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‘Where would we have been’ had VI signed loan guarantee?'– Hon Rymer

- points to VI adjusted budget as keeping territory in line with Protocols
Despite not being offered a loan by the United Kingdom (UK) but just a loan guarantee with conditions not in favour of the Virgin Islands, the territory has been building back without the UK support following the devastation of hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Photo: VINO/File
Minister of Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) has questioned the would-be status of the Virgin Islands (VI), had the territory had taken up the £300M UK loan guarantee. Photo: Youtube/HoA
Minister of Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) has questioned the would-be status of the Virgin Islands (VI), had the territory had taken up the £300M UK loan guarantee. Photo: Youtube/HoA
A £300 loan guarantee, not a loan, was offered to the Virgin Islands by the United Kingdom (UK) following the devastating hurricanes of 2017. Photo: VINO/File
A £300 loan guarantee, not a loan, was offered to the Virgin Islands by the United Kingdom (UK) following the devastating hurricanes of 2017. Photo: VINO/File
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI - Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) has questioned the would-be status of the Virgin Islands (VI) had the territory taken up the £300M loan guarantee offered by the United Kingdom (UK) following the devastating hurricanes of 2017.

Hon Rymer was at the time speaking at the 12th Sitting of the 3rd Session of the 4th House of Assembly on September 22, 2021, as the ministers of the Fahie administration were offering closing statements on the 2021 adjusted budget.

Adjusted budget keeps VI in line - Hon Rymer 

“This adjusted budget keeps us in line and, with our prudent spending, we are able to not be a part of the deficit spending… many counties, they are spending more than the revenues they are collecting, and this is something that we are avoiding by being here today and adjusting our budget,” he said.

Hon Rymer said the adjusted budget will also prevent the territory from going outside the ratios of the Protocols for Effective Financial Management signed by the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government in 2012.

“I know when we got in we were told to take the money [loan guarantee] and we were told to sign the document and take the money but, Mr Speaker, in hindsight, where would we have been today if we had just willy-nilly signed off?” he questioned.

One of the major concerns of the VI Government surrounding the borrowing ratios outlined in the Debt Section of the Protocols for Effective Financial Management is that it did not sufficiently consider the impact of natural disasters and catastrophic events which can place the territory in an unforeseen vulnerable position.

This means that should the VI be unable to pay its debt it would be in breach of the Protocols and risk penalties, which some have speculated to include a take over of the Ministry of Finance by the UK.

Added to that, the VI Government wanted the borrowing ratios to be adjusted so that the VI can borrow substantial amounts without violating the Protocols.

The UK Government has only made promises to address the issues while pressuring the VI Government to sign the loan guarantee agreement.

VI can still handle affairs- Hon Rymer 

Meanwhile, Hon Rymer said the VI has shown it can still manage its business despite going through one of the worst pandemics in history.

He said, regarding the ambition of the Government, the adjusted budget means that a lot of dissecting has been done for the territory to remain financially viable.

Hon Rymer thanked the officers at the Ministry of Finance for their hard work to ensure that the VI's economy is protected from any danger. 

Throughout the pandemic, Hon Rymer said that his administration has always balanced lives with livelihood and has launched various initiatives to boost the local economy.

19 Responses to “‘Where would we have been’ had VI signed loan guarantee?'– Hon Rymer”

  • Half a story (27/09/2021, 13:24) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
    Don't forget, the loan offer came with the condition that the UK would need to approve how the money was spent. The Government would have accepted the loan if the condition had been waived.
    • guy hill (28/09/2021, 06:53) Like (26) Dislike (7) Reply
      Seem like the UK wanted the VI to live a life of total subjection of being told what to spend and what to keep. Who settles for that in 2021?
  • Chunker (27/09/2021, 13:35) Like (56) Dislike (82) Reply
    We would likely be in a place which would have a fully functioning high school, working water and sewerage systems, a well equipped hospital, roads which are not peppered with potholes and several other infrastructure projects would/could have taken place to improve the lives of all people in BVI!
  • Q&A (27/09/2021, 14:19) Like (19) Dislike (17) Reply
    That would be an answer that both governments could give because it would all depend on what you guys would have done with the money
  • It... (27/09/2021, 14:36) Like (43) Dislike (39) Reply
    But look at the state of us? If we had invested that money in our infrastructure rather than paying off friends and family we could have improved our tax take and paid the money back quickly. Instead we have to live in Poverty.
  • Citizen (27/09/2021, 15:32) Like (34) Dislike (40) Reply
    Sometimes it is best to remain silent and to be thought of as a fool than open your mouth and confirm it. Clearly, this guy does not understand the bugger picture. He is clearly out of his league, thinking he is speaking to primary school children.
    • Observer (27/09/2021, 20:43) Like (60) Dislike (18) Reply
      @ Citizen. I quite agree with Hon. Rymer. You really need to look at the "BIGGER" picture.
  • Hmmmm (27/09/2021, 16:01) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
    The coll n tge uk would of owned us fully by now no need for enquiry
  • Outsider (27/09/2021, 16:41) Like (13) Dislike (23) Reply
    Look at the state of the schools... just how low can we go?
  • IMO (27/09/2021, 17:30) Like (54) Dislike (29) Reply
    We would've signed away our rights for 30 pieces of silver that could never be spent. It was a trap deal. The best thing was to avoid it. Premier Smith should've taken the available grants at the time. That bad decision put the loan shark guarantee on the table.
  • hmm (27/09/2021, 17:37) Like (5) Dislike (17) Reply
    The minister of speed-bumps
  • News Flash (27/09/2021, 20:33) Like (20) Dislike (32) Reply
    Bermuda has a national debt of $3.35billion with a population double that of the BVI with a much higher standard of living and infrastructure.
    BVI has a national debt of about $117million
    So borrowing $300million would of been nothing
  • dua (27/09/2021, 22:15) Like (10) Dislike (19) Reply
    @Hmmmm, I see that you dont get it, the BVI is already owned by the UK.
    • Dosiddung (29/09/2021, 11:48) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Not when a Member of the UN has signed agreement that states the appendage, BVI, of the UK has the right to determine its own status by 2030. Let the UK cart them racist arm. The remnant has awakened.
  • Wriggle all you want the CoI hook is hooked in firm. (27/09/2021, 23:08) Like (8) Dislike (21) Reply
    When light is present darkness is exposed for all living to see, so that they will no more stumble in the darkness of deception lies.
  • Glad u all didn't sign for it.. (28/09/2021, 02:46) Like (12) Dislike (22) Reply
    U all are so greedy and are the lovers of money some you all will end up in Jail for misusing public funds....Then again a respinsible government with that amout of money to invest and reinvest in the infrastructure, creating Jobs changing lives and making lives better for the people, would have been a great thing...In the beginning I thought taking the money was a good move for the bvi people, but hearing how the COI exposes you all greed and incompetence, Im happy you all didnt take it...
  • Reality check (28/09/2021, 08:24) Like (7) Dislike (20) Reply
    All the UK wanted was a plan of how the VI would return to the protocols within five years. With the only realistic choice being reducing government expenses by reducing government employment, the government chose to screw the non-government people of the VI and allow the infrastructure to further degrade.
    • @Reality Check (29/09/2021, 10:49) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Do you know how stupid that sounds?

      Going to debt with an undefined punishment scheme and still being forced to lay people off
      Staying out of debt, retaining the workers, AND gaining more revenue than is being spent to secure them.

      They dressed this up as a 2017 hurricane recovery loan. Why is it still being dangled in front of us?? Really is the UK going to give us cash or something??? What good is it if we're walking on sidewalks paved with gold and the people are still in the rat race looking for the cheddar.

      Whats wrong with the schools currently?? The right teachers is all they need.

      Its not making sense this loan except when looked at without naivety they have to know what their doing when they play loan shark.

      It seems the victimization does come from the top if we can not have a mature discussion on the matter.

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