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Who is wrecking our country? Governments or Governors?

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

Still Delivering the Message to the Victims:

Persons never seem to tire of asking me why bother to bring Truth for the Youth when they have their own interests which do not include taking advice from anyone... We may not agree on everything, and it is their lives to live, so I have zero intent to give them advice... I simply provide them with my experience and useful information, with the condition that they always double-check my Words for themselves.

None of us are here forever, and circumstances alter cases... Persons will see things differently, as each Generation express their own views of what should be done or not done... However, they too are blessed with the opportunity to make the best use of their human interactions, during their limited days of life... To believe that the Messages delivered will have no impact on others will be a huge mistake.

We learn from each other, and Words are our primary means of communication… These have a lasting effect that survives the grave, and good Leaders realise that the Voices of the People contain the magic that changes things for the better… It’s left to us to accept or reject, and as a measure of our usefulness or uselessness, we can choose to create roads of progress or make our bed in the middle of highways.

Is this Life in Paradise or the prolongation of Colonialism?

We say it is their life and their choice, but we fail to mean it, so Leaders ask, why are they complaining if we decide to spend a little pocket change on a Free Celebration Party… They know that is our way of spending, and they shouldn’t be calling us idiots when they were the ones who gave us the power in the Fake Elections… They have no excuse because CoI warned them of our active fiscal irresponsibility.

Furthermore, they should be grateful that sometimes we use their Money to give them stuff that they don’t want or need... Such a wonderful Social Security Housing Project on the Hill, and yet the Poor refuses to beg or thief, so they can get one of these... Look at the Brand-new High School that we built in record time... Forget about any related problems; they will sort out themselves or we’ll learn to cope.

We give you a long-promised Market Place with pretty-pretty compartments, yet all you do is complain about how ‘the Sun hot and you can get wet inside’... Guess what, the Sun can go behind a Cloud and it doesn’t rain everyday... Maybe, you People should understand that we like to change things, and if we can’t fix the Roads, at least we can rearrange Traffic, to produce more roadblocks and accidents.

You should stop saying that we don’t listen because when you complained that Brandy Wine Bay was too far and sounded too alcoholic, we moved the Party back to Road Town… What else do you People want? Do you want us to pay Local Bands like Foreign Bands? Naw, we can’t do that, because we won’t want People to start thinking that we are beginning to believe in the value of our own homegrown.

Next thing, you will start listening to AC Frett, and demanding your own ‘Local Heroes and Labour Day’, when we prefer the old fashion Holidays for Royals and Religion, even if this means speeding up our rush to the Poor House... Meanwhile, our People will endure these Holidays, and even Politicians can’t explain whether they benefit the People or Country, or are just reminders of our own Colonialism.

Let’s Destroy the Messenger so the People can Suffer in Ignorance:

Once upon a time, we were proud to live in the [B]VI… Today, we still occupy the VI, but we live in Denial… We count on the Miracles of Prayer, so we would never admit that we are in a downward spiral – A race to the bottom… From Brexit to Inflation, and Home Conflicts, we wonder, which Tail is wagging what Dog, and who is responsible for our predicament? - Is it the Government, Governor, or Ourselves?

This is the end of June 2023, and months ago I told you that the New B&F Medical Complex was well on its way to completion... Thanks to your encouragement, this was a major accomplishment, because most of you know that, without fair cause or reason, we had been blocked for years, by both Private and Governmental Forces... Nonetheless, after beating Covid-19, we were on track to be up and ready by July.

Please note, that as a Health Care Provider, we depend on both Administrative and Technical Workers, and many of these are recruited, so, it is with much regret that I report that the Demonic Obstacles are still present… While we have received assistance from the likes of the Sewerage Department, other Agencies like Immigration and Labour, use whatever impediments they can, to frustrate our progress.

Governments claimed to be fully aware of these Problems, and that they can and will solve them... However, they do nothing, which suggests that they either encourage or condone the practice... I have been told, that my victimisation is not accidental, but because of my speaking out, and, if I would just stop talking, and learn how to bend and beg, then I could get whatever I want, and even more.

In other words, they need me to become another for-sale Puppet… In the meanwhile, although they can find nothing wrong, the Heads of Labour, Immigration, and other Government Agency will abuse their power and positions to keep my Applications on their desks for months or years, until time and opportunity are lost, and the Applicants are no longer available… This usually means starting all over.

When Civil Servants no longer Serve the People or Civilisation:

It is no secret that this Project could and would benefit the VI, and I would like to see it completed... However, Civil Servants are in a unique position to help or hinder, and I’m not good at begging folks to do what they are being paid for and mandated to do… Ironically, while we are the ones paying the Civil Servants, the Governor is recognised as the one in charge, which means, that their failure is his failure.

At the same time, each Department has Political Ministers, and if he, she, or they, are unable to perform their Duties, then they too can be considered as useless... As mentioned, while the Private Sector has always paid the Public Sector and Civil Servants, Governments remain infamous for their lack of Work Ethics and Productivity… This was highlighted by the CoI, with a resounding result of ‘nothing done’. 

No one seems to care if their inefficiency hinders the Private Sector, cripples our Nation’s Economy, or damages their own earning power… They exude a stench of invincibility because Governments will destroy your Good Workers but seem unable to fire their bad workers… Instead, they offer them bribes of promotions, power and increments with Monies they do not have... Still, the damage continues.

I am just an ordinary man; never been good at playing blind, deaf or dumb, but, there’s no doubt that what happens to me can also happen to you and others… This is a changing World, and just like a Marriage, we are in it for better or worse; Till death do us part… No one may know the hour so it’s best to do all that we can while we can, because we are the examples that generations to come will follow.

They may hurt, harm, or hinder us, but their innate corruption will make them unable to function in the real World… Meanwhile, if we do our best and things still go wrong, the faults and blame lie squarely on the Government and Governor... Still, worry not, for even in our darkest days the ‘God of Nature and Laws of Balance’ is great at removing bad players from the Field… If in doubt, ask Trump, Boris and Andrew.

PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

12 Responses to “Who is wrecking our country? Governments or Governors?”

  • facts (26/06/2023, 13:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The hard truth
  • Good Question.. (26/06/2023, 14:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both. The Governor is like the father, the Govt is like the children and the Father allow the children to do what they want, bad things , disobedience with no consequences, and the children know the father is just talk and they ignore him and carry on..
  • ... (26/06/2023, 16:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Manjack (26/06/2023, 18:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is difficult for a people/country to move forward when most of the people that should know better deliberately choose to go backwards, wedded to the old ways, systems and attitudes. It is also difficult for a country to move forward when its people are splintered instead of people being organized, united, and as a power group. Group power is powerful. Power, progress and wealth follows the numbers. Numbers get attention. Individuals scattered over the landscape are not as effective as moving as a group. Many locales have benefitted from the power of Group and organization strategy. Furthermore, the territory is not going to move one iota if disunity is the order of the day. It is either unite or stay mired in a quagmire. Here is a news flash. No one is going to work feverishly to lift VI and VI people to a position of properity, respect, and competitiveness.The BVI must unite and empower itself. It needs an empowerment plan. The old colonial system was based on a belief system based on special privileges , entitlements and racial superiority and intended to exploit, extract, expropriate, marginalized, stigmatize, etc. local people, especially people of African descent. It is centuries old but the behavioral, attitudinal, system still persists. The fight against the rising tide still persist and can only be kept at bay maybe with group effort. Moreover, not all the problems facing the BVI are engineered by the colonialists; they are the result of local bad behaviors, attitudes, crab-in-bucket mentality, jealousy badmindedness , etc. We need to fix ourselves. Again group effort is going to get us farther down the growth, development, and progress road than scattered individualism.
    • Quiet Rebel (26/06/2023, 19:48) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Real talk that needs our attention and action. Truth, as noted, which we cannot ignore and depend on others to lift us up. We must come to together as a group for territorial progress. This is a valuable lesson that we must learn and apply quickly. We have to be a quick study on this. We cannot let others continue to divide us. Let’s get to work.
    • Outsider (26/06/2023, 20:47) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Re. "[i]t is difficult for a people/country to move forward" when "disunity is the order of the day". Isn't it perfectly healthy for a society to have rigorous internal divisions and debate? The dichotomy of "unite" or "stay mired in a quagmire" is entirely false. Let's instead have it out in the open. Let's shout from the rooftops about which of us is wronging and which of is doing right. Let's not have any more hiding behind the "let's stick together". That's what got us where we are now.

      "It is centuries old but the [old colonial, racist etc.] behavioral, attitudinal, system still persists." Hold on. Isn't every elected member of the local government of mostly African descent? And weren't the parents of the non-white Prime Minister of the colonial power born in Africa? Can we drop the lazy rhetoric and move on?
      • Manjack (27/06/2023, 10:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        Clearly, you are from the privileged class/group who used the system, government structure to control all the wealth, power, resources, levers of government, etc, proving Then projects that it is Locals, Black in particular, inappropriate behavior,etc that is responsible for their deplorable conditions rather than social, economic and political structures devised by colonialist. True, the HoA comprise of members of African descent. But the reality is one can have authority but if one does not power,control, capital , etc, it is only weak paper and theoretically authority. Honrst brokers will see that colonialism is current. It has the power to exploit, expropriate, discriminate, exclude, marginalize, stigmatize, isolate, disrespect, control, etc. In the BVI internal self-governance is a prima facie sleight of hand, a mirage, etc. Can you or anyone deny that in the BVI that the Governor has unilateral power, ie, reserved powers, retained powers, assent power, etc. All this power is enshrine in the constitution, a dependency-modeled constitution. The UK has the ultimate say in what is included in the constitution. It is not a balanced negotiation process, for one side has the unilateral power. Moreover, it is easy for one from the privileged who ancestors perhaps engineered the system, the structure to amass all the wealth, power and resources, which provided them The Advantage and allow them to pass the privileges snd benefits on to the next generations, to say it is time to move on. The blood, sweat and tears of the enslaved generated wealth, power, privilege, for the colonialists. The slaves purpose in life was to twofold 1)create wealth for l the masters, colonialists, b) make colonialists life comfortable. The descendants of colonialists got generational wealth, power, control, etc.What did the slaves and descendants get ? Not a damn thing, not even wooden penny.
        • Sambo (27/06/2023, 12:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          The colonialists and Sambos appeasers find it convenient to totally blame Blacks, locals, indigenous people, etc, for their marginal, deplorable conditions in which they live. Rather, the truth is their socioeconomic, political m, legal, etc, policies play key roles in thrusting them into the conditions they are in. These privileged people enjoy the power, wealth, control, privileges, unearned entitlements, etc, that governing structures built into the system that benefits them for generations upon generations and are hell bent to keep them at all costs and by any means necessary. In the meantime, they resist any effort by blacks, minorities, etc elevate themselves out of the deplorable conditions in which they were cast. Their greatest fear is the aspirations, achievements, education, etc, of minorities, blacks especially, to levels which they think were their province only. Minority rise, especially people who they equated to field animals, is scaring the living day light out them. White grievance, fear, etc, fear of being teplace is their nightmare. The truth is people only aspiration is equal rights, equal opportunity, commensurate distribution of resources, etc. Is that too much to expect? No. They are hypocrites, for on one hand they say they support equal rights and opportunities but on the other hand they forcefully resist any effort, policies,etc to do so. Watch out wolves in sheep clothing, even many of your own. Here is a news flash. Many of the predicaments the BVI finds itself into are not solely the actions of the colonialists, but also the inappropriate behaviors and actions of local people/local leaders who try to mimic the bad behaviors of colonialists and the beat goes on.
          • Ne Timeas (27/06/2023, 15:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
            Indeed, people who were born, educated, worshiped, worked, and lived in a privileged, entitled, advantaged, segregated environment are quick to suggest nothing to see here so let’s move on. They are quick to and going all out to hide past so the big lie of social Darwinism would be exposed. The Genie is out of the bottle in regards to the social Darwinism big life of mental inferiority of Blacks and the supposed superiority specie are having a meltdown that their lies are exposed. As you noted, the aspirations, achievements, inspite of great obstacles, ie, legal and extralegal, etc. If we remember, their lie was Blacks were an inferior species whose role was servile and the mere idea of their being equal or even surpassing them is driving them over the edge. To protect their unearned privileges and entitlements some politicians are stroking the white grievance, fear, replacement theory, etc to maintain their supposed top class status, keeping blacks as a permanent underclass. This attitude is universal, ie, UK and its territories, UK, other European countries, Asia, Oceania, etc. To kill vibe of colonialism/imperialism subjugation, exploitation,, expropriation, woke( whatever that is ), Black history, heritage, culture, etc, they are trying to kill or even rewrite history so that the children of the colonialists don’t feel uncomfortable. What a joke. Truth be told, if anyone should be uncomfortable and mad as hell it should be the children of slaves and indigenous who were subjugated, exploited, abused, raped, disrespected, disparaged, treated as not even being human, etc. Several bloggers have indicated that the problems facing the BVI were inflicted by the Colonialists alone; locals, bad behavior, lack of planning and organizations, bad assumptions , getting selfish, greedy, drunk on a likle success, failing to capitalize on opportunities. They both deserve a tun load ah blows. Their poor performance was a big let down and a disappointment, letting the people down..However, the people got themselves to blame, for they too was partaking in good times feeding at trough while the ship was off course and ran hard a ground. It was if the colonialists saw an accident about to happen and was happy letting happen. Wonder why?
          • Quiet Warrior (28/06/2023, 10:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
            Indeed, black success, aspiration, etc., is energizing white grievance, white rage, fear, whitelash, etc.
  • IF THE GOVERNOR (26/06/2023, 22:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply

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