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Where is ‘Supa Cop’ Glenn Callwood?

- CoP Mathews back on the job; All overseas police officers end tenure in the Virgin Islands this weekend!
Infamous traffic officer Glenn Callwood aka 'Supa Cop', right, is expected to return from vacation next week. Photo: VINO/File
Overseas police officers who came to the British Overseas Territory of the Virgin Islands (VI) following the devastating hurricanes Irma and Maria will end their tenure this weekend, according to National Security Council (NSC) sources. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Overseas police officers who came to the British Overseas Territory of the Virgin Islands (VI) following the devastating hurricanes Irma and Maria will end their tenure this weekend, according to National Security Council (NSC) sources. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Police Commissioner Mr Michael B. Mathews is back on the job, following almost one month vacation where he also attended meetings in Miami, Florida, USA. Photo: VINO/File
Police Commissioner Mr Michael B. Mathews is back on the job, following almost one month vacation where he also attended meetings in Miami, Florida, USA. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Many motorists and even pedestrians got some relief for the past month, as the infamous police officer Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’ was not seen on the streets of Road Town issuing traffic tickets.

Many residents have been asking on social network and on our blogs about his whereabouts. A check by our newsroom with our National Security Council (NSC) sources unearthed that the controversial officer is on vacation.

Get ready for his return!

He took leave early in December of 2017 and is expected back on the job by next week, according to our sources. His vacation leave is routine.

Mr Callwood is known for his aggressive style of issuing traffic tickets and his verbal confrontations with the public.

Around 2013/2014 he was sent packing from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) after being interdicted and then convicted of indecent assault for grabbing a male's private parts.

In November of 2016 the new Police Commissioner Michael B. Mathews returned Mr Callwood to the constabulary. Since ‘Supa Cop’ returned to the police force, his aggressive manner, traffic enforcement style and confrontation with the public have not changed.

Help from overseas cops to end this weekend

Meanwhile, all the overseas police officers who came to the British Overseas Territory of the Virgin Islands (VI) following the devastating hurricanes Irma and Maria will end their tenure this weekend, according to the same NSC sources.

The two last remaining countries are Bermuda and the Caymans Islands and all are expected to depart this weekend between January 12-14, 2018.

That means the local force will be on its own to maintain law and order in the Territory of some 30,000 people.

In addition, Police Commissioner Mr Mathews is back on the job, effective January 5, 2018 following almost one month vacation, where he also attended meetings in Miami, Florida, USA.

25 Responses to “Where is ‘Supa Cop’ Glenn Callwood?”

  • just asking..... (11/01/2018, 13:56) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    Mathews must be a celebrity that his return from vacation must be announced. When Mr zzzzzz returned where was the media?
  • Yes (11/01/2018, 14:21) Like (19) Dislike (17) Reply
    This chap is very ignorant in doing his job. The UK officers driving with him were only saying what a poor example of an officer
  • laughing (11/01/2018, 16:50) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    @LOL, You are one stupid typical Island A %: .You inhalé to much salt air from the océan.
    • Liat 521 (11/01/2018, 20:51) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
      Yep, right he is and I can't understating why his supa cop behavior is accepted in a so called professional police dept, think Wild West in we City
    • @ Laughing (13/01/2018, 21:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You better be from a continent..else your dumb backside must be inhaling people love to call people island people...British Virgin ISLANDS Darling..with your corny jokes..Typical crack head making our country look bad...
  • Vacation and overseas (11/01/2018, 19:00) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Perhaps Supa Cop is in England getting recruited by the British Police, they were shock to hear that the BVI have a cop who is Super, they heard about Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Captain Underpants and Bionicman, but never a Super Cop, Wow that's an amazing thing. Hope he turns that offer down.
  • Observer (11/01/2018, 20:06) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    S L O W N E W S D A Y
  • qc (11/01/2018, 20:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Accountability and enforcement are two things that are lacking in the BVI and that is why we find ourselves where we are today.
  • west (11/01/2018, 20:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    But, when citizens are living in fear and all the elected officials seem to turn a blind eye it's past time for gov't to ACT or go!
  • Bvi weak (11/01/2018, 21:27) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    just imagine this crazy man supa cop with a gun SMH
  • YOLO (11/01/2018, 23:06) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    He just love to grab man dragon ball z
  • PTA (11/01/2018, 23:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • cop (12/01/2018, 02:53) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    By yuh Muddah. Das where he is.
  • fat girl (12/01/2018, 07:14) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    He like man garbing private parts Glenn should be ashamed
  • wize up (12/01/2018, 09:19) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    the chat just doing his job
  • Who Needs More Fixing - The People, Not Govt, Not Supercop (12/01/2018, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who Needs More Fixing - The People, Not Govt, Not Super Cop

    Sure Glen is too pompous. Please take it down a notch Super Cop, keep your month shut and do your job. (The people who lay palm branches for Jesus on Palm Sunday will crucify you on Good Friday.) But he is very zealous and dedicated in enforcing the law. I wonder what kind of scenes of crime, investigating policing such an attitude would bring with the right training and grooming--more solved crimes, perhaps?

    People WE ARE THE ONES who discourage instead of constructively helping others to reach the desired level of success in the endeavours. We drive governments to corruption (because we by our very nature secretly make corrupt demands on them). We complain about crimes not being solved, and the one officer who is trying to make a difference, we are on here crucifying. It is any wonder the other officers ain't stretching their necks to work and solve crimes? They just keep their months shut and let you quietly run amuk.

    We are the ones that need fixing. Get before God and pray ye one for another.

  • vi (12/01/2018, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    He was spotted in St. Vincent last week. His wife's home town
  • de silent one (12/01/2018, 09:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    People! Enjoy the break, he'll be back soon. Guess he's really missed
  • Messed Up (12/01/2018, 14:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't understand what is going on since Irma. I parked a rental in Red Rock parking lot someone hit it. I parked my car recently in Rite Way Parking lot someone open their door leaving a dent in mine. I parked at DMV recently and someone rubbed my jeep leaving blue paint. And yes I was parked in between the lines. My husband and I were driving up Belle View Hill recently and a scooter rider coming down on our side almost slammed into us. I don't know what is going on in this place as drivers are now more inconsiderate. And by the way people continue to drive up or down or through roads that say one way. Who is looking out for the driver what is trying to do what is right.
  • observant (12/01/2018, 18:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How Supa is he? A super cop is one who is very astute in many facets and can also make lifesaving decisions in milliseconds or can operate in a firefight and vanquish the enemy. Giving tickets and being rough don't make an officer tough and certainly not Supa. Until he can exhibit at least two of these characteristics, he's simply PC Glen Callwood.
  • Hyennia (12/01/2018, 18:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bad drivers, enjoy your few More days of freedom. Super duper cop is on his way Back. Haaaaa, Haaaaa.
  • vincy (12/01/2018, 19:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    we took him over since tola dont appreciate the good wrk heis doing. He is the only one that is looking out for this country and yet we run him down. when he retired you all will be crying and calling his name, cause when these other country (not tolan)aint care to do their job you all will see what he was doing.

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