White collar jobs are not the only ones to pursue- deCastro
“Our leaders, our politicians and other influential people continue to instil in the young people and the student, college students and high school students, that the only job they need to pursue is a white collar jobs. They have no idea or intention of encouraging them about blue collar jobs.”
According to deCastro, youth want to make big money in a hurry but it doesn’t always work that way. “Some jobs will start you at a minimum wage, some jobs will start you at part time but the whole idea is to understand what you want to do and to get your foot in the door and once you get your foot in the door and if you have the ability to prove your worth you can get the rest of your body in and work yourself up the ladder.”
Mr. deCastro said every job is an honest job and the young need to be told this. “We are getting to the same position St. Thomas was in many years ago. We have got to tell our young people every job is an honest job. You may start at a job you may not like but you learn to like it.”
The term white-collar worker refers to a person who performs professional, managerial, or administrative work, in contrast with a blue-collar worker, whose job requires manual labour.
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