke" England interested in a set of descendants of slaves for? What England interested int he BVI for? They never helped the country to build itself up, but all of a sudden because it started to support itself, it is releasing all its wayward sons and daughters and "can't find workers" in England here to the BVI taking away our people's jobs. Think about Australia and what they did there. Think about Tasmania and what happened there. Think about Papa New Guinea, and you will never be calling for those murderers to return to this country.
People of the Virgin Islands, encourage our leaders to do better, they are our own people, but do not turn our country over to the hand of the oppressors. The so-called-worst politician you can pick in our House of Assembly can't be compared to the wickedness that the Englanders will do to you and your children's children. Be ware of what you are calling for because this time around, it will be "give me liberty or I take death." Study your history, people. Be careful what you are wishing for.
We know that at least some appropriated funds were expense to deliver services, i.e., civil servants were paid, supplies and material bought, police paid, teachers paid, legislators paid, overseas trips paid, hospitsl workers paid, roads fix (albeit poorly)........etc. The longer government stays without releasing the audited financial statement it continues to feed the spawning of conspiracies. Just release the audited financial statements.
Pay attention!
Peace be with you Andrew but your future in politics and that of the ViP,is becoming dimmer and dimmer. Hope that your bizarre antic does not cause irreversible damage to the good governance of the BVI.