Where is the ‘outrage’ for Jamal S. Smith’s death?- Hon Fraser

Mr Smith was discovered dead at his Manuel Hill home with apparent gunshot wounds on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.
Extending condolences to the family and friends of Mr Smith during the Continuation of the Ninth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) on April 9, 2024, Hon Fraser said Mr Smith had a bright future ahead of him.
“We extend our sympathies, we shared our grief, we talked about the loss to the community but I haven’t seen expressions of outrage.
“And Madam Speaker, there is a lot of that to go around.”
Many unanswered questions
The veteran legislator said he is still searching for answers to his many questions surrounding Mr Smith’s death.
“You would ask yourself the questions and there are no answers. I would say those who have the answers aren’t giving them. You ask yourself the question why? Why does someone with so much to offer? Why does someone with so much promise? Why does someone who the community has so much to gain from has to be snatched away so soon, even in terms that are mysterious?
“Why is it that we can’ understand what is happening or what has happened?”
Hon Fraser then referenced a similar situation when a young local attorney Mr Kendoy Penn was also killed.
Penn was shot several times in his vehicle in the vicinity of his home in Old Plantation, East End on Sunday, September 19, 2005. He succumbed three days later.
“And I hope that things like these don’t happen in the future. I hope that whatever steps can be made or taken to ensure that those who have bright futures ahead of them are able to realise them and that the territory can benefit in a way that it should,” Hon Fraser said.

33 Responses to “Where is the ‘outrage’ for Jamal S. Smith’s death?- Hon Fraser”
Fraser, as a leader, where is your outrage? We can't see it.
Penn's murderer was never brought to light, they continued to move thru society like nothing happened probably because of who they were associated with and this may be similar. It is truly unfortunate that the man called the police for help and was left to die alone and not found for days. Where is the investigation into this matter, or the suspension of those negligent officers while this is being inquired about? There is a real double standard here fueled by our social & political ignorance. My condolences to his friends and family once again.
pinch the district 3 rep then remind him that the VIP running the land because fraser marlon and ronnie all wanted to be premier
Where is the outrage
Of course I know what he wanted to say, but outrage. Ok. Maybe he want to become the "outrage" leader. Oops! The devil already got that position for himself.
All crime are the outward manifestations of selfishness. The cure for selfishness is genuine. Can you see where I am coming from?
There is no outrage or justice left unless you pick up a weapon and go avenge him yourself that's to be frank. Its sad.
If was my brother and know who did I have no gun but they would be dropping down id get creative like the British Q & if I see em in the super market isle by surprise aint no going to come back or wait no no no break a hot sauce & champagne bottle to the head, headbutts to the nose, gouging eyes, biting ears no holds barred. Either not walking away or walk away with trauma & wish it never happened. Coward Freddy... meet Jason. That is my outrage. All they can do is pull a trigger like a coward or they'd be jumping people with sticks already.
Its funny we call ourselves Christian but will say leave it to god as a easy fix. Jesus said aint no greater love than one to lay his life down for another... God said thou shall not kill. OK put them on a feeding tube for life! When that guy from the bible found his woman was raped he killed all of them.
We have to be our own warrior & protector... this system is a complete joke but why should he be murdered and his people dont know who did it, we are slack and not watching each other's back.
Why the Fox do the main roads not have cameras at intersection, we must be idiots to have no solution after 100+ unsolved murders.
No shot spotter. No security at all besides community spirit. I used to be against the illegal guns and I am but we need licensing & training for our people. Secure ourselves from gang superiority. Put the people on equal footing.
Eventually every day joe's & women will be going to buy weapons because not all of the people are foolish enough to allow security to be a fairy tale, they want real protection.
As far as bright future you dont know how people will turn out every person's future is bright until its snuffed out unfairly, even the past premier may come out of jail actually preaching.
Palestine could go up in flames, man killing man nothing to do with us. Were a hurricane or earthquake to hit and we rush to send aid & raise funds.
Same with Haiti. Earthquake 1 day, send funds! Gangs killing & torturing people 24/7, "what, am I their keeper?"
.But what I don't understand, is why, a representative, would consider only those with letters behind their names, as having brighter futures that need better protection than the unlettered population!
All citizens of these islands have bright futures!
And I believe if we spent more time encouraging persons of their worth, perhaps, the seemingly, unwavering need for increased criminal display, could be a thing of the past!
These people don’t have persons advising them on how best not to look like the complete and utter fools they are?
wtf the UK even doing? Anyone with half a brain can see these clowns incompetency forever stuck at the bottom of society.
when yall hand out grants to family and close friend
when yall keep renting building of friends and family for your workers instead of fixing your own or building one
when yall refuse to get outside help to fix roads bcuz your close friend/ family benefiting from them contracts
when big drew went states for drugs deals at our expense
and on and on and on.... where was yall outrage then???