Where is the Freedom of Information Act? Gov Duncan asks again

To achieve this they said once elected they would bring a Freedom of Information (FoI) Bill to Parliament to allow the media and the public easy access to public information.
They were defeat in 2007.
In 2011 the NDP came back again saying that they were the new NDP and again promised open government and the FoI Bill. It never happened. Again in 2015, via a snap election, they promised the same thing and were re-elected in a landslide.
Almost 7 years later there is still no Bill but just games where they bring certain Bills to the House of Assembly (HoA), which appear on the Order Paper, are read for the record a first time then goes nowhere.
Where is the freedom of information Bill? Duncan
Well the United Kingdom appointed Governor John S. Duncan OBE, like the public, had it with the years of broken promises.
In fact, at a public ceremony on Monday February 13, 2017 to launch the educational and vocational programme for inmates at Her Majesty's Prison, His Excellency Governor Duncan publicly expressed his disappointment and frustration with the NDP government for inaction over this Bill.
Governor Duncan told the audience, which included Premier and Leader of Government Business Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL), the Freedom of Information Act is already drafted but the Government refused to bring it to the HoA.
Lashing out in frustration, Mr Duncan said this Bill has been promised in Speeches from the Throne at least as far back as 2011.
Many persons in the community have claimed that with all the allegations of conflicts of interest, secret deals that benefit politicians and not the people, the selling out of the country and the allegations of corruption, the NDP Administration would be anxious to bring such a Bill, but to date it has not happened.
Crack down on freedom of information
However, instead of the FoI Bill, the media and public received from the ruling NDP government in March 2014 a Cyber Law that cracks down on information, puts journalists in jail and levies heavy fines for reporting inside accurate information.

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