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'Where is the petition' to make Jacqueline E. Vanterpool permanent CoP?- 'Masa' Pemberton

Acting Commissioner of Police Jacqueline E. Vanterpool on the scene of a traffic incident in Purcell Estate, Tortola recently. Photo: Facebook
A Facebook user shared a photo of Acting Commissioner of Police Jacqueline E. Vanterpool directing traffic on Admin Drive on Tortola. Photo: Facebook
A Facebook user shared a photo of Acting Commissioner of Police Jacqueline E. Vanterpool directing traffic on Admin Drive on Tortola. Photo: Facebook
A section of the popular Facebook post by Masa Pemberton. Photo: Facebook
A section of the popular Facebook post by Masa Pemberton. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- With some in the public calling for a local Commissioner of Police (CoP), local influencer Ramoamasagana Pemberton aka ‘Masa’ has made the pitch for Acting CoP Jacqueline E. Vanterpool to be confirmed to the position.

In his Facebook post, under his handle Masa Hickinbottom, on February 3, 2025, Pemberton shared a photo of Ms Vanterpool on the scene of a traffic incident at the roundabout in Purcell Estate, assisting her ranks.

Pemberton said Ms Vanterpool has been a good example to her staff and goes above and beyond to build a relationship with the community.

Not a Desk Cop!

"Top cop not a desk cop! I think this is very important as she is doing her best in making sure herself!!! That the junior staff get it! And professionally get it. Handling and dealing with people with respect! Making sure she set the precedence in this community that the relationship between general public and police can be restored with a little mentorship," Pemberton remarked.

The influencer added that there was "good vibes" in the air with Vanterpool around and that he "even had a officer ignore my phone in my hand and asked if i wanted him to pose! Good vibes and well done."

Where is the petition?

Pemberton said Ms Vanterpool was also spotted at the market square last Friday with the Agape Church and assumed that she was just connecting with the people.

"Where is the petition to make her permanent???? This acting thing is out of the question!" Pemberton exclaimed.

The Facebook post generated much response from the public, with many supporting the call for Ms Vanterpool to be confirmed to the post.

One person highlighted that sometimes Ms Vanterpool could be seen playing dominoes with the taxi men in Road Town, asserting that is the kind of personality the force needs at the helm.

Many prominent persons in the community shared the view that Ms Vanterpool is very competent to be the next Commissioner of Police.

What is the Governor up to?

Some were concerned; however, that the Governor's recent decision to suspend the hiring process for a new CoP and start a new one was to ensure a UK national got the job.

"They stopped the hiring process and extended the other senior officer contract by 6 months. My guess is to give her some time in the job so she can qualify for it. I agree she is proving herself more than capable and I hope she gets it because if they bring in another outsider with her in the acting position there will be merry hell for the Governor," a Sails Sandy posted.

Governor Daniel Pruce recently admitted that Ms Vanterpool was doing a good job as Acting CoP.

21 Responses to “'Where is the petition' to make Jacqueline E. Vanterpool permanent CoP?- 'Masa' Pemberton”

  • truth be told (04/02/2025, 12:58) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    She is local so thoes cow birds and hypocrites will never support her!
  • annudda2cents (04/02/2025, 13:21) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    it had two police officers on the road this morning around 8am on the highway section between Commercial Court and Road Town Jetty moving like today was their first day on the job, or had little to no training. Simple directing of traffic that not one, but two police officers couldn't handle.
  • ——————————- (04/02/2025, 13:38) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
    Free the drew free Jacky to the post governor is bad news
  • Mehson (04/02/2025, 13:45) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    i scared
  • Bull (04/02/2025, 14:08) Like (15) Dislike (47) Reply
    She has no call there, she needs to trust her officers to do their job. So please stop,that's not showing leadership at all.
    • Real Talk (04/02/2025, 15:36) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
      100% right.
    • Sense much (05/02/2025, 08:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Those who jav
    • Why?? (05/02/2025, 15:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      We complain when we don't see our supervisors and here is the top brass showing support and yet we complain. Have you ever heard of morale booster?

      For one, I am happy when I see my supervisor joining me in the trenches now and again doing the leg work, getting a feel of what I am facing so in the vent of complaints they can identify what I have encountered.
  • Nice (04/02/2025, 14:43) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Jackie for cop !!
  • smh (04/02/2025, 15:02) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yesterday, i was in traffic for an whole hour between Fish Bay and that round about. First dealing with the accident at Fish Bay and then reaching to the round about with the police directing traffic. In my opinion, once the police dealing with traffic it is always chaos and time consuming compared to just let the traffic flow.
  • Local (04/02/2025, 15:22) Like (22) Dislike (22) Reply
    We don’t need no local heading up the police force cause the local top COP knows the criminals grandmother, grandfather, uncle , cousins and the entire family so they will give them a break. Bring in a whole military police force to maintain law and order here. Remember after Irma when the foreign policemen were here , there wasn’t a man on the block selling weed..
  • home boy (04/02/2025, 15:40) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
    Honestly I will hope Ag COP Vanterpool get the job and get the support that is needed according to the Governor. The last UK Commissioner of Police, he did more damage to the RVIPF than what good. A waste of time and money, as the BVI was paying his salery and whatever else expences.
  • don't agree (04/02/2025, 16:28) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    She met the accident on her way to work and stepped in to assist the traffic. Both her and her driver ensured that the traffic flowed smoothly and believe you me it did.

    I won't agree that because of this she should be given the position of Top Cop but she has proven that she's not to big to be on the beat.
  • Homegirl (04/02/2025, 16:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's my girl. I love her bad. Stop the Hollywood acting and appoint her one time.
  • Wait, hold up a sec (04/02/2025, 16:41) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    First of all, petition for what? Do you really think signing a petition will make her Police commissioner? Let things fall in place as they may. You all are making things more difficult than good for the woman. If she becomes Police Commissioner most of you seem to think because she is local and black……………………..
  • uk cop again (04/02/2025, 17:40) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    heard he done got a white man here reporting to him this Daniel man has no respect for blacks let alone a black female!
  • Serious! (04/02/2025, 19:49) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    Unfortunately the lady is promoted way beyond her level of competence. She had no clue as the Deputy and now she is even worst as acting COP. Cindy ask her a straight forward question at her own press conference and she had to defer to her lower rank for the domestic matter that she surely had to be briefed on. The force is now a fashion show. The focus now is Pageants and people walking around holding positions they have no call holding and can't implement the necessary changes the force needs to make. A COI needs to be conducted into their spending recruiting ,promotion and the large number of sick officers who have been relegated to answering the phones and not actually doing police work. Don't even mention the disproportionate amount of female officers who are given special treatment. Ask the big boys why.
  • BRAD BOYNES (04/02/2025, 22:33) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Got some wicked disciples of Lucifer lurking around in high places. Like they never supported her brother as Superintendent of Prison. The Devil is in the mix in the highest of offices. Good luck Jackie.
  • @Bull (05/02/2025, 06:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The best leaders lead from the front. Good job to her maybe those officers at the front will suddenly get better attitudes towards us when they see how its supposed to be done.
  • @local (05/02/2025, 06:19) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    What world you live in I dont know. During irma houses blew away. The land was bare and people were smoking in the open after they saw the destruction.
  • Listen (05/02/2025, 12:08) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    the acting commissioner is 64 yrs old .I think it's time for her to go home.the cop job is not for someone at that age.if you are going to put someone at that age in such position the officers that was sent home because of age need to be call back.and other public officers also.

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