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Who is responsible?

- Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park left in untidy state
The Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park is frequented by tourists and residents alike, however, this was the condition of it on Sunday December 23, 2012. Photo: VINO
There are growing concerns as to how cognizant residents are of their role in preserving the tourism industry or that a simple show of common health practices is all that is often needed. Photo: VINO
There are growing concerns as to how cognizant residents are of their role in preserving the tourism industry or that a simple show of common health practices is all that is often needed. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The existence of the Virgin Islands greatly hinges on its ability to maintain and develop its tourism sector. It’s a job that is not isolated to the Government and the tourism governing authority but calls for the unconditional input of every citizen, temporary or permanent. It’s the responsibility of every person that sets foot on these islands.

There are growing concerns as to how cognizant residents are of their role in preserving the tourism industry or that a simple show of common health practices is all that is often needed.

"Tortolians got to stop being so dargon nasty and show some respect for the island." This was an opinion expressed by a man, who claimed to be a "local". At the time, the distraught resident was attempting to find a clean spot in the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park.

It was sometime between 4 P.M. and 6 P.M. on December 23, 2012. Virgin Island News Online’s reporter, like the resident, was attempting to find a comfortable spot in the park to spend some time on a peaceful Sunday afternoon. It was mission impossible as there was garbage scattered everywhere and to walk away without taking a snap of the distasteful sight was virtually impossible.

The Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park is frequented by tourists and residents alike. Some use it for relaxation, others to grab a bite, spend inspirational moments or, in the case of some tourists, it’s to become familiar with parts of the history of the Territory as it is home to monuments and other pieces that are of great significance to the history of the Virgin Islands.

"How you could encourage people to come and enjoy this park when you got we own Tortolians, yes is we own doing this," said the concerned resident.

While this news site did not capture the name of the resident, his words kept ringing in the head of our reporter as the camera was being pulled out. “You sure right, tek out the picture and go and show the rest of the world… and how dey chasing visitors, tek it out and show them man." He wasn't aware that it was a reporter. By the time an attempt was made to engage the man in a dialogue, he held the hands of a woman and angrily walked out of the park.

Littering the park not only creates a distasteful sight but it is also a health hazard. Several attempts to contact the authorities of the park proved futile but in the absence of a government body's action to preserve the ascetics of the facility, users can do their bit to ensure it is kept in a visitor or user friendly state. It is plain simple, if one uses disposables in the park and the receptacles are filled, how about taking your garbage with you and dispose of it in an appropriate manner.

And to the managing authority, we challenge that the waste disposables in the park be given some serious consideration for better management.

31 Responses to “Who is responsible?”

  • MR CLEAN (25/12/2012, 10:28) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
  • wish (25/12/2012, 10:49) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Its a shame that everyone is arguing over trach but still noting is done about it!!!
    • Liat 521 (25/12/2012, 15:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      If I laugh i pop up. Somebody please tell me that this is a can people be so nasty?

      • Freddy (26/12/2012, 04:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        No it is no prank, it means they did not clean the park after the Pan In The Park show or activity that was held Saturday night. What a shame.
  • blackboy (25/12/2012, 10:55) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    where the national pride?
  • rattie (25/12/2012, 11:20) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    drop that drink...and keep your hands where I can see the park

  • rolling (25/12/2012, 11:28) Like (0) Dislike (15) Reply
    What part of this story concern us in the BVI?
    • police officer west end (26/12/2012, 14:06) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is all so unnecessary....where is the cleaner?
  • Well Sah (25/12/2012, 11:28) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nasty bastards. No pride in where they live. just sick.
  • Waste of time government (25/12/2012, 11:28) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply

    Do not blame residents for the park looking so you paying god damn people to maintain the park all the garbage you seeing by garbage bins why the maintence people ain come clean the park why the lights in the park dont work why the bathroom ain working and tortola have a million at one ******* plumbers this is none sense dont blame people the person responsible the damn government need to do there friggin jobs and i sick of the people of the bvi geting blame for people in government who doin $h!t wasting taxs payers money and just being a f*@#$ to the public Tell the god damn cabinet ministers open them eyes and look at the little stuff to not just the bloody economy if people ain doin them job how the place goin function the wickams cay development solid waste department the fourth district rep and minister for health is to blame not the residents them is to blame for not having the proper people and system in place to deal with the maintence of the park

    • (25/12/2012, 12:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      waste of Government time I hear you loud and clear; agree with some of the statements you made. But lets reason together. The Park is free of Charge to use; and I believe with all my heart that people who use the Park must clean up after themselves. I had the liberty to use the Park earlier this month. When I arrived at the Park to do my decoration for the event I find chicken bones, fish bones, foil paper plates, paper cups, lots of straws and I thought it was one of the most unorganized event. However I move the event to one part of the Park and kept my event. I would called on the government to charge the people a fee who use the park. It is not hard for people to pick up after themselves they are taught that at home, why not bring the same skills outsides of the home.
      • sad to see (25/12/2012, 17:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Their was a pan fest in the park on saturday 22/12 /2012 the people who had the pan fest was the one to clean up the same nigth on the next morning may be the person that clean the park do not work on week end the people who give them the park to use should have tell them when they finish use the park they have to clean up
        • hello (26/12/2012, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          I was there in the day before they even set up for the pan fest - i can tell you it was disgusting then! I cannot comment about after the fest
  • sick n fedup (25/12/2012, 15:42) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    while we are on this issue lets take a look at how people operate at the bins around the island,they know that they shouldnt throw old fridge,pallets,beds,oils etc but they still do it they clean their property and dirty our community.Some of the farmers in Pariquita bay throw all the guts of cows,hog,fowl and hogs big like the whole bin and as many as 12 pigs were thrown in the brandywine bay bin by the entrance to the brandywine bay restaurant what a shame the way we continue to deal with our waste this matter with the farmers have been spoken about many times but to no end in sight of this behaviour even one of them works at the solid waste plant in pockwood pond.Their are people given private jobs to pickup garbage by hotels and restaurants and off island and will take their pickup truck or three yard trucks and full the government bins istead of taking it to pockwood pond the HM PRISION WILL TAKE A TRUCK AND FULL OR OVERFULL THE BIN IN GREENLAND instead of getting a bin for a truck to pick up or take their gabbage to the incinerator.Solidwaste dept will place a sign saying NO DUMPING OF GARBAGE IN THIS AREA yet when ever you pass the area have bags of garbage on the ground.Then the most sickening thing to me is the people that live in apartments they will leave their apartment with garbage heading to catch a ride or taxi will throw their garbage over in someone property through the bushes and think it is ok to do that.We need to change our stinking nasty habbits but can some of us really get that done?
    • (27/12/2012, 09:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Sick and Fed Up, I hear you loud and clear. I want to give you a bit of advice, move the garbage bin down the road from the restaurant, in the night when no one watching. I cannot imagine how you feel, but if you been complaining all the time and no one listen; it is time to take some action. This habit is not acceptable to this community. I would have a truck pick up all the hog, cows and whatever and take them back to the Paraquita Bay or HM Prison. THis is just not healthy, me na take it no more, tell them sick and fed Up.
  • ooooo (25/12/2012, 19:13) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    mark going to give this contract to STONE now...he gets everything these days
    • D (26/12/2012, 01:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lmao. I thought it was me alone notice that stone gets all the work from Mark. Well sah
  • Disgusted (25/12/2012, 19:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    People do what they know. Bathe a pig then dress him up he is still a pit; when it rains, he goes right back to mud puddle.
    • vex (25/12/2012, 21:02) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      its those nasty down island people
      • Concerned (26/12/2012, 00:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Prejudice and ignorance has never achieved much. I pride myself on being a Virgin Islander let's not blame others so quickly, take a look around your own yard, your our community. This is not just about the Park. It is just plain out nastiness for us as a people. If we kept our homes clean visitors would have no choice but to respect it. Dare I come to your home and leave trash there. With respect, if you have nothing positive to contribute please stay silent. Start by cleaning around your yard, perhaps you neighbors would notice the fine job you are doing and feel the need to clean theirs. How about we all start today.
    • question (25/12/2012, 21:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What is it like to be on the receiving end of a manners cop?
  • bay yute (25/12/2012, 21:21) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    the bvi is just another banana republic
  • Concerned (26/12/2012, 00:20) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really marvel at us as a people. For this I won't blame the government one bit, although more can be done to promote a clean and healthy environment. It is really sad and it hurts me personally when I look around and see the mess. BVIslanders and residents WE ARE TOO DAMN NASTY. We all have a responsibility to keep our surroundings clean. Where ever There's a function a mess is far too often the results, adults contribute, parents allow their children to recklessly litter and again very sadly within plain sight of a disposal bin. Is this really our culture and we speak of tourism, inviting people into our homes and not even caring to sweep the floor. It is a crying shame. If we do it, what do we expect from our visitors? They too will think it's ok to just leave the trash any where. I don't usually blog but this one touch as I continue to pine over the mess we create.

    Heaven help us..... Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Judging from what we all see everyday I wonder how close we really are? To the government and the Environmental Health Unit we have a little piece of Legislation "the Litter Abaitment Act" I believe it is, how about we take a closer look at it. Cleaning up after people cost money and the government finances are stretched a little thin, HOW ABOUT HITTING THOSE WHO LITTER WHERE THE WOULD BE EDUCATED QUICKY - FINES FINES FINES. In the case of children who should know better fine the parents or sentence them to community service.

    May seem harsh but we do need to start somewhere. Unless of course we want to continue to promote "Nature's NASTY Little Secret".
    • have faith (26/12/2012, 09:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      we as our brothers' keepers should keep reminding those who have drifted from the true way of life to return to what is noble and of God's design.

  • plants (26/12/2012, 11:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was there also and looked at the palm trees and they Look like they havent been groomed in months.who is looking out for the grounds I want to know.
  • ausar (26/12/2012, 11:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And while you're at it dear "reporter", just go around the island and start taking photos of the home "surroundings" of many of these bloggers and you will realize just "why" the park is in the condition that it now is.

    Nastiness........and a tantaload of them just about town with deafening "noise" talking about how they for tourism as if tourism has nothing to do with their immediate environs..

    Pure nastiness!!
  • own (26/12/2012, 13:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Our system has broken down, and we are going to suffer.
  • kiss (26/12/2012, 21:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that filt was there until monday morning when 2 ships already in port so yes it does concerned us.
  • heat (27/12/2012, 01:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this for real?
  • tgfdgrft (27/12/2012, 08:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wickham's Cay Authority is responsible for Wickmam's Cay which falls under the Office of the Premier

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